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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a five pound Yorkshire Terrier who lives in New York City with my 2 legged Mom and Dad and pesky sister, Pudge. As a puppy, my favorite pastime was to walk to Central Park to play and chase pigeons. On the way to the park I would pass by Ladder Co. #25 where the nice firemen would tease me about being so small and give me treats. Then came 9/11. Nine of my firefighter friends died as heroes on that day. I was so sad.
So I posed for a small line of greeting cards and sold them on my website, For two years, all the money went to the Uniformed Firefighter Scholarship Fund. Things snowballed from there.

Then one day I was watching TV and saw a story about a mean lady named Katrina who was causing heartache and homelessness for people and their pets in a place called New Orleans. I had to do something to help. So my 2 legged Mom and I created a decorative collar, a DOGS WHO CARE collar that we sold on my website, to raise money for pets in need - to help the small animal shelters across the country that are dedicated to keeping pets alive and finding them loving homes.

A TV show host out in California named Ellen Degeneres heard about my DOGS WHO CARE collars and sent me an airplane ticket to go to LA to be on her Ellen Show. I was on ACCESS Hollywood with Billy Bush, Fox and Friends News Show - even Mezamashi TV in Japan. . . .wherever that is. I was the first pooch to be named "NEW YORKER of the WEEK on NY1. Doing good deeds not only feels really good, but it's been lots of fun too!

Today, I still love to walk to the Central Park and chase after pigeons. Of course, I'm very busy creating fun new stuff which gives back to DOGS WHO CARE too. And to have my very own My Space page to meet new 2 legged and 4 legged friends - I'm so excited I could just pee! Life is good.
Now, I'm busy being a "party animal" and reaching out to the over 74 million dogs in the US with my BARK THE VOTE campaign to help take a "bite" out of voter apathy and also help pets in need.
Name: Schmitty, The Real New Yorkie
Breed: Yorkshire Terrier
Gender: Not a Leg Lifter!
Occupation: CEO (Canine Executive Officer)
Age: A Puppy for Life!
Likes: Organic Salmon, Walks in Central Park and Sniffing Interesting Dog Butts!
Dislikes: Canes, Umbrellas, and Stinky Perfume
Favorite Hang Outs: The Manhattan Diner & Commerce Bank
What you want to be when you grow up: An Old Dog Who Learns New Tricks
Favorite Movie: Dog Day Afternoon
Favorite Book: A Tail of Two Cities
Favorite Cause: DOGS WHO CARE! <
Favorite Cliche: "Like a dog with a bone!"
Favorite Time: A New York Minute!
Favorite TV Show: The Ellen Show, ACCESS Hollywood, NY1 & Bone-anza
Favorite Color: Old Yeller
Favorite Drink: Cabernet Barkingnon
Favorite Band: Three Dog Night
Favorite Songs: "Doggie in The Window" & "Hey, Schmitty!"
Least Favorite Song: "Hey, Mr. Postman"
Favorite Game: The NY Lottery's "Scratch n' Sniff"
Most Embarrassing Moment: Having to show my license to get a "Doggy Bag!"

My Blog

Less Glitter and More Socializing!

OK, is it just me or do you get exhausted by all the My Space friends who sending glittery pics and silly stuff that has nothing to do with anything?  I always have a nice day - so you don't have to s...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Apr 2009 16:38:00 GMT

Pooch Press Release - So whaddyathink?

OK, have you ever had an itch you just had to scratch? Well, my itch is getting humans to vote. I figure if all the dog lovin folks in the country vote this Prez election, it would be a kinder, gentl...
Posted by on Thu, 15 May 2008 17:52:00 GMT

Barbara Walters Has the Wrong Dog!

Arf-Arf My Friends!OK, so this one takes the cake . . . whatever that means.  Me and my sister, Pudge were at  B&N for a book signing for Barbara Walters.  My 2 legged folks were th...
Posted by on Fri, 09 May 2008 23:32:00 GMT

Gone Phishing?

Arf-Arf My 2 Legged and 4 Legged Friends!Last night I was busy sending out some messages to my My Space friends.  Not an easy task with paws!  All of a sudden, a big message showed up on my...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 11:30:00 GMT

Whats Your Wish for 2008?

Arf-Arf My 2 Legged & 4 Legged Friends!Yappy New Year! OK, OK - my New Year's resolution - write more blogs!  I may be just a five pound pooch, but I have so much to bark about.  By be...
Posted by on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 13:11:00 GMT

Does Your Pooch Have a Bad Tummy?

Arf-Arf Friends!OK, back to this blog thing.  I'm walking in my hood -  up Columbus Ave, across from Lincoln Center- when I pass this cute apricot poodle.  We sniff butts and my 2 legge...
Posted by on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 20:33:00 GMT

Blog, blog, blog . . .

Arf-Arf 2 Legged and 4 Legged Friends!Wow!  Day two of my new blog.  So much to say, so little dexterity.   My groomer came today.  Nice g...
Posted by on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 07:10:00 GMT

Me and Ellen

Arf-Arf New Friends!OK, I've gotta confess -  I don't get this blogging thing.  I would think you have more important things to do then to be reading about me and my day....
Posted by on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 22:15:00 GMT