Super Agent Desire profile picture

Super Agent Desire


About Me

'What will your obituary say?' at QuizGalaxy.comCheck out my videos at "Pigeon Fluff"Before we get to the Glory That is Me, I have to say - do you see the guy in the first slot of my friend's list? That is my boyfriend. He is smarter, hotter, and way more man than most of you could ever hope to be, and it takes someone that hot, smart and manly to be in my life. So please, don't send me some stupid message wondering if you could be that man. He is there because he passed through the Gauntlet, walked through the fire, and endured the Third Degree = = and I don't want or need someone else. So please - Just. Don't.Moving on...Either I am the Queen of Multitasking or I have ADD. I am always doing about 4 things at once.
I have a cockatiel that is 23 years old.
I am growing a rose apple tree from a seed. It is about five inches high now, and just graduated to a bigger pot.
I think respect, honor, dignity, integrity and love should be the cornerstone of humanity. It pisses me off that it isn't.
I like crunchy food. And if you are eating crunchy food, give me a call - I really like the sound. It makes me laugh.
I have vitamins that I never take, but just having them here makes me feel healthier.
I am always channeling my inner 5 year old.
I smoke cigarettes, and I wish people would leave me alone about it. I think if you drink alcohol, you should never get on my case for smoking. Both are equally annoying, smelly and unhealthy.
Nothing makes me happier than a natural disaster. Not because I hate people, but because I love the awesome and amazing power of nature. Especially lightning, tornadoes and volcanos.
I love coffee. I could marry it.
I think Burbank is a wonderful city, and I am proud to live here.
I know all the words to The Wizard of Oz, Yellow Submarine, Singin' in the Rain, Ever After, Emmett Otter's JugBand Christmas, the Legend of Sleepy Hollow (the vinyl Boris Karloff version.), and most of Star Wars, The Muppet Movie and Ben-Hur.
I hate President Bush. I could kill him in the face. Yea, I said it. Arrest me, asshole.
My house is always messy.
My car is always dirty.
I wish people really spoke the way the do in movies.
I am a very jealous person, and I have to work on keeping it low profile. However, I have no problem breaking your god damn face if you flirt with or hit on my boyfriend. I am not someone to be trifled with in this manner.
I hate waking up early in the morning, and I will stoop to many levels to avoid it.
I love decorating for the holidays.
I live by my computer and my television. When I was poor, my only extras that I paid for were DSL and cable TV. Now I have TiVo, and I am very happy to have it.
I have been rich, poor, ugly, beautiful, loved, hated, feared, respected, exceptionally giving, selfish, cruel, and too nice to the wrong people. I have a very hard time with full forgiveness, but very quick to apologize from the heart.
I am very good at seeing through your bullshit - but I owe that sight to my best friend. I learn something new every day from my boyfriend, he is smarter than anyone I have ever met. My mom has the biggest heart of anyone I know, and I try to protect her from everything. Oh, and I love ponies.

My Interests

Stuff and things and people.Free MySpace Layouts by Iron Spider

I'd like to meet:

If you have time - you can watch one of my very favorite Christmas shows, Jack Frost (1979). I am so happy to have found this... Thank you YouTube!! I still know almost every word to this. Yikes.
Part OnePart TwoOr you can watch the Charlie Brown Christmas spoken (and tweaked) by the cast of 'Scrubs'. It's like peanut butter in my chocolate...


I have all my music filed by mood, not genre. More important than who sang the song is why, and how it makes me feel. From Beethoven to Stromkern, I love music that has heart and soul. For the record - "Lady Lumps" is my least favorite song in the world. Don't get me started.


Go ahead, I'll watch it. Just hit play on the DVD... I'll try anything once.


Yea, so... this is the only TV show I really watch. I am married to this show, but I cheat on it with HBO shows like The Sopranos, Deadwood, Carnivale, & Six Feet Under, with Firefly thrown in for space cowboy spice. But Scrubs understands, and still loves me for who I am.
Wait... what?


Stephen King. Jean M Auel. Travanian. There are so many more, but I don't feel like listing them. I read too much to bother with some ridiculous list of authors... if you write on a cereal box, I've probably read it. I will annoy you with my reading habits, and you will annoy me if you interupt me.
I'm a Gryffindor!


My spirit guide. My dad. My old trainer. My best friend. My mom. My boyfriend. Not necessarily in that order. Jon Stewart. Steven Colbert. Lewis Black. Bill Maher. Keith Olbermann. Cesar Millan.

My Blog

Indiana Jones & The Latest Pile of Crap

Dear George Lucus and Steven Spielberg- I am writing you in regards to the latest attempted assault on my childhood, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.First of all, it is 3:50 am, and...
Posted by Super Agent Desire on Thu, 22 May 2008 04:05:00 PST

One of my Blogs has been REMOVED.

Just a quick note - - If you put your work out there, it is going to get forwarded around.  This is the internet, sweetie - maybe if you had tried a little harder to keep your stuff to yourself, ...
Posted by Super Agent Desire on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 10:54:00 PST

Burbank Police Department

As some of you know, I have been trying out for the Burbank Police Department.Today was the physical agility test, and let me tell you - they are not, I repeat, not fucking around.Here is the test - ...
Posted by Super Agent Desire on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 06:25:00 PST

Sexy Assassin Chicks

So, I was browsing,  and I saw a link to a story from Maxim about the Sexiest Assassins in movies and tv.  And I was amazed that, once again, what I find sexy is totally opposite to...
Posted by Super Agent Desire on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 04:58:00 PST

Snape. Snape. Severus Snape.

Posted by Super Agent Desire on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 02:17:00 PST

Good point.

"People move to L.A. to "make it" because they think they're special.   They find out they're not, and they blame L.A. for it." - DanAnd how.
Posted by Super Agent Desire on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 11:39:00 PST

All you need to know. Sorta.

    The Everything Test    There are many different types of tests on the internet today. Personality tests,     purity tests, stereotype tests, political ...
Posted by Super Agent Desire on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 01:06:00 PST

Hey, Horse Industry! We Need to Talk.

Stop putting "a chance to work with horses" as one of the perks for working at your barn.  Duh, idiot, that is why I am working in the HORSE industry = because I work with horses.  That is l...
Posted by Super Agent Desire on Tue, 15 May 2007 01:16:00 PST

L.A. Cool

Being born and raised in Los Angeles has it's perks.  We have the gorgeous weather, convenient shopping, the coolest fashion for everything - and, of course, the movie industry.  We are used...
Posted by Super Agent Desire on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 08:14:00 PST

That's why it's MY job.

So I had that thing happen again today.  That thing when I am reminded that no good deed goes unpunished, and that people are immeasurably shortsighted and incapable of letting someone else do th...
Posted by Super Agent Desire on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 01:12:00 PST