www.tuppydog.com, playing footy, saving critters, fighting the ferociuos feline Super villain Sinister Sox, Fighting for all things Good and Cute in the world, marching on Anzac day, damsels in distress, animal welfare, wildlife protection, acting and pats
Tuppy's Big Anzac Day
Tuppy Dog was featured on ABC World News !!
PATRIOT PUP Tuppy was Featured on page 7 of Queenslands state News Paper the Courier Mail with Aussie WW2 Hero Veteran Mick Burke
The Amazing Tuppy Dog has joined forces with the animal welfare group ataAc to help fight animal cruelty
Check out ataAc in Tuppy's top friends
The Amazing Tuppy Dog has friends in high places and was recently seen posing for the media with Qld State Premier Anna Bligh
Tuppy Dog hangin out with the cast from Channel 9s The Shak
People Who Love Animals and Miranda Deakin
Favourite songs include.. Snoopy & the Red Barron, Hide the bone, Who let the dogs out, and the Theme from Scooby Doo
Lassie, Underdog, Scooby doo, Benji, Lady & the Tramp
Talk to the Animals, Dr Harry, Totally Wild, Scooby DooTuppy Dog Won Pet Of The Week On Channel 9 Talk To The Animals Tv Show !!
Tuppy watching himself on Talk to the Animals TV show
as I'm a dog I havent learnt to read yet
Underdog, Lassie, Benji, Scooby Doo and ME the Amazing Tuppy Dog