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All Animals Are Angels

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About Me

Hello my name is Lisa, I am married, my husband Christopher and I have 7 children full time and 8 children part time, yep thats right 8 of them, we have 5 boy's and 3 girl's. We have 2 sets of twins so that makes up for the bulk of them. No I do not have my very own animal rescue shelter, Some day though I will, so for now I do what I can by volunteering and educating those who have no clue to whats going on in our animal world. There are so many people who have no knowledge as to what takes place day in and day out in animal shelters, puppy mills, testing labs, fur farms, and so on, the list is far beyond what I could have ever imagined. People need to face reality and see the truth, so on that note If there are pictures on my page that may offend you I am very sorry, but it's reality it's happening all over the world, right in our towns our neighborhoods, innocent helpless animals are dieing every day in shelters, and from abuse and neglect. There are more animals in our world then humans, there are not enough homes for them all, We as the humans need to make a stand and cry out for animals, we need to unite and protect gods creatures. It's not fare to them....SPAYING AND NEUTERING your pets will greatly lower the pet over population, also if your family is planning to shop for a new pet PLEASE I BEG YOU do not shop from pet stores, when you shop from pet stores you are supporting puppy mills, if your buying from a breeder really do some digging to make sure your dealing with a respectable breeder but most important the animals that are sitting on hard cold cement floors lonely and scared need you most, there is just something about a pet who has been or is in a shelter, you can see it in their eyes, the love and the compassion they are so willing to give. So PLEASE when it comes to that day and your really thinking of getting a pet always check with your local animal shelters first. Thank you and God bless you.....

Please spay and nuter your animals, this video is very sad but so very true, it's up to you to do whats right

"Dr. Death"

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The American Humane Society estimates that more than 15 million, healthy, friendly dogs, cats, puppies and kittens will be put to sleep in shelters this year because nobody wants them. There are however, two important things that you can do to help end these needless slaughters. Spay/neuter your pets to prevent unwanted animals, and opt to adopt from your local animal shelter or rescue. Shelters and rescues are filled with cats, dogs, bunnies, birds, ferrets, and even horses and goats. These animals all have one thing in common, they are in need of a loving home. Reasons to Opt to Adopt -You will be saving a life. By adopting an animal from the shelter that is one more animal in this world given a second chance, one less to be marked as destroyed, and one pet that will love you forever. -Shelter pets are current on vaccines, tests, and spay/neuter. Puppies and kittens that are too young to be spayed/neutered are usually given a voucher for a free spay/neuter. All you have to do is pay the adoption fee which can range from $25-$80. Common Myths About Shelter Adoptions "They are all sick" -This just isnt true, but it is the chance you take when you adopt, or buy any animal. Nobody can guarantee the health of any animal. You will find many pets abandoned in shelters are not give up due to behavior problems, but due to pet owners not having the time or energy to train and redirect behavior problems when they arise. The majority of shelters and rescues have a staff of volunteers and foster families dedicated to redirecting improper behavior problems prior to adoption. The second most popular reason pets are given up is because the family is moving, while "he is just too big for our home" is ranked 3rd. The majority are strays that were picked up by animal control or rescuers. "All shelters have are adult dogs and cats." This isnt true, kittens and puppies go very quickly in shelters. Give some thought to the adult adoption. More healthy adult dogs and cats are put to sleep in shelters then puppies and kittens. These adult animals are not a surprise, what you see is what you get. You will already know how big the animal is, they already know basic commands, and do not need the constant supervision and training that goes along with owning a kitten or puppy. Adults are all caught up on vaccines and are spayed/neutered prior to adoption. "But we want a Siamese or Golden Retriever." Believe it or not, pure bred pets make up nearly 40% of the population in shelters. Do not be surprised when you walk into a shelter and find a litter of Siamese kittens, an adult Persian or a beautiful black lab. Being pure bred does not make any animal immune to shelter life. You may also want to take the opportunity to contact the many breed rescues out there. For every pure bred animal is a rescue dedicated to the welfare of that particular breed. Check with your local vet, groomer, shelter, or look to the Internet for a listing of breed rescues


