Kristen Ferrell Art & Clothing profile picture

Kristen Ferrell Art & Clothing

Just because we're friends doesn't mean you can have a bite of my food....

About Me

Total inbred hick; born to wild teenagers on the run; raised by farmers and school teachers in Kansas, but now live in the bizarre land of Southern California; spent time in a juvanile delinquency home for a couple of years in Branson, MO (and real hillbillies aren't as cute or funny as the "Clampets"); been married a couple of times- and yes, one of them was shotgun style; still have all my teeth; i love cats; i hate dogs; i make silly pictures that upset my mom; i make silly shirts and clothing with those silly pictures. And my kid is so much cooler than you could ever be.
I don't believe in punks, or hippies, or goths, or any of the trite "counter-culture" labels that society has put on people so that we can be grouped together and dismissed. All there is that matters anymore is politics, art, and activism. Everything else is fashion and filler. Participate, or go watch TV and get the fuck out of our way.
And PLEASE DO NOT bother trying to add me if you are some guy who's "buddies list" is riddled with strippers, porn stars, and half naked chicks. I don't care how arty or "progressive" you THINK you are. It SERIOUSLY gives me the willies, and I try to avoid guys like you at all costs. Noone likes a jock in sheep's clothing, and your "uncle bad touch" ways of life make me feel all dirty and gross. As much as I LOVE to make boys like you feel as stupid and pathetic as we all know you are, I really don't have the time for it. Girls were not put on this planet to collect like trading cards. Get a fucking life.... and don't say you haven't been warned.
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Join my mailing list for store sale info and event news!!!
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Just zoom in on the map, and hold your mouse button down to scroll around the map... click on the locations to see the photos!!
Get your own Trippermap!
*Store Listing*
*Hobbs: Lawrence, KS
*The Third Planet: Lawrence, KS
*Timeless: Los Angeles, CA
*Luxe de Ville: Los Angeles, CA
*Get My Point: Dana Point, CA
*New Deal: Santa Barbara AND Santa Cruz, CA
*Nothing Shocking: Fullerton, CA
*Sugar Shack: Sacramento, CA
*RAW: San Diego, CA
*The Hide Gallery: Santa Cruz, CA
*Toxic: Ventura, CA
*Salzer's: Ventura, CA
*Swallow: Los Angeles, CA
*Electric Chair: Both Huntington Beach & Riverside locations, CA
*Babygirl Inc.: Portland, OR
*Naked City: Portland, OR
*Gallery Obscura: Eugene, OR
*Wild West Trading Co.: Seattle, WA
*Moksha: Seattle, WA
*Hot Toddy: Olympia, WA
*The Paperdoll: Bellingham, WA
*Exile: Richmond, VA
*Lost & Found: Philadelphia, PA
*DoubleDutch Boutique: Baltimore, MD
*The Record Exchange: Boise, ID
*Blackmail: Austin, TX
*Gomi: Austin, TX
*Vicious Cycle: Chicago, IL
*Hootenanny: Cambridge, MA
*Newbury Comics: Boston, MA
*Never Ender Gallery & Boutique: Reno, NV
*Retrospect: Santa Fe, NM
*Junkman's Daughter: Atlanta, GA
*Rutabaga: Decantur, GA
*NYPull: NY, NY
*Crybaby Art Gallery: Asbury Park, NJ
*Toilet Water: Somers Point, NJ
*Plum Crazy: North Carolina
*Saint Sabrina's Parlor in Purgatory: Minneapolis, MN
*Winky's: New Orleans, LA
*DoubleDutch Boutique: Baltimore, MD
*Lucky Lotus: Edmonton, AB, Canada
*Blue Light Special: Calgary, AB, Canada
*Mothership: Toronto, Canada
*Headquarters Gallery & Boutique: Montreal, Quebec
*Mars & Venus: Edmonton, AB, Canada
*Bungalow: Toronto, Canada
*Frilly Lizard: London, ON, Canada
*Hoopers Bazaar: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
*Kuston Kulture: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
*Phat Angel: Nelson, BC, Canada
*Queen Bee Luxuries: Vancouver, BC, Canada
*Independent Outlet: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
*Strychnin: Berlin, Germany
*Shibuya: Berlin, Germany
*Outcast Shop: Dortmund, Germany
*Retro: Dublin, Ireland
*SVART: Stockholm, Sweden
all images protected under strict copywrite 2008
Wanna see more art and shirts? go to WWW.KRISTENFERRELL.COM
Wanna see my professional bio? go to WWW.KRISTENFERRELL.COM
Wanna know when my next show will be? go to WWW.KRISTENFERRELL.COM
Wanna wholesale pricelist for clothing, etc? go to WWW.KRISTENFERRELL.COM for contact info.
Wanna say hi? shoot me out a message... i'll say hi back!
Wanna tell me I'm a jerk? Bring it on.
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests


