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Music affects the mind and taps into the soul.

About Me

Soy Española. Naci en Melilla, donde mi padre estaba estacionado con el ejercito. Desde muy pequeña hasta que me casé, con un americano de Nueva York, he vivido en Cadiz. Ya llevo muchos años en este pais. Soy una persona honesta y sincera con gran sentido del humor. Llevo 38 años casada con un hombre maravilloso. Bob, ademas de ser mi esposo, es mi amante y mejor amigo. Tenemos dos hijos y tres nietos. Trato de llevar una vida sana y saludable. Buena nutricion, ejercicio, y meditar es mi filosofia . No aguanto el frio, por eso vivo en Florida.I am a native of Spain,and an American citizen. I am an honest and sincere person with a great sense of humor. I have been married for 38 years to a wonderful man. Bob is,besides my husband, my lover and best friend. We have two sons and three grandchildren. I try to keep myself healthy by living a clean and safe life. Good nutrition, exercise, and meditation is the means to that end. I do not care for cold weather. I am happy living in the Sunshine State. ..

My Interests

Very interested in health and nutrition. I like the art, Politics, reading the newspaper every day, read books, travel, and take long walks. And, of course, I like to surf the net.

I'd like to meet:

Gente de todas partes para poder expandir mis conocimientos en las diferentes culturas del mundo.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,People from everywhere,to expand my knowledge in different cultures of the world. I think that the better one experiences and understands other cultures, the more accepting we can be of our differences.


Classical and flamenco guitar, Easy-Listening, jazz, blues, Soul, country and Spanish music: La Copla. My favorite instrument is the guitar, I like to listen to Segovia, Paco de Lucia, Rafael Cortés, Carlos Montoya, Esteban, and a few more.


Along Came Polly, How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days, Stealing Harvard, Gone in 60 Seconds, Al Pacino movies, Robert DeNiro movies, Las Cerezas del Cementerio, Salvador Dali.


History channel, Cspan, Fox, local and national news. On the international channel from Spain, I watch: Los Desayunos De TVE, Redes, Noticias 24H y Saber Vivir,


The Bible, Edgar Allan Poe, The Dalai Lama's Little Book of Wisdom and The Wisdom of Forgiveness; all of Bill O'Reilly books, Rush Limbaugh, Danielle Steel, all the books by Dan Brown, Antonio Gala, Historia de Cadiz, Cuentos de la Alhambra, Azteca, and many more. I am always reading a new book. At this moment I am reading Los Renglones Torcidos de Dios, by T. Luca De Tena


My father, who reared ten children and some grandchildren. He was a wonderful man who was always fair, and full of love. All the volunteer firefighters, our military,and those who accept that one day they may give their own lives for other human beings live.