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Raptor Jesus

I went extinct for your sins LOL!

About Me

Oderint dum metuant: Let them hate so long as they fear.

Holy fucking shit, it's a dinosaur!
Thank Raptor Jesus for electricity!

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Ego te absolvo a peccatis tuis in nomine Raptoris et Filii et Serverus Sancti. Amen.

I absolve you of your sins in the name of the Raptor and of the Son and of the Holy Server. Amen.

Need advice right now? Good fucking luck. lawl

The Book of Raptor Jesus 25:17

The path of the carnivorous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the vegetarians and the tyranny of stupid dykes. Blessed is he who, in the name of beef and pork , shepherds the lulz through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's fapper and the finder of lost meats . And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my beefmeats . And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. DISCLAIMER: After being blessed by Raptor Jesus, if you experience persisting and painful erections that last for more than four hours, consult with your physician.Raptor Jesus has been used over 100 times since being created last Thursday. He is part of a series of tubes knows as the Internets which were created by Al Gore but are primarily used to transport MySpace whores and gay pr0n. When Raptor Jesus first appeared, mild faggotry ensued but was quickly replaced by reverent furries who do His every bidding. He is known to wield a giant dildo of death that He uses on twinks. "Twinks" is derived from the snack food Twinkies because they are tasty and cream-filled with absolutely no nutritional value or mental prowess. In the War of the Internets, Raptor Jesus commanded the forces of good and spread sodomy and Ramen to all the repressed circle jerkers of the world. Raptor Jesus now resides peacefully in rural Kentucky where He raises sheep and manatees.There came a day when Raptor Jesus walked with His disciples in a city. They passed many people, and Raptor Jesus would state "They are Anonymous, they are the masses. They are many, and yet they are one. They are quick to judge, and their wrath is terrible." Then Raptor Jesus and His disciples came across a man painting a mural. Raptor Jesus studied the man's work for a time, and then turned to His disciples. "Animated," He said.

Love Raptor Jesus or die.

Raptor Jesus is the saviour of all mankind, and will deliver thee to carnivorous enlightnement.

Raptor Jesus, Our Lord and Savior whose knowledge and wisdom was known in the far kingdoms of mIRC and YTMND, and whose Holy Words hadst reached the profound depth of the Interneth, spake and asked "What was the form of thy vision?" Anonymous responded "It was a girl, Raptor Jesus"And Raptor Jesus exclaimed "LIES!" for that He knewst there were no girls on the Interneth.Anonymous remained silent, astonished by the divine rebuttal.But lo, for that His Saurian Glory Raptor Jesus, who is Carnivorous and Merciful, spake, saying "Describe what thou saw, Anonymous. Fear not my Wrath, as unlike thou I am not unforgiving."And Anonymous said "She was a penis with badly drawn blue hair, and a smile.""ZOMG!!!11 It's the Rei!!!111one," Raptor Jesus said. And He knew there would be troubled times ahead.And lo, did a drunken man beset Raptor Jesus and His followers. He came up to them, crying such things as "Y HALO THAR!" and "BUTTSECKS?!" The Disciples were scared, for never before had they encountered one so intent on buttsecks. But Raptor Jesus merely smiled, and bade His Disciples watch, that they might know what to do in the future. All of a sudden, Raptor Jesus did leap into a tree, disappearing from sight. The drunkard looked around in a confused manner. Raptor Jesus did burst forth, flipping out of the tree, His foot connecting with the drunkard's neck. A sickening 'SNAP' emanated, and then all was silent. Raptor Jesus looked to His followers, pointed at the body next to Him and proclaimed, "Ninja'd."

Believe in the Lord Raptor Jesus, and thou shalt be saved!

Raptor Jesus will rise again!

The day came when faggotry was afoot, it threatened the fabric of existance. Thus the Giant Salamander appeared; and lo, it spoke unto the fags. "FUCK YOU, THIS SHIT SUX, YOU FAG." And with a puff of semen, it was gone. A loud yelp went into the air as many were impregnated and immediately shot forth from their birthing canals, several baby toads. Thus that date became known as The Great Salamander-Frog Faggoteer Extravaganza. Exactly one year later, Raptor Jesus came to the very spot that the salamander had stood and said, "HARK! ALL YE FAITHFUL, LISTEN! THE TIME HAS COME FOR THE GREAT SECOND COMING!" As soon as he spoke, thousands of toads began to flock towards the Saurian Messiah. After every single one of them had arrived, Raptor Jesus promptly let out a loud screeching roar, the ground began to shake. Seconds later, the Huge Salamander had returned, bathing all around in a warming glow. Again, the same thing happened; the salamander spake, puffed, and many were impregnated. Thousands more had flocked to the location than before. Millions of frogs began shooting into the air, onto the ground, and into open mouths as the women moaned in pleasure, shooting amphibians from their vaginas.Beware the false prophecies of one DigitalAnthrax for he leads you to the path of temptation. You will know the true Raptor Jesus for he hath a raptor's head and a Jesus's body. -Ezekiel 5:21For Raptor Jesus loves his children, but doth He expecteth those critical of his teachings? Aye, for they hath chosen the path to hell, lead by the one of the green fruit covered in fur. -Roberta 9:24And whilst on vacation in Maui, Raptor Jesus did spake and He said, for every ounce of poi and manapua you eat, you will have repented three sins. And the Hawaiians did eat poi and manapua. And there was much rejoicing. -Book of Raptor Jesus 6:9

The prayer of Raptor Jesus

Oh Jurassic Father, please watch after the meat lockers of the world, for their bountiful harvest of beef and pig will nourish the carnivorous requirements of thou hungry belly. Please shelter thy family from the righteous bullshit of vegans, vegetarians, and other non-meat-consuming people of the world. And if you see it necessary to eat my first born just for the lulz, please do so with my blessing. Amen.

My Interests

Saving, preaching, hanging on crosses, eating, drinking wine, capturing and eating small animals

I'd like to meet:

Dolly Parton

Raptor Jesus Jesus

CLEARLY...if you divide both sides by Jesus...The Jesuses cancel and you are left with the new equation:

Raptor 1

Which proves I am THE SUPREME ANSWER. Thank you Mike .


Phil Collins, Huey Lewis and the News, Madonna


Jurassic Park LOL


The pink hair lady on the God channel she's a nut LOLOCAUST!


Teh H0ly Bibl3 of Rapt0r J3sus


My Blog

How to win an argument against anyone on any topic

How to Win an Argument against Anyone on Any Topic Simply follow these rules: Drink LiquorSuppose you're at a party and some hotshot intellectual is expounding on the economy of Peru, a subject yo...
Posted by Raptor Jesus on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 07:11:00 PST


IF YOUR LIFE WAS A MOVIE, WHAT WOULD THE SOUNDTRACK BE? So, here's how it works: 1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)2. Put it on shuffle3. Press play4. For every question, t...
Posted by Raptor Jesus on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 08:57:00 PST

This one made me lulz

What's in a Name? Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Raptor Jesus on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 02:33:00 PST


Jesus --[noun]:A person with a sixth sense for detecting the presence of goblins'How">http://www.quizgalaxy.com/quiz.php?id=83">'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at http://www.quizgalaxy.co...
Posted by Raptor Jesus on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 11:18:00 PST

I'm Hitler, lulz

What Famous Leader Are You?personality tests by similarminds.com...
Posted by Raptor Jesus on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 07:42:00 PST