Because woman's work is underpaid or unpaid & what we look like is more important than what we do & if we get raped it is our fault & if we love women it's because we can't get a real man & if we expect community care for our family we are selfish & if we stand up for our rights we are loud & if we don't we are typical weak females & if we want to get married we are out to trap a man & if we don't we are unnatural & because we aren't deemed responsible enough to decide if, when and how we give birth... WE ARE FEMINISTS.
-Joyce Stevens, 1975



*The terms "scream like a girl" or "hit like a girl" should be nothing but a compliment. Because every girl I know will put the grunty-est all-dude grindcore band to shame with their screams when provoked; and when we hit, not only will we put you on the ground, but then we'll go after you with our nails and high-heels. Tread lightly when using those phrases, boys.

*When approached by religious zealots on the street inquiring as to whether or not I have accepted jesus as my savior, I throw my arms around them and scream at the top of my lungs "THANK YOU LORD! I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOUR MESSENGERS TO FIND ME AND LEAD ME TO YOUR PROMISED LAND!!! I FUCKING LOVE YOU PEOPLE!!!!!". (this works best if you can make yourself cry).

*If I see one more image of a "punk chick" with a gun, I'm going to shove a knife in my throat.

*The only people who wear sweatpants/pajamas in public are either insane or "mentally challenged".

*Everything should be pink with scalloped edges... and preferably on a chicken.

*Please don't be offended if I don't remember your name after meeting you multiple times. I never remember anyone's name. I called my son one of the cat's names the other day... so be patient with me.

*There is no excuse for "flip-flops" to be worn anywhere except in a YMCA shower or locker room. These are not a socially acceptable shoe. Stop wearing them now.

*For the fellas out there who like to walk around without a shirt on... knock it off. Seriously. I don't care what kind of shape you're in... noone is impressed. Put your fucking clothes back on, dumbass. You're creeping us all out with your narcisistic schenanigans.

*I don't understand girls who "don't get along with other girls".

*I can never seem to get my house as clean as I'd like it to be, and it makes me lay on the floor and scream at the top of my lungs for my mom.

*I cannot help but immediatly dislike you if I see you putting clothing on your dog. This is something I have no control over... you will have to work very hard to earn back my respect. (and I am aware that this is a total contradiction because my cat has a myspace profile... but I just don't care)

*I never never ever appreciate unannounced guests. I don't care who you are.

*If you are a "dude" that I haven't already accepted into my world, and you see me at a bar- know that if you approach me, I will publically destroy you, and I will do it as loudly as possible. I don't get out often, and it certainly isn't to shag you.

*If you are a "dude" that I haven't already accepted into my world, and you send me some vile asshole message filled with sexual insinuations... I will post it so everyone can laugh at you, and contact you to tell you how small your penis is, and how you must be AMAZINGLY pathetic to try to pick up chicks on an ON LINE COMMUNITY. We will all talk about you being a social retard, and how your only friend is your mom, and you have probably never even seen a girl naked except for the cheezy porn you have saved on your computer. But girls can write me whatever they want. Girls tend to not be predatory douchebags.

I'd like to meet:

Give me money and I'll be your friend.
Or give any of these people money and/or support, and we'll all be your friend:


....or just go to WWW.KRISTENFERRELL.COM and look at the links section... there are TONS of amazing bands, labels, galleries, artists and clothing companies on there to play with. Spread the word.


