Positive social change, peace activism, anti-war activism, meme-campaigning, critical mass bike rides, animal rights, direct-action, democracy, grass roots movements, community, celebrating diversity, justice, liberty, anti-slavery, tolerance, narrative insurgency, story of the battle, community-based action, freedom, diversity, positive discourse between different camps of thought, establishing our similarities rather than our differences, communication, immigrant rights, sane foreign policy, nuclear-free world, challenging the culture of capitalism, partnerships, egalitarianism, fair trade.
I'd like to meet:
On March 15th, hundreds of people from Lancaster and surrounding areas gathered downtown for a large peace rally. Check out some of the video! More coverage on our website here
Harmoniuos Dischord! and any music to inspire the masses.Please email me for any events of significance I should post.
Lancaster Coalition for Peace & Justice
PO BOX 274
Lancaster, PA 17608-0274
[email protected]
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Agenda Setting
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Events and Fundraising
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Lancaster Voice
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Lancaster Interchurch Peace Witness
email: [email protected]
Democracy for Lancaster
Every Church A Peace Church
717.859.1958 (John Stoner)
Industrial Workers of the World-Lancaster GMB
Millersville SDS
[email protected]
Lancaster SDS
email: [email protected]
Susquehanna Sustainable Business Network
[email protected]
Threshold Foundation
[email protected]
717.481.8734 (Saheed Abdus Sabur or Schirlyn Kamara)
Women In Black
[email protected]
717.393.5042 (Louise Imm-Cooper)
Prometheus Radio Project
To contact the Administrator of LPCJ, John Schreck, email
[email protected]
Upcoming peace, justice, and related events
To add to this calendar, email - [email protected]
See also the LCPJ website calendar
The following list includes upcoming events in Lancaster and surrounding areas, followed by some national events of interest, and then local weekly events. Check'em out!
Saturday, April 12th, 9 AM to 9 PM - Millersville University's Conestoga Club is holding its yearly Earth Day event on the Quad. Many activities are planned, and also a 7PM Movie Showing of “Into the Wild.†Proceeds benefit The Lancaster Farmland Trust. See www.MUEARTHDAY.com for a complete listing of the days events and times.
Wednesday, April 16th, 7 pm - Join the Susquehanna Sustainable Business Network (SSBN) for our Quarterly Gathering. This month we will meet at Mission Research, 355 E. Liberty St. in Lancaster. For more info, visit our website www.susquehannasbn.org or cal 717-368-0704.
Saturday, April 19th, Earth Day Event - SSBN business owner opportunity!
The Quarryville Library, (located at 357 Buck Rd., Quarryville PA 17566), will be hosting a BIG Earth Day event and would like to invite interested businesses or organizations to participate in educating the community about eco-friendly options. This is an all day event scheduled during our operating hours of 10:00 am through 5:00 pm and will be open to all ages. Jack Hubley will be performing at 10:30 am and then again at 2:30 pm, and throughout the day there will be tables/booths set up for businesses and earth friendly activities/crafts for kids. As part of this event we would like to provide businesses with the opportunity to share information about what they do and how it benefits society, the environment, and/or our economy. Please contact Frances Vita, Library Director at 717-786-1336 or [email protected]
Monday April 21st , 7 PM - Co-founder of Food not Bombs Keithe McHenry will be speaking at Millersville University. More information is forthcoming. Contact [email protected] for more information.
Wednesday, April 23rd , 7-9 PM - YOU'RE INVITED to an informational meeting where you will learn about hosting exchange students with an emphasis on a US PEACE INITIATIVE scholarship grant program called YES. The event will be held at the Lancater Friends Meeting - 110 Tulane Terrace, Lancaster. For more information, please contact Kharran Cattell at [email protected] or visit www.ayusa.org .
Thurs. April 24, 7 PM - Lecture and Book Signing for "Amish Grace - How Forgiveness Transcended Tragedy" by Donald Kraybill (Elizabethtown College) at Immaculata University (Alumnae Hall) For more info call 610-647-4400 or email [email protected]
Sunday April 27th, from 2-4 PM - EQUAL RIGHTS INCLUDE MARRIAGE - Join together at the Rally to Defeat Senate Bill 1250. Senate Bill 1250, the so-called ....Marriage Protection Act,'' would write discrimination against gays and lesbians into the Pennsylvania constitution by denying them marriage rights, civil unions or other equivalents to marriage. The language of the proposed bill could even take away existing rights from unmarried straight couples. This event will be held at the Unitarian Church of Lancaster, 538 W. Chestnut St. Rally sponsored by Rainbow Rose Community ([email protected]). For more, visit www.rainbowrosecommunity.org
Sat. May 10th and Sun. May 11th - Fundraiser for Tibet - On Saturday, Tibet Scholar Thomas Laird, author of The Story of Tibet: Conversations with the Dalai Lama, will speak about the current situation in Tibet followed by a wide variety of live music ranging from the Sitar to Bluegrass. On Sunday, Thomas Laird will talk about a variety of topics on Tibet. Locations to be announced soon. For more information, visit www.studentsforafreetibet.org or email [email protected]
The Lancaster Interchurch Peace Witness presents the following lecture series :
BONHOEFFER SEMINAR: A Conversation Between those who have been influenced by him and those who wish to learn of him.
All session will begin at 7:00 p.m., concluding at approximately 8:30.
