The Awesome That is Josh profile picture

The Awesome That is Josh

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

“I need breasts with brains. I don’t mean individual brains, obviously... I mean, not a brain each. You know, I like intelligent women, but you’ve got to draw the line somewhere... I think breast brains would be over-egging the woman pudding.” -Jeff Murdock
It is not a question of your environment or those around you, nor what the organization or leaders may be like. To be swayed by such externals is pointless. It all comes down to one person: you. What matters is that you become a brilliant beacon, shining with joy and happiness and live your life with confidence and courage. If you shine with a radiant light, there can be no darkness in your life.
-Daisaku Ikeda
He who has a 'why' to live can bear with almost any 'how.' - Nietzsche
Through some strange and powerful principle of "mental chemistry" which she has never divulged, nature wraps up in the impulse of strong desire, "that something" which recognizes no such word as "impossible," and accepts no such reality as failure. - Napoleon Hill
"Ladies, form a line to my left for makeouts! Dudes, form a line to my right for high fives!" - Strongbad
I will never retreat.
I've got more than 2 cents worth of dimestore philosophy. I have a campaign I take very seriously.
I believe a day without laughter is a day wasted.
I'm soft, sensitive, thoughtful, tall, attractive, and polite. I smell good and dress decently. My links "pop" when hard coded. I'm bright, funny, vibrant, intelligent, clever, and keep dumb jokes handy "just in case". I make mistakes. I have feelings I try not to let people trample on.
I'm rarely serious; when I am, listen. I am open minded, supportive, and loyal.
Resiliency is one of my finer qualities.
I've faced a LOT of "horrific things" in my life, but I've seen much more beauty in the world. . "man's search for meaning", I've 'won'. My high tolerance for pain does not equate with emotional indifference.
The best way to my heart is showing you care about me; second is genuine flattery and/or baked goods. I never stop trying to share my heart. It is our duty to treat each other with respect and love, to bring happiness to each other's lives.
Introspection and CHANTING daily are rituals of mine. I credit this, and my very existence, to Buddhism. Some people blurt out "YOU'RE a Buddhist?!" as though it were something elusive, which enlightenment is NOT.
Want to learn more? PLEASE ask me.
I am like water...
seeking it's own level,
increasing in volume,
encapsulating forms,
filling the void,
myriad dualities and microcosm,
I am the shape of the world I create,
A fount ever springing forth.
Joshua, 3/24/07

I REALLY like to DJ...
I am working on a new location for Europa.
I plan to resurrect Democracy as well.
Do you know of a two room club that could host them both?
I work as a Realtor, and I like it very much:

My Interests

CHANTING. Peanut. Happiness. Cufflinks. Ties. Thrift stores. Pool parties. Hot tubs. Chillaxation. WORLD PEACE. Human Rights. Social responsibility. Humanism. Education. Gay rights. Sustainability. My life is AMAZING. Don't ask "how", just decide it will be and be happy NOW. It works!

I take pictures sometimes. Some I'd like to see used; maybe big prints in a small gallery, or small prints in a big gallery.

Flip Words

Flip Words 2

I'd like to meet:

You! Just call me and we can totally hook up!
Mobile: (310) 495-5412 Cell: (310) 217-7638
Please start a dialogue first.
I want to meet others like me, who know what they want and act upon and realize it.
I want to meet those who know themselves, and choose their dreams to be reality...
yes, it IS a choice.
I'm looking for simple, honest, happy, intellectually aware people, perhaps some three-toed sloths ,
and most definitely a "small wiener":

Oh, I mustn't forget The Escape Artist, Ellen Allien, and Mary Anne McNeney

DON'T BOTHER me if you are a band. You may think it's "networking", but you are annoying and wasting bandwidth, the bane of MySpace; I hope your parents kick you out of the basement soon.
I don't like 99% of anything to do with NYC, especially people from there that go elsewhere and spew forth how much better NYC is; I think it's great you love it there so much, and I think you should stay there or STFU.


Are you serious!? I love EVERYTHING from A23 to Bjork to Babyland to Blur to Billie Holiday to Cocteau Twins to Conjure One to Covenant to Curve to Dead Rats to DM to Diary of Dreams to Daft Punk to DE/Vision to Dandy Warhols to David Bowie to Duran Duran to Eskimohunter to Ellen Allien to FRONT 242 to FC Kahuna to Fugazi to Fischerspooner to Goldfrapp to Hanin Elias to INTERPOL to Imperative Reaction to INXS to Joy Division to Johnny Cash to Ladytron to Massive Attack to Morphine to Ministry to Moby to Necessary Response to New Order to NIN to Nerve Filter to Nick Cave to Pulp to PIXIES to Pulse Legion to Placebo to Rolling Stones to Rotersand to Royksopp to Snow Patrol to Sonic Youth to SKINNY PUPPY to She Wants Revenge to Smiths to System Syn to Seabound to Swayzak to Telepopmusik to Underworld to U2 to Wolfsheim to Young MC to Z-trip doesn't end.