The song "Coward of the County" by Kenny Rogers makes me teary eyed every time I hear it.
And Neil Diamond is more God-like than God.
... yes, I am completely serious.

and i like music made by ladies who scream.
and music made by ladies who talk about feminism.
and music made by ladies who talk about empowerment.
and music made by ladies who talk about positive change.
and music made by ladies who are ready to fight for that change.
and music made by ladies who yell about hating boys who don't like feminists or female empowerment or positive change.
but i like most anything made by ladies.
..... and Neil Diamond.


I love Japanese films involving incest, sodomy with microphones, and rampant lactation. And blood... lots and lots of blood.

But I hate Tarantino movies. All of them. And Kevin Smith movies (they make me want to break things). Or anything that has Ben Affleck in it (I want to break him). I'd really like to break Tom Cruise as well. And I'd really really like to say that I'd like to break Brad Pitt... but he was just too good in the movie "Snatch" for me to hate him (though something in me really really wants to break him).

And movies that digitally alter animals to where it looks like they are talking scare me.


TV gives you cancer and a case of the "retards", and it makes you BOOOORING!!!!!! but I do like watching videos of people falling down.


"Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery: The Complete Coloured Plates of 1831-1854".... this book weighs 15 pounds and is almost 800 pages of full color, hand drawn anatomy and surgery illustrations from back when they didn't know what the hell they were doing...... pure heaven.


Ed Asner. Dolly Parton. Roy Clark and Buck Owens. And Ian McKaye.

My Blog


Yes... in the midst of stress-out frenzies, I built a new website.  With my upcoming show at the London Strychnin Gallery, and the 100 new pieces I'm making for it- I knew that I would need somet...
Posted by Kristen Ferrell Art & Clothing on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 11:10:00 PST

All kinds of new stuff, and I hate my fucking bank.....

I've got some happy and some hate to share with you all....First the happy....I had a bunch of "prints" made of paintings that I've done, and they're now available in limited editions of 30 of each im...
Posted by Kristen Ferrell Art & Clothing on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 09:35:00 PST

I’m going to force my cats to be ’people’.....

Sully and I have had a couple pretty rough days (and if you read my other blog, you know what I'm talking about).  In order to stay sane after rough days, we need to do much fun stuff or else I w...
Posted by Kristen Ferrell Art & Clothing on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 10:22:00 PST

excuse me while i drool...........

So I got home last night from spening a drunken week in Cannes, France at the Fusion 5 Festival put on by the Strychnin gallery.I am too tired from the traveling, being fed gallons of vodka (it was sp...
Posted by Kristen Ferrell Art & Clothing on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 09:37:00 PST

Sexism runs wild in Kansas.... Wheeeeeee!!!

i'm too sick to "cut and paste" anything jsut to have this fucking site eat it up.  so click HERE to go to my new ranting of babbble babble i typed this, snot ran out of my n...
Posted by Kristen Ferrell Art & Clothing on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 02:52:00 PST

What happens in Vegas never really stays in Vegas....

... or at least now that things like Flickr exist.Here are a few pics from the recent "Pool Tradeshow" that I was at with the girls from All-Mighty Clothing.  I never have a camera on me (or the ...
Posted by Kristen Ferrell Art & Clothing on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 10:46:00 PST

New blog postings....

.... HERE!!!my myspace is seriously screwed up and won't even let me read most of my check my wordpress blog for my rantings.  there's a little RSS feed button where the url is (i'm b...
Posted by Kristen Ferrell Art & Clothing on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 08:55:00 PST

Pssssssst..... hey you....

Wanna sneak peek at some of the things in my new Spring 2008 line?Go HERE and check it out!!I need sleep.Off to bed I go.XOXOOXOXO...
Posted by Kristen Ferrell Art & Clothing on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 11:52:00 PST


Ok.... so i tried to fucking cut-and-paste my other blog into this one 3 FUCKING TIMES and this stupid site kept eating it.  So here's the deal... I'm going to keep posting some babble on here- b...
Posted by Kristen Ferrell Art & Clothing on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 06:53:00 PST

A new era of blogging.....

Ok.... so posting blogs on here has finally driven me batty.I can't even count the number of times I've typed out a lengthy ranting, only to hit the "submit" button- and poof!.... it's gone forever.&n...
Posted by Kristen Ferrell Art & Clothing on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 09:22:00 PST