TL;DR Common Misconceptions
There are many people who hold certain beliefs about Encyclopedia Dramatica and its purpose. The purpose of this post is to address some common misconceptions about ED, because, as we all know, the Internet is serious business.Misconception #1 - ED is an outing site.
Usually false. Encyclopedia Dramatica exists to document drama, and generally speaking, a person's real name, place of residence, or other personally identifiable information are not necessary to achieve this. In addition, many attempts to include people's Powerword: IRL Name fall terribly short at achieving any lulz.
If you should find an article on ED about you or someone you know and care about that contains personally identifying information, and you make a reasoned, rational request through an appropriate channel, such as Arbchat or TJC, the sysops of the wiki will often be more than willing to consider your request and remove the offending text, and if the article is fail enough, possibly the entire article.
If, however, you make a complete ass out of yourself (see MONGO), threaten frivolous lolsuits (see, Prince Jeremy) or are simply a bad internets citizen (see Hal Turner), we will probably just laugh at you, and photoshop some BBQ onto your image for the lulz.
Misconception #2 - ED is an attack site
Sometimes true. Remember, however, that Encyclopedia Dramatica exists for the lulz. Sometimes fiction is funnier than truth; sometimes truth is funnier than fiction. Encyclopedia Dramatica strives to strike a balance between them to deliver as many lulz as possible.Should you find an 'attack' entry written about you by one of your pals or your ex-boy/girlfriend on Encyclopedia Dramatica, try not to take it personally or seriously. We don't, and most of our intelligent readers know better than that. If it's completely retarded, or you find it horrendously offensive, you may do as suggested above and politely request its removal, but note that this is less likely to be seriously considered unless the article is truly fail.
If, however, you make a lolcow out of yourself, we'll probably just put it on the front page as our Article of the Now.
Misconception #3 - ED hates Wikipedia
Mostly false. It would be an understatement to assert that there is some bad blood between Wikipedia and Encyclopedia Dramatica, as is evidenced by our article on Wikipedia and by their entry on Wikipedia:Encyclopedia Dramatica. Yes, we lampoon Wikipedia and its editors all the time, but we don't exist solely for that purpose, and some of us are actually respectable Wikipedia contributors -or just have respectable Wikipedia sockpuppets (see Blu Aardvark). We know better than to take things seriously, though, and the majority of us really don't give a shit either way.Misconception #4 - ED spreads viruses
FALSE!!!. Apart from ODB's herpes that is, but if you wear protection whilst viewing his user or talk pages or whilst conversing with him on ed IRC ur prolly be safe. However, if you believe such nonsense ur an OTI challenged n00b and prolly a total IRL retard. If you find yourself worrying about your Dell being diseased from lurking moar on ED, it's best for everyone concerned that you take ur compooting machine, ur modem, ur wires and all ur Internets and return them to Al Gore (the inventor of our great Internets) or Ted Stevens (who maintains the tubes).Encyclopedia Dramatica may show you lulzy lulz, drama, pr0n and at least 100 pictures of fluffy kittens, but viruses are found nowhere on or near our friendly wiki, nor are they ever uploaded or otherwise injected into our site to attack hapless dipshits. Encyclopedia Dramatica, like any reasonable American company (see The Google), would not wish to compromise our users' ability to experience the unlimited disposable income of penisbird content.
Should you suspect that a virus is on your computer, you should immediately cease fapping to ur fave furry porn site, and run a free virus scanner . Then you should piss and moan and blame ED for it so that we will laugh at your inherent stupidity.
Misconception #5 - ED is a hate site
FALSE!!!. Except for our hatred of the unfunny. As a whole, ED bears no organized animosity toward people because of their race, religion, sexual orientation or any other arbitrary distinction (see Cast Fetish). ED users and sysops come from a variety of backgrounds, races, religions, and sexual orientations from all over the world (see ED:Map).While individual users may on occasion convey their own prejudices or attempt to deflame their teachers, peers or the totally hawt girl that just blew them off, they should not be considered to be the official position of ED. Like all wikis, ED is open to all -the good, the bad and the ugly (and Grammar Nazis like Blargh) but we try and keep it lulzy to all; personal attacks like "Chardonnay Is A Sperm-Burping Gutter Slut" are removed asap and sent to Oprah.
However, if you are offended by content on ED on the whole, it most likely means that you don't understand satire. If you find content on ED to be offensive, it is highly recommended that you do not attempt to remove the offending content but instead bring it to the attention of one of the ED sysops either by leaving a message on their talk page, a message in the TJC, or via ED:IRC. We won't do anything about it except direct you to Uncyclopedia, but we always enjoy a good laugh.
Misconception #6 - ED contains Child Pornography
100% FALSE!!!. While it is true that file uploads are unmoderated and do not require any sort of administrator approval, ED has zero tolerance for that shit and questionable material is deleted as soon as sysops are made aware of it. Go use The Google and search for Pedobear or drop by 12-and-underchan if you want that kinda shit. You may also want to look up "child + porn + law + jail" for the consequences of being a sick fuck.Apart from that LOLDONGS! Now we've told you what ED isn't about, we'll let Bill Clinton tell you what it is about.