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Happiness mingled with a note of sadness, sorrow interwoven with pleasure, love hand in hand with jealousy; in brief: the sheer joy, the irony and the rhythm of Klezmer with all the different colors of emotions was once the unforgettable entertainment of wedding ceremonies and holy days. Klezmer, the music of the Eastern European Jewish community, has been influenced by and then influenced world music in general and music of countries such as Romania, Hungary, Poland, Greece, Turkey in specific, parallel to the travel routes of the immigrant community. It started to gain back its reputation, which had been diminished in the early days of 20th century, after the 2nd World War. In 1980s, young American ethnologists reinvented Klezmer while at the same time its popularity was being raised in Europe. Today, it is being performed by the artists such as Itzhak Perlman and Nigel Kennedy as well as the non-Jewish bands such as Istanbul Goyishe Klezmer Kapelye, or KLEZ-MEZ in short. The meaning of the name of the band can be explained as follows: ‘klez-mez – indicating that the band is performing klezmer and similar music / Goyishe – indicating that the performers are not Jewish / Kapelye – indicating that they are a music band. ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------E. Bora Gürel Violin------------------------------------------------------ -------------Bora Gürel graduated from the Social Sciences Department of the Istanbul University and was also trained as a violonist at the state conservatory. In 2004, he founded KLEZ-MEZ, the first Klezmer Band in Turkey with Krzysztof Ochedowski. He joined Muammer Ketencoglu as guest violin on some concerts . He played the Klezmer partition of the "Durmete mi alma" in the first Turkish Klezmer - Sephardim CD . (Janet&Jak Esim --Adio-2006).And He is teaching violin in a college----------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- Sumru Agiryuruyen Vocal-Mandoline--------------------------------------------- ---- After graduating from the Sociology department of Bosphorous University, Sumru Agiryuruyen founded the group called "Mozaik" in 1983. She started working with Muammer Ketencoglu in 1993 on the project "A Trip in the Balkans" in 2004, she took part in the project Three Woman singing in all spoken languages in Turkey. She gives concerts with the group Klez-mez (Istanbul Goyisher Kapelye) , a group that makes Klezmer music. She continuous to work on the project "A Trip in the Balkans", "The Yinnon Muallem Ensemble" and "Breath of the Earth" together with guitarist Onok Bozkurt. She is also preparing an album with Tanju Duru with songs whose music and lyrics belongs to her.-------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Ozlem Gurel Cello-Vocal------------------------------------------------- -------------Between the years of 1994-1999 she worked with Necati Giray in the Basic Sciences Department in the Istanbul Technical University's T.M.D Conservatory. Furthermore she studied violoncello with Reyent Bolukbasi and Kazakhistan State Artist Aksar Mukanov. She worked in various chamber music orchestras. She is the member of KLEZ-MEZ group since its founding. Furthermore since 2000 she teaches music to mentally handicapped children. ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------- Yuri Ryadchenko Bayan (Chromatic Akordeon)--------------------------------------Yuri Ryadchenko was born in Ukraine and is an instructor of instrument and musical theory. Ryadchenko produces musical CDs and did the mixing, recording, mastering, various solo instrumental performances and production of the ABC Children CD in 2006. He also composed, arranged, and recorded album of Ebru Berker's SIRADAN BIR SARKI ve SIRADAN BIR SARKICI, produced Ricardo Moyano's ‘Solissimo' , Ömür Göksel's "A Touch of Quality" and Cem Kadirgan's "En iyisi Hic Yazmamak"... Nowadays hi's working on new projects rock, folk,and pop music in his studio------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------Sevinc ile huznu, aci ile mutlulugu, ask ile kiskancligi, kisaca insani insan yapan her renkteki duyguyu icinde barindiran Klezmer coskusu, ironisi ve kivrakligiyla bir zamanlar, dugunlerin, bayramlarin vazgecilmez eglencesiydi. Dogu Avrupa Yahudileri'nin muzigi olan klezmer, halkinin gocebeligine paralel olarak dunya muziklerinden (genellikle Romanya, Macaristan, Polonya, Yunanistan, Turkiye) etkilenmis ve etkilemistir. 