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About Me

rust and gasoline.
rivethead, book nerd, and something of an academic in exile from academia. im interested in how the mind works, really. if you want to strike up a conversation, message me with some current or perceived potential interest to discuss.
on the whole religious/political bent of this profile: political activity flows seemlessly and forcefully from self-awareness. The more someone understands their internal ethical obligations, or falls into confusion and self-contradiction from the lack thereof, the more they attempt to project those obligations upon their external and internal realities. Not all projections are inherently negative - it's their idolization that is the fundamental problem [ie - removing them from their justifiable context -- the proper meaning of the judeo-christian concept of "idolatry"].
[Image: spanish anarchist revolutionaries with style...]
'Much more seriously than they themselves realize, property is (their) God, their only God, which long ago replaced in their hearts the heavenly god of the Christians. And, like the latter, in days of yore, the bourgeois are capable of suffering martyrdom and death for the sake of this God. The ruthless and desperate war they wage for the defense of property is not only a war of interests: it is a religious war in the full meaning of the word.' - Bakunin

My Interests

The People Armed, Spain 1936
Fuck Art, Let's Kill
Intellectual, conceptual, and emotional knowledge. Knowledge which both intrinsically and as a means to an ends can derive its meaning from the infinitive of the verb to excel. systems analysis.
religious systems of all kinds and varieties, mythology, trance induction, "rosicrucianism" [like Hermeticism and Gnosticism, somewhat pop cultarized and misunderstood thanks to the repressed-christian lens of the 19th century occult revival movement and groups such as the HOGD that erroneously claimed lineage to a living tradition], iconography, military history strategy theory and tactics, the scientific method, physics, open source software, literary criticism, political economy, surfing, writing, strength conditioning, industrial culture in general, the platformist tradition within anarchist-communism, software piracy ["property is theft", and by property what is meant is that which has relevance to the means of production and distribution, not menial personal possessions], intellectually shredding the right wing along with supporters of feudal theocratic regimes backed by the CIA such as the Free Tibet movement, neo-Platonism [from the Pythagorean line of transmission], Daito Ryu Aikijuijtsu + Kobujitsu, Shorinji Ryu, Yang Tai Chi Chuan, Bagua Zhang, Qi Gong, Chin'a, self-discipline, psychoanalysis of a variety of schools including Jungian, Ericksonian and Gestalt... some things that can't be put into words.

I'd like to meet:

[Al-Khidr and Dhul-Qarnayn search for the water of life]:

people who fight and live like this:


hip hop:
sex rock:
and the videos that teach me how to dance:A lot of different genres. Mostly industrial.


bladerunner, lady snowblood [both I and love song of vengeance], the life aquatic, ronin, brother, blue velvet, mullholland drive, yojimbo, zaitoichi, anyting with Bill Murray, anything by Lynch, Kubrick, Mifune, akira kirosawa,


fuck no, even if I had the time to spare and wanted to spring for cable I wouldn't watch that shit.

Martyr of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria [ChRI], Aslan Maskhadov, lies dead after being assassinated by Russian occupational forces
Some series: Blake's 7, The Sopranos, Dr. Who, Family Guy, Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Colbert Report, etc..


Where to begin...
I won't. Here's a quote from a militant of the Iron Column, reprinted in the FAI's Valencia publication, Nosotros, during the Spanish Civil War. The title of the full article is "A Day Mournful and Overcast":
"Life has more to teach men that all the theories and books combined. Those who would put into practice what they have learned from others via books deceive themselves; those who would put into books what they have learned along the winding path of life are perhaps in the process of creating masterpieces. Reality and dreaming are two different things. It is good and beautiful to dream, for dreams are nearly always an intimation of what must be, but it is sublime to render life beautiful, to take life and fashion from it a true work of beauty.
"One day I happened to read, where or by whom I can no longer say, that one could not have an exact idea of the earth's roundness without having travelled around it, measured it, run ones hands over it, in short discovered it. Such a claim seemed ridiculous to me; however that short sentence so imprinted itself in my mind that now and again, during my forced soliliquies in the solitude of my cell, I came back to it. To the point that one day, as if I too had discovered something marvellous until then hidden to other men, I felt the joy of having discovered for myself that the earth was round. And on that day, like the unknown author, I travelled around, measured, and ran my hands over the earth, my imagination lit up with the "vision" of the earth turning in endless space, part of the universal harmony of the worlds.


