Check out our new antiwar strategy pamphlet.
"I find the strategy pamphlet of Beyond the Choir both bold and practical. It gets to the heart of the problem, and proposes sensible approaches."
-Howard Zinn
Beyond the Choir is an analysis, strategy and training project serving groups and campaigns struggling for social and economic justice, peace and the environment. We are a collective of organizers, trainers and designers who seek to spread tools, skills and strategies to build movements strong enough to realize the change we imagine.
We offer a range of strategy and skills workshops to social change organizations. We also offer design work to the groups we train.
We produce, and publish on our website, solution-oriented analysis pieces focusing on how to get from where we are (point A) to where we want to be (point B). Some of these articles are excerpts from a book-in-progress examining internal and external obstacles and barriers to successful movements for positive change. We invite feedback and stories at the end of each of these pieces.
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