MY NETFLIX, (The) Jacket, Corporation, Closer, Notebook, Fountain, What the bleep, Secret, GATTACA, SOLARIS, Reign Over Me, Brothers Quay , V, Office Space, Big Lebowski, Grosse Point Blank, Aliens, Joe Dirt, Mean Girls, Heathers, CB4, Seconds, Cape Fear(B+W), About Schmidt, Heat, Serial Mom, Minority Report, Better Off Dead, Se7en, Fisher King, Zoolander, 1984, Akira, Kafka, Serendipity, Lost in Translation, Ferris Buehler, Kingpin, Marathon Man, Man with Two Brains, Falling Down, Rushmore, American Splendor, Zardoz, Crash, Young Frankenstein, Lesbian Spank Inferno, and MANY MORE. I LOVE MOVIES!


I don't do TV. I like ATHF, Family Guy, Coupling, AbFab, ROME, Carnivale, Ow My Balls, Entourage, Extras, Newhart, Moonlighting, Night Court, Cheers, Golden Girls


I want these.(clickie) ... Siddartha, Piece of Mirror, Man's Search for Meaning, Player Piano, Dorian Gray, Treatise of Human Nature , Choke, Kafka, MAUPASSANT
Curbed LA , Daily Dose of Imagery , Eater LA , Fark , Real Estalker , The Ladder Theory , Threadless , Airtoons , Engrish , ICHC? , Postsecret , Diary of Indignities , Nietzsche Family Circus , PB&J Campaign , Live Science , COILHOUSE


Randy Pausch
Patton Oswalt
My Self
Nichiren Daishonin
Daisaku Ikeda
Linda Johnson
"Dr. Quantum"
W. C. Stone
Napoleon Hill
My Brother SAM!!!
My Mom and Dad!

My Blog

Love, in the Biblical sense. Literally.

Love is patient, love is kind. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13 (thanks, Jewels!)
Posted by The Awesome That is Josh on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 10:36:00 PST

The powerful soft things and trains.

(thanks, RRB!) "The Great Black Things that have loomed against the horizon of my life, threatening to devour me, simply loomed and nothing more. The things that have really made me ...
Posted by The Awesome That is Josh on Fri, 18 Jul 2008 08:03:00 PST


I fall apart and I am reconstructed,I care and I cry,I am something worthwhile,sometimes.I might not be,for those momentsin which I don't exist,but,when I do,I am here,and I care,and I am yours,withou...
Posted by The Awesome That is Josh on Tue, 15 Jul 2008 04:27:00 PST

Tut tut tut...

from Arguments are won intellectually, Joshua; not love. The Universe------------------ Love is won, Joshua, with a dash of trust, a smidge of fear, and a pinch of letting go.
Posted by The Awesome That is Josh on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 03:03:00 PST


"Maps" - Yeah Yeah Yeahs One viewer said:"What do you think this song means? I think this song is in the form of a dialogue. One person is talking about packing up and leaving and the other p...
Posted by The Awesome That is Josh on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 05:39:00 PST

Wanting promise.

Here's where I'm unfair.I punish you for the actions of others.I doubt and I fear you because of those things you haven't done...but you just might.If you were to never lie to me,you'd be one of only ...
Posted by The Awesome That is Josh on Sat, 05 Jul 2008 05:34:00 PST


Wondertoonelpage after pageI see representations ofthat which I amyou've lost who you aretwice alreadybut I'm still hereturn the pages oneafter another....and what I careabout never disappears...It's ...
Posted by The Awesome That is Josh on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 03:50:00 PST

the coolest and most time-consuming graffiti project ever

MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo....
Posted by The Awesome That is Josh on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 04:03:00 PST


It's 11:45PM on a Sunday night, and I'm still at work at a career that doesn't pay hourly, overtime, or give any benefits like "vacation" or "sick days" or "weekends" or "days off".......and that's OK...
Posted by The Awesome That is Josh on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 11:47:00 PST

Doll Face

Posted by The Awesome That is Josh on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 07:29:00 PST