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For the Webster Griffin Tarpley fan

Attacks on Bush that do not include 9/11 truth are simply impotent, and will not be effective.

About Me

Disclaimer - I am not the real Webster Tarpley. Just a fan.
Webster Tarpley on Hannity and Colmes

Flowchart of oligarchy, terror and power system, patsies and moles

Reviews for 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA
"It is with great sadness that I conclude that this book is the strongest of the 770+ books I have reviewed here at Amazon, almost all non-fiction" - Robert Steele, former Marine Corps infantry and intelligence officer, founder and CEO of OSS.Net Inc. and the Golden Candle Society. Also Amazons top non-fiction reviewer
"9/11 Synthetic Terror is brilliantly and most sovereignly written; one can't stop reading. Webster delivers a devastating judgement. Congratulations! I endorse it wholeheartedly." - Andreas Von Bulow, former German Minister for Research and Technology, parliamentary intelligence oversight, author of The CIA and September 11.
"The most profound analysis of September 11 as a new kind of coup d'etat. I hope many Americans will read this book to understand how they were duped and by whom." - Maurizio Blondet, author of September 11: Coup d'Etat in the USA, correspondent with Avvenire of Milan, the daily paper of the Italian Catholic Bishops Conference.
"The best 9/11 book i'll ever open up - the best book i've read in a long time." - Maria Heller, Internet talk show host
"A Slam Dunk" - New York Magazine
"Tarpley has created a totally new genre... comparing the techniques used by the US intelligence agencies in creating 9/11 with the methods they used in the past... That is why this book is so important... People will keep coming back to ask new questions along this line." - Thierry Meyssan, President of the Reseau Voltaire (Paris) and author of 9/11: The Big Lie (2002) and Pentagate (2002)
"Terrorism of dubious origin, used to wage war abroad and against one's own citizens: a study like Webster Griffin Tarpley's 9/11 Synthetic Terror was long overdue and will hopefully open the eyes of many people." - Gerhard Wisnewski, German TV Producer, author of Operation 9/11 and Mythos 9/11
"No one else i know so fearlessly names state-sponsored flase flag terrorism. Webster G. Tarpley is an investigative elder of the planet, combining an historian's sweep with the eye of an exceptionally well-informed whistle-blower on today's shadowy elites." - Barrie Zwicker, Canadian documentary producer, Vision TV Insight Mediafile
Synopsis of 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA from the book
History in the Hands of a Rogue Network
The thesis of Webster Tarpley's 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA has been enthusiastically received with its working model of the 9/11 plot: a rogue network of moles, patsies, and a commando cell in the privatized intelligence services backed by corrupt political and corporate media elites.
Buttressed by historical examples like the Baader-Meinhof Gang and the Gunpowder Plot, this model makes it clear that such a monstrous false-flag or self-terror exploit is possible even under a largely benign government. That paradox is the incredibility gap that has made most Americans reject the evidence about 9/11 as paranoid fantasy.
Tarpley brings decades of expertise to the 9/11 issue. Already in 1978 he had exposed the terrorist Red Brigades as patsies of Italy's fascist P2 shadow government, and 9/11 os on the same pattern. The forthright subtitle, Made in USA, is backed up by an analysis of key figures who behave like moles working for the rogue network or parallel government.
9/11 Synthetic Terror highlights the salient points of the sheer physical impossibility of the official 9/11 conspiracy theory. It then analyzes the psychological traits which make Anglo-American society gullible to artificial enemy images and unable to grasp the truth of 9/11.
Understanding how synthetic terror works, we see the weakness of the muddled "blowback" theories of terrorism and the spurious leads to Pakistan or Saudi Arabia that have marred many critiques of 9/11. Tarpley's model makes it clear that figures like Osama bin Laden are patsies or double agents who were selected for their ethnic colouring as the basis for launching a "Clash of Civilisations," and it is absurd to imagine that such tools of US intelligence agencies could turn around and infiltrate or overwhelm US defenses unaided.
9/11 Synthetic Terror is also firmly grounded in Great Power geopolitics. It shows that wars on the Islamic world, the Soviet-Afghan, Kosovo and Chechen conflicts, as well as US-UK-NATO synthetic terror incidents like 9/11, Beslan, 3/11 in Madrid, and 7/7 in London, have been contrived to continue the Cold War, in pursuit of the centuries-long campaign for Anglo hegenomy over Eurasia and the world.
For a principled refutation of the 9/11 propaganda myth in all its parts, Tarpley's work is indispensible.