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This is Mr. Maximus



I see by his coat he must be a stray, The untidy look gives him away. He's lost his will and is so thin, Hasn't eaten since God knows when. I know as I coax him through the door, There's always room for one more.The other night in the freezing rain, That little female came again. Matted and soaked, crying in need, Lost and alone with babies to feed. Her pleading eyes I couldn't ignore, There's always room for one more.There's a new face on the docks today, Hungry but clean, to our dismay, I stroked her head, her body rippled, When she got up I saw she was crippled. She started to go, but fell on the floor. There's always room for one more.There's the poor doggy standing in the rain, I've tried to entice him time and again. One ear is lopsided, the other's been torn, Blind in one eye, lost and forlorn. He's coming now, so I'll open the door. There's always room for one more.These stories are ture, As I've said before, There's always room for one more!(author unknown)


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Animal Cruelty Cruelty to animals is a serious matter. Like you and me, animals feel pain. Most cruelty cases happen to animals who are too trusting or defenseless. They squeal, shriek and yeowl, but are often never heard by anyone but themselves. Think about what the animal went through at the hands of a merciless criminal. Anyone who is caught committing acts of abuse, cruelty and neglect to an animal deserves to be prosecuted. YOU can help bring justice to the animals who are needlessly abused.REPORT ANIMAL ABUSE TO THE POLICE OR ANIMAL CONTROL IN YOUR AREA.
A Puppy Mill Dog's PleaYou finally found us, we hoped that you would, Our mommy is gone now, back deep in the woods. She was taken in darkness, so noone would see, Or hear her weak cries, or her very last plea. He walked toward the woods, with a gun in one hand, And a rope round her neck, all this carefully planned. No more puppies for her, she's too weak you see, So they'll shoot her at midnight and then she'll be free. Free from darkness and cages, and hunger and fright, Free from cold winter nights when she just prayed for light. This dear dog once was known as the best, Now cruelly discarded to make room for the next. Who will replace her and continue the cruel deed, Of producing baby puppies for the pet shops need. I sure hope you're reading, because maybe you would see, That all of our actions live in eternity. You do know that God is watching above, And when the time comes, when you walk to the gate, And knock at the entrance to be given your fate. Remember these words, please remember them well, Those who harm dogs will go directly to Hell... But if one by one, they are taken home, One day we'll awake to find there are none. Please rescue just one, it's such a small deed, But until that day, if it ever shall be, Rescue one, rescue two until they're all free... ~ None needing rescue, none left to buy, None cold and hungry, none left to cry.Author Unknown
*Hundreds of thousands of dogs and puppys suffer in puppy mills. They are located all over the country and are often shipped first to dealers, and then to your local puppy store.*The mothers are impregnated as soon as they're able to have puppies, which is much earlier than they should, as their bodies aren't necissarily as large as they should be to house the growing fetuses ( which results in puppys with severe deformities, many which don’t show up till later in there life)*The puppies are kept in squalid conditions that are unfit for living. They live in metal cages with little food and water. The majority of puppy mill victims never in fact leave the mill and sometimes become "kennel crazy". To save space, the cages are oftentimes stacked on top of one another and their waste just falls through.*The puppies are bred until they die. Many others die from illnesses and disease and maltreatment.*Not all of the diseased or sick puppies die, some of them end up right at the store, where they may die before or after they are purchased. *People who buy the infected puppies have to discover the illness on their own, because the pet stores that sell the puppies don't necissarily know that the puppy is sick, and the mill sells it for financial gain, so why should they care if the puppy is sick, they're still getting paid. *The puppy has to live in misery for the single fact that it was born in the wrong place.*Many documented problems include, but are not limited to: -Interbreeding, which allows the spread of diseases, common and uncommon. Many symptoms of these diseases are only surfacing years later, after the puppy has most likely been adopted. -Poor veterinary care, which leads to health problems. [Which is also why most people don't know that their puppy is diseased]. -Overcrowding in the CAGES. -Overcrowding leads to interbreeding..., which leads to disease. -Overcrowding also leads to the premature deaths of many puppies. The puppies are trampled, squished, and malnourished.[The list could go on].*While the dogs in each puppy mill are "purebred", they are still afflicted with many problems. So don't expect that by buying a "purebred" dog, you're avoiding buying one from a puppy mill that may end up having a serious disease.*As far as the actual "breeding" part goes... Some dogs stay in a mill for their whole life. They stay in order to have litters of puppies. They might even be killed when they can't have as many babies.*There is not one single mill. There are not 10 mills. There are thousands breeding dogs for profit all over the country.*Many of these puppies land in Canine Corrals all over the country.**Buying a puppy from somewhere that is supplied by puppy mills does not mean that you are saving the puppy. In fact, you are most likely inadvertently giving the mill that it came from the support [MONETARY GAIN] that it needs to continue "producing" puppies. You are also putting your puppy at risk due to the fact that it may have an unknown disease that it will make it hard for the puppy to live with.Auther Two Special Girls :)
Click the link to help stop puppy millsStop Puppy Mills
Fozzie Bear's Story by Maria Daines
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My Blog

