Crossroads Infoshop & Radical Bookstore profile picture

Crossroads Infoshop & Radical Bookstore

your friendly neighborhood infoshop and bookstore

About Me

The Crossroads Infoshop and Radical Bookstore is a worker-owned business, library and community center located at 3109 Troost (KCMO) inside the Creative Mind Arts Center.
Our Hours
Monday: 5-8 pm
Wednesday: 1-8 pm
Saturday: 1-5 pm

Our email: [email protected]

My Interests

books, magazines, zines, neighborhood organizing, independent media, libraries, infoshops, Troost Ave, Kansas City, activism, direct action, social change

I'd like to meet:

People in Kansas City who are interested in discussing ideas and learning more about the world. Neighbors who need information and want to support a community-based alternative. Troublemakers, activists and people who want to make social change in the Kansas City area.
The Crossroads Infoshop & Radical Bookstore has several new periodicals for sale, plus several new titles that are free or available with a donation. The Crossroads Infoshop is also expanding the size of our space, so we need your help!
The Crossroads Infoshop and Radical Bookstore is one of Kansas City's growing indie bookstores and alternative information sources. We are a volunteer-run collective business which is located at 3109 Troost in Kansas City, Missouri. Inside the Creative Mind Arts Center. We offer a variety of books, magazines and materials for sale, but we specialize in radical politics and culture. We are also run an infoshop and alternative lending library.
For more information, please call: 913.940.7426
The Crossroads Bookstore has new periodicals for sale and for free:
For sale
Left Turn
Fifth Estate
Donation or Free
Industrial Worker
Allied Resistance Network


The Daily Show, CSI: Infoshop, Survivor: Infoshop, Extreme Makeover, Infoshop Edition, Megastructures: Infoshops, This Old Infoshop, Spongebob and the Undersea Infoshop, Star Trek: The Infoshop Expeditions, Who Wants to be an Infoshop Volunteer?, Project Infoshop, Queer Eye for the Donated Musty Couches, No Laws and Plenty of Disorder, Gilligan's Infoshop, Please Don't Smell the Infoshop, Lost in the Infoshop