You, kidz , volunteers , rides and crashpads
Chris Marker’s Case of the Grinning Cat, Catherine Pancake’s Black Diamonds: Mountaintop Removal and the Fight for Coalfield Justice, Bill Daniel’s Who is Bozo Texino?, Naomi Klein & Alfonso Cuarón’s The Shock Doctrine, Mal de Ojo TV’s Impunity in Oaxaca, and Finally Got The News (a film by the League of Revolutionary Black Workers).
Film Fest Schedule 10/19
AK Press, Africa World Press, Autonomedia, Bluestockings Books, Brian MacKenzie Infoshop, City Lights, CrimethInc, Haymarket Books, Kersplebedeb, Left Turn, Microcosm Publishing, New Press, Normal’s Books & Records, Off Our Backs, One Thousand Emotions, Read Street Books & Coffee, Red Emma’s Bookstore Coffeehouse, Scarlet Letter Project, Seven Stories Press, Social Anarchism, $pread Magazine, Unconventional Action, and Wooden Shoe Books
Bookfair Tablers
Dahr Jamail, Joy James, Ashanti Alston, Sylvia Federici, George Caffentzis, David Solnit, Muhammad Ahmad, China Martens, Stephen Duncombe, M.K. Asante Jr., $pread Magazine, Unconventional Action, Radical Reference, Erik Ruin, and Marshall "Eddie" Conway.