Location: Bucher Meeting House of the Young Center, Elizabethtown College
April 7th - An Inherited Legacy: Personal Testimonies
Presenter: Rev. Ralph Detrick, Interim Pastor, Mountville Church of the Brethren
Panel: Dale Brown, Professor, Emeritus, Bethany Seminary
Bob Hunsicker. UCC Pastor, retired
Richard Vieth, Professor of Theology, Emeritus, Lancaster Theological Seminary
Questions: + What difference has Bonhoeffer made in your life?
+ What qualities are most appealing in Bonhoeffer?
+ Can pacifists live with Bonhoeffer?
April 14th - A Biography: Decisive Events
Presenter: Dr. Richard Vieth, Professor of Theology, Emeritus, Lancaster Theological Seminary
Panel: Walt Moyer, Educator, Retired, Elizabethtown Church of the Brethren
Don Kraybill, Senior Fellow, Young Center, Elizabethtown College
Questions: + What were the turning points in Bonhoeffer's life?
+ How did these lead Bonhoeffer from academic to activist?
+ What part did empathetic suffering play in his response to the times?
April 21th - A Life Developed: "Worldly Ethics"
Presenter: Rev. Daniel Long, Pastor, Retired, Trinity Lutheran, Lancaster
Panel: Richard Vieth, Professor of Theology, Emeritus, Lancaster Theological Seminary
Henrietta Ranck, Associate in Ministry, Retired, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Dale Brown, Professor, Emeritus, Bethany Seminary
Questions: + What moral sense guided him from the abstract to the concrete?
+ Does the situation partially determine the ethical decision?
+ How much does Situational Ethics owe to Bonhoeffer?
April 28th, Bonhoeffer For Today: How and Where to Take Him
Presenter: Rev. Greg Laszakovits, Pastor, Elizabethtown Church of the Brethren
Panel: David Johnson, Senior Pastor, Emeritus, Trinity Lutheran, Lancaster
Richard Vieth, Professor of Theology, Emeritus, Lancaster Theological Seminary
Jean Moyer, Educator, Elizabethtown Church of the Brethren
Questions: + Why is it important to bring Bonhoeffer back?
+ Who are the Jews of today?
+ What would be Bonhoeffer's message to America's churches?
Moderator: Eugene Clemens, Professor of Religious Studies, Emeritus, Elizabethtown College
Format: A presenter, a panel for response, with dialogical interaction
Each session will have a 15-minute presentation by a select person. This will be the substance, to which the panel will briefly respond. Questions will be posed, to draw out group discussion.
For further information, contact Eugene Clemens, [email protected].
Sat. April 12, 9-5 PM - Global Constitution Forums presents IRAQ: WHAT TO DO? Forum presents a spectrum of viewpoints on the issue at the National Constitution Center (Kirby Auditorium), 525 Arch Street in Phila. Speakers include Robert Dreyfuss, Paul Hughes, William Polk, and others. For info about registration and cost go to www.globalconstitutionalforum.org or email [email protected] or call 215-849-9165
Sun. April 13, 2-4 PM - Interfaith Forum on US-Sponsored Torture at Unitarian Fellowship of West Chester, 501 S. High St. West Chester. First of a series of events celebrating Peace Week. For more info go to www.ccpeace.org , call Barbara Quintiliano at 610-519-5207 or email [email protected]
Wed. April 16 - Democratic Presidential Debate on ABC from National Constitution Center in Phila
Sunday, June 8th, Times and location to be announced. Silent auction with proceeds going to Fighting-4-Us, a Lancaster non-profit that helps people with the neurological, chronic pain disorder, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD). For more, see www.fighting4us.com
Sunday June 8th, 3 and 7 pm, The Capital film series is showing Body of War, co-sponsored by People for Peace and Justice - York PA, and the Social Justice committee of the Unitarian Universalist Church of York. More details and flier available soon.
Mon. Aug. 11 - Thurs. Aug 14. - 5th Annual Youth Assembly at the United Nations "Step Up: Taking Plans Into Action" to apply go here
Sat. Aug. 16 & Sun. Aug 17 - 5th Annual DemocracyFest (DFA - Democracy for America) will be held just outside Washington DC. For more info go to www.democracyfest.net
Fri. June 6- Sun. June 8 - National Conference for Media Reform in Minneapolis. Go to www.freepress.net/conference for more info.
Every Sat. at 11 AM - The Lancaster Friends meet for a silent vigil on the Old Courthouse Steps.
Every Wednesday, 5:30 PM - 6:00 PM - Silent vigil on Old Courthouse steps. Sponsored by Women in Black
Every Friday, 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM - Continental Square in Downtown York (Market and George Streets). Sponsored by People for Peace and Justice (York)
Every Mon. and Thurs. at 9 PM, and Sat. at 7 PM - TV Program "Democracy Now" with Amy Goodman on WYBE (Channe 20 or 35 in some areas). It's an hour interviews on issues of the day that are not often heard on other programs. You can also listen daily online at www.democracynow.org
Every Wed., 8-9 PM - "Voices of the Voters" Radio program on Voting Integrity and other issues which effect our rights and Democracy at local "Philadelphia Radio Station" WNJC 1360 AM. Online at www.wnjc1360.com/Live_Netcast/live_netcast.html .
Every Sunday, 12-3 PM - United for Progress radio show at www.thericksmithshow.com on WHYL 960 Carlisle/Harrisburg.
Every Sunday 3-5 PM - VoteRescue Radio, a new weekly two-hour radio show steaming live on We the People Radio Network - http://www.wtprn.com