*** You can help make a difference by buying dogs from a reputable breeder or shelter
When buying a dog at the breeders ALWAYS ask to see the puppys' mother and father. An unhealthy parent usually makes for an unhealthy puppy.
***Many pet shops that buy from puppy mills claim the dogs are "Purebreds" and advertise them with pedigrees. This is just one of the many techniques used to sell unhealthy puppys to the un-assuming public.
**Check out your local
*Hundreds of thousands of dogs and puppys suffer in puppy mills. They are located all over the country and are often shipped first to dealers, and then to your local puppy store.
*The mothers are impregnated as soon as they're able to have puppies, which is much earlier than they should, as their bodies aren't necissarily as large as they should be to house the growing fetuses ( which results in puppys with severe deformities, many which don’t show up till later in there life)
*The puppies are kept in squalid conditions that are unfit for living. They live in metal cages with little food and water. The majority of puppy mill victims never in fact leave the mill and sometimes become "kennel crazy". To save space, the cages are oftentimes stacked on top of one another and their waste just falls through.
*The puppies are bred until they die. Many others die from illnesses and disease and maltreatment.
*Not all of the diseased or sick puppies die, some of them end up right at the store, where they may die before or after they are purchased.
*People who buy the infected puppies have to discover the illness on their own, because the pet stores that sell the puppies don't necissarily know that the puppy is sick, and the mill sells it for financial gain, so why should they care if the puppy is sick, they're still getting paid.
*The puppy has to live in misery for the single fact that it was born in the wrong place.
*Many documented problems include, but are not limited to:
-Interbreeding, which allows the spread of diseases, common and uncommon.
Many symptoms of these diseases are only surfacing years later, after the puppy has most likely been adopted.
-Poor veterinary care, which leads to health problems. [Which is also why most people don't know that their puppy is diseased].
-Overcrowding in the
-Overcrowding leads to interbreeding..., which leads to disease.
-Overcrowding also leads to the premature deaths of many puppies. The puppies are trampled, squished, and malnourished.[The list could go on].
*While the dogs in each puppy mill are "purebred", they are still afflicted with many problems. So don't expect that by buying a "purebred" dog, you're avoiding buying one from a puppy mill that may end up having a serious disease.
*As far as the actual "breeding" part goes...
Some dogs stay in a mill for their whole life. They stay in order to have litters of puppies. They might even be killed when they can't have as many babies.
*There is not one single mill. There are not 10 mills. There are thousands breeding dogs for profit all over the country.
*Many of these puppies land in Canine Corrals all over the country.
**Buying a puppy from somewhere that is supplied by puppy mills does not mean that you are saving the puppy. In fact, you are most likely inadvertently giving the mill that it came from the support [MONETARY GAIN] that it needs to continue "producing" puppies. You are also putting your puppy at risk due to the fact that it may have an unknown disease that it will make it hard for the puppy to live with.
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This page was started by The Sara and Katie.
They began researching Puppy Mills in the 8th grade and decided that they would do what they could to try and reduce the number of Puppy Mills and tell people about the dangers of buying puppies from places that are in connection with puppy mills.
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