Al-Khidr riding the fish across the ocean
al-Khidr, the Green One, known to Europe as St. George, to the andicent Greeks as Hermes, to the ancient Egyptians as Horus, to the Jews as Enoch, and broadly as the Initiated.
Makhno's troops displaying the Ukrainian Insurgent Army banner
Buenaventura Durruti and the militants of the Durruti Column [as well as those who fought in the 9th Armoured Company of LeClerc's 2nd Division], the International Shock Brigade, and the CNT-FAI militias in general, including the Iron Column, The Red and Black Column, The Land and Liberty Column, the Ascaso Column, as well as those of Los Amigos de Durruti and the FIJL and Mujeres Libres; Nestor Makhno and the Insurgent Army of the Ukraine who fought with distinction against White and Bolshevik reaction and counter-revolution; Ibn el-Arabi the Seal of the Muhammeden Priesthood and Greatest Teacher; Karl Einstein, nephew of Albert Einstein and renowned Dada-Artist who primarily authored Negerplastik and fought in Spain 1936; Shifu, pillar of Chinese libertarian communism; Sir Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam; Lord Fu'do and his Tengu; Lord Skanda; the Prophets and their Apostles and Saints; etc..

My Blog


http://www.wired.com/entertainment/hollywood/magazine/15-10/ ff_bladerunner?currentPage=1God I can't wait.
Posted by Fedaykin on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 11:50:00 PST

all power to the people, riot against fascism in france

http://riotporn.blogspot.com/2007/05/nous-sommes-tous-des-ca sseurs.html
Posted by Fedaykin on Mon, 07 May 2007 11:28:00 PST


Some days you get news that really puts the bounce in your step, no matter how dejected you may be.For me that was today, when I learned that a German court had ordered the release of Brigitte Mohnhau...
Posted by Fedaykin on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 10:00:00 PST

decade old japanese eye sheild chic courtesy of morning musume

morning musume in their glory days..... width="425" height="350">..>Somehow Japanese culture manages to maintain this strictly rigid etiquette governing social interactions and performance. It's reall...
Posted by Fedaykin on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 01:25:00 PST

Philanthropy is often hypocrisy.

"You can..t drive a knife into a man..s back nine inches, pull it out six inches, and call it progress." - Malcolm XPhilanthropy has come up a lot lately, especially with the focus on Clinton's Global...
Posted by Fedaykin on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 12:20:00 PST

a change of direction

This is cross-posted from my Livejournal account, r1vethead.livejournal.com -- the following is a statement on how I'm going to change my web-logging habits, which will also impact my Myspace blog, as...
Posted by Fedaykin on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 01:38:00 PST

cicero on the unnaturalness of doing wrong and honourable life.

"... the finest and boldest characters prefer a life of dedication to a life of self-indulgence: and one may conclude that such men conform with nature and are therefore incapable of doing harm to the...
Posted by Fedaykin on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 02:04:00 PST

Ministry / Sisters of Mercy / Books

So yeah, I recently acquired tix to the Ministry and Sisters of Mercy shows in Vancouver, respectively. In other news, I went ballastic at the local used book fundraiser drive and purchased over 70...
Posted by Fedaykin on Sun, 26 Feb 2006 06:50:00 PST


Some thoughts I embarked upon today [inspired by Lord Bacon and my recent increase and intensity of inspiration deriving from his example and works]: As the Greeks witnessed Aphrodite rising from t...
Posted by Fedaykin on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 11:09:00 PST

On "Aiming the Spearhead Up" - anti-fascism, etc.

I recently posted this on an LJ debate on anti-fascism: The Maoists have a saying [and I'm sure many will jump on this and accuse me of being an anarcho-bolshevik or stalinist because I'm quoting t...
Posted by Fedaykin on Tue, 13 Dec 2005 11:28:00 PST