Just A Dog

From time to time, people tell me, "lighten up, it's just a dog,"or, "that's a lot of money for just a dog."They don't understand the distance traveled, the time spent, or the costs involved for "just...
Posted by All Animals Are Angels on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 11:29:00 PST

A Puppy Mill Dog's Plea

A Puppy Mill Dog's PleaYou finally found us, we hoped that you would,Our mommy is gone now, back deep in the woods.She was taken in darkness, so noone would see,Or hear her weak cries, or her very las...
Posted by All Animals Are Angels on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 11:47:00 PST

Walk for the underdog

So Who Benefits? The goal of WALK FOR THE UNDERDOG, a grass roots organization, is to give money to dog rescue groups that are dedicated to finding loving homes for dogs locked in animial shelters. ...
Posted by All Animals Are Angels on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 12:15:00 PST

Senior paper about Endangered animals

This Paper was written by Steven, this is his Senior Paper, Steven is my daughters boyfriend. he did an awsome job, great work steven Over the past 200 years there have been a lot of animals poached ...
Posted by All Animals Are Angels on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 09:32:00 PST

R.I.P Sweet baby Pie

April 12th 2007 My very dear friend Meaghan lost her beloved baby girl Pie today in a tragic accident. Pie was a sweet 16 week old Amrecian Bull Dog, she loved coming to our house and playing with the...
Posted by All Animals Are Angels on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 11:02:00 PST

to all the kids born 1930 to1970

TO ALL THE KIDS WHO SURVIVED the 1930's, 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's!! First, we survived being born to mothers who smoked and/or drank while they were pregnant.  They took aspirin, ate b...
Posted by All Animals Are Angels on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 09:17:00 PST

Procter & Gamble Kill Animals

The FactsA TIDE of Abuse IDA launched its campaign against Procter & Gamble (P&G) in 1989. Our goal: to stop the company's blinding, burning, maiming and killing of thousands of animals each y...
Posted by All Animals Are Angels on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 11:47:00 PST


THE STORY OF BRITCHES AS TOLD BY A BRITISH SCIENTIST WHO WAS ONCE A WITNESS TO ANIMAL EXPERIMENTATION "The second case concerned Britches, a newborn stumptail macaque monkey. Ungainly, with large stic...
Posted by All Animals Are Angels on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 11:35:00 PST

Meet Your Fur!!!!!!!!

Meet your Fur!!!Every year in China, millions of cats and dogs are killed for their furmostly in the form of cuffs, collars, and other trim. The fur is often mislabeled and sold in Europe and the Uni...
Posted by All Animals Are Angels on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 01:05:00 PST


March 12, 2007, 1:43 pm      SAVING THE HORSES Americans Wake Up To Equine Abuse BY ALICYN LEIGH 08/31/2006 10:45 am ..
Posted by All Animals Are Angels on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 10:46:00 PST