Who is Webster Griffin Tarpley?
The humanist contemporary political philosopher Webster Griffin Tarpley is our most incisive critic of Anglo-American hegenomy. As an activist historian he is best known for his George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography (1992), a masterpiece of research which is still must reading. He is a 9/11 Truth Scholar; AB Princeton 1966, summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa; Fulbright Scholar at University of Turin, Italy; and MA in humanities from Skidmore College. He is fluent in Italian, German, French, Latin and Russian. A decades-long expert on international terrorism, his 1978 study for the Italian parliament Chi ha ucciso Aldo Moro? (Who killed Aldo Moro?) broke open the ownership of the "Red Brigades" by NATO's clandestine "stay-behind" networks

My Interests


Webster Tarpley on "9/11 Truth to 9/11 Justice" at George Mason University November 11th 2006 - 77 minutes
Webster Tarpley on "Facing the Truth about 911" at the University of Washington April 1st 2006 - 89 minutes
Webster Tarpley at the American Scholars Symposium June 24th 2006 - 66 minutes
Webster Tarpley on "The 9/11 Issue: The Key To Stopping World War III" in New York January 15th 2005 - 120 minutes


Click on the pictures to purchase from

click here to read George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography ..


Further Viewing ..9/11 Revisited - 84 minutes
.. Improbable Collapse - 69 Minutes
.. David Ray Griffins "9/11: The Myth and The Reality - 98 minutes
..Oil, Smoke and Mirrors - 50 minutes
.. Barrie Zwickers "The Great Conspiracy" - 70 minutes
.. Press For Truth - 84 minutes -
.. Dr Kevin Barrett at the Conference - 52 minutes
.. A New Standard for Deception by Kevin Ryan - 68 minutes

Scholars for Truth in the news
Kevin Barrett on CNN - 5 minutes
Kevin Barrett on Fox's 'Hannity and Colmes' - 6 minutes
Kevin Barrett on Wisconsin TV's 'On the Record' Part 1 - 11 minutes
Kevin Barrett on Wisconsin TV's 'On the Record' Part 2 - 11 minutes
Kevin Barrett on Fox's 'O'Reilly Factor' - 5 minutes
Bob Bowman on Fox's 'Hannity and Colmes' - 5 Minutes
Steven Jones on KUTV News - 3 minutes
Steven Jones on MSNBC's 'The Situation Room' with Tucker Carlson 14/11/05 - 6 minutes
David Ray Griffin on MSNBC's 'The Situation Room' with Tucker Carlson - 6 minutes
Jim Fetzer on Fox's 'Hannity and Colmes' - 4 minutes
Jim Fetzer on Fox's 'Hannity and Colmes' - 6 minutes

Bush - State of the Union 2006 - "The Enemies of Freedom"
Webster Tarpley discussing the Peak Oil Fraud with Paula Gloria - 28 minutes
Webster Tarpley discussing Adolf Hitler with Paula Gloria - 28 minutes

My Blog

Tarpley: Operation Bite - April 6 Sneak Attack By US On Iran Planned

Operation Bite - April 6 Sneak Attack By US Forces On Iran Planned - Russian Military Sources Warn General Ivashov Calls For Emergency Session Of UN Security Council To Ward Off Looming US Ag...
Posted by For the Webster Griffin Tarpley fan on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 03:51:00 PST

Chossudovsky: "Theater Iran Near Term" (TIRANNT)

..>by Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, February 21, 2007 Email this article to a friend Print this article DUBAI, UAE, 21 February 2007. (revised 23 Feb 2007). Code named by US m...
Posted by For the Webster Griffin Tarpley fan on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 03:32:00 PST

Tarpley: "Time to Mobilize Against World War III"

Stop Sectarian squabbles, stop Moping -- Time to Mobilize Against World War III by Webster Tarpley, author 911 Synthetic Terror We are very close to a nuclear attack on Iran, meaning a Middle ...
Posted by For the Webster Griffin Tarpley fan on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 05:28:00 PST

"Wiped Off The Map" - The Rumor of the Century

..>"Wiped Off The Map" - The Rumor of the Century by Arash Norouzi Global Research, January 20, 2007 The Mossadegh Project Email this article to a friend Print this article Across ...
Posted by For the Webster Griffin Tarpley fan on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 08:15:00 PST


Posted by For the Webster Griffin Tarpley fan on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 01:07:00 PST