20. yuzyilin baslarinda kaybettigi itibari II. Dunya Savasi'ndan sonra tekrar kazanmaya basladi. 1980 yillarinda Amerikali genc muzik etnologlari tarafindan yeniden kesfedilen, eszamanli olarak Avrupa'da da yukselmeye baslayan Klezmer, bugun Itzhak Perlman ve Nigel Kennedy gibi sanatcilarin yani sira "Istanbul Goyishe Klezmer Kapelye" veya kisaca soylenisiyle KLEZ-MEZ gibi Yahudi olmayan topluluklar tarafindan da seslendirilmekte. Toplulugun adinin acilimi ise su: ‘Klez-mez' klezmer ve benzeri muzikleri caldiklari icin; ‘Goyishe' Yahudi olmadiklarini belirtmek icin; ‘Kapelye' bir muzik toplulugu olduklari icin. ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------- E. Bora Gürel - Keman------------------------------------------------------- -----------Konservatuar egitiminin yani sira 1992 yilinda I.U. Sosyal Bilimler Fakultesi Ithalat-Ihracat Bölümü'nü bitirdi. 2004 yilinda, Krzysztof Ochedowski ile beraber Türkiye'deki ilk Klezmer Grubunu; KLEZ-MEZ'i (Istanbul Goyishe Kapelye) kurdu. Muammer Ketencoglu'nun birkaç konserinde kemaniyla konuk sanatci olarak yer aldi. Türkiye'de ilk defa Sefarad ile Klezmerin birlestigi ,"Durmete mi alma" adli parçada Klezmer bolumu seslendirdi.(Janet&Jak Esim -Adio-2006).Ayrica 2005 yilindan beri bir Kolejde keman ogretmenligi yapmaktadir.------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------- Sumru Agiryuruyen Vokal-Mandolin---------------------------------------------- ---- Bogazici Universitesi Sosyoloji Bolumu bitiren Sumru Agiryuruyen 1983'te arkada--lar--yla birlikte Mozaik Grubu'nu kurdu. 1993'ten itibaren Muammer Ketencoglu ile ba--layan çalismalari, "Bir Balkan Yolculugu" olarak devam etti. 2004'de Türkiye'de konu--ulan dillerde --ark--lar söyleyen Üç Kad--n projesinde yer ald--. Klezmer muzigi yapan Istanbul Goyisher Kapelye (KLEZ-MEZ) toplulu--uyla konserler verdi. Halen calismalarini "Bir Balkan Yolculugu", "Yinnon Muallem Ensemble" ve "Yeryuzunun Nefesi" projeleri kapsam--nda ve gitarist Onok Bozkurt ile surdurmekte, Tanju Duru ile birlikte kendi soz ve bestelerini kapsayan bir album hazirlamaktadir.-------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Ozlem Gurel (Karadeniz) - Viyolonsel, Vokal-----------------------------------------1994-1999 yillari arasinda ITU T.M.D. Konservatuari Temel Bilimler Bolumu'nde Necati Giray ile viyolonsel calisti. Ayrica Reyent Bolukbasi ve Kazakistan Devlet Sanatcisi Aksar Mukanov ile de viyolonsel çalismalari oldu. Cesitli oda müzigi topluluklarinda görev aldi. Kuruldugu yildan beri KLEZ-MEZ grubunun üyesidir. Ayrica 2000 yilindan beri zihinsel engelli çocuklara muzik ogretmenligi yapmaktadir. ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------- Yuri Ryadchenko Bayan(Kromatik Akordeon)----------------------------------------Kherson (Ukrayna) dogumlu Yuri Ryadchenko, ozel enstruman, muzik teorisi, bilgisayarla aranjman dersleri vermektedir. Album produksiyonlari yapmakta olan sanatci , 2006 yilindan Eylül ayinda Sony tarafindan piyasaya çikarilan ABC isimli çocuk albümünün kayitlarini, mix, mastering ve çesitli enstrüman sololarini yapmistir. Ayrica Ebru Berker'in SIRADAN BIR SARKI ve SIRADAN BIR SARKICI albumdeki beste ve aranjeler ona ait , Omur Goksel'in --A Touch of Quality' isimli albumunun aranje, kayitlari,mix ve mastering, Ricardo Moyano'nun ‘Solissimo' albumunun kayitlari, Cem Kadirgan'in 'En iyisi Hic Yazmamak' isimli albumunun kayitlari ve aranjmanlari da Yuri Ryadchenko tarafindan yapilmistir. Bu gunlerde yeni pop, folk, ve rock muzigi projelere kendi studyosunda yapmaya devam ediyor,

My Interests


Member Since: 1/12/2007
Band Members:
Influences:Lomir Zich Iberbetn

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Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: None