God/Manitu/Allah... "All good and all evil iz from God!"/"Alles gute und alles boese ist von Gott!"/"Hayr da sher de Allah'tandr!"
I'd like to meet:
Prince Rogerz Nelson..., Sheila E., wendy & lisa, Mike Oldfield..., David Bowie.., kate bush, Adam Ant,..
Beatles, D.Bowie, Pink Floyd, B. Mancho, Cem Karaca, MFO;, Supertramp, Alan Parsons Project, Mike Oldfield, Joshqùne AKYILDIZ, Prince, Kim Wilde, Michael Jackson, Depeché Mode, Z. Livaneli, Simple Minds, U2, CatStevens(Yusuf Islam), Adam Ant, Violet, mama, papa, oma, opa...
The Wall, Papillion, Pippi Langstrumpf, Breakfast Club, Purple Rain, Histoire d'O, turkish cinema ...
heroes (music by wendy melvoin & lisa coleman), coldcase, dexter..
Bilgi Kitabi/Book of Knowledge
Mustafa Kemal ATATURK, Ghandi, ...