I ♥ vegan zombies profile picture

I ♥ vegan zombies

I am here for Friends

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !
I ♥ tattoos. I ♥ veggies. I ♥ chocolate. I ♥ vegan baked goods. I ♥ tofu. I ♥ cats. I ♥ cows. I ♥ my babies. I♥Patricia Arquette. I ♥ zombies. I ♥ recycling. I ♥ trees. I ♥ animals. I ♥ Vegans. I ♥ green. I ♥ rain. I ♥ Buddha. I don't like racism. I don't like idiots. I don't like racist idiots. I don't like meanies. I don't like dirt. I don't like FUR. I don't like leather. I don't like wool. I don't like waste. I don't like mall bangs. I don't like pimples. I don't like closed minds. I don't like green eggs & ham.
Today I saved

4660 pounds

of carbon emissions
And so can you. Go to coopamerica.org/go/carbcutter
to find out how.
A Appealing
S Shy
H Honest
L Little
E Easy
Y Yucky
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com ..

My Interests

It disgusts me how humans treat animals & the planet, I devote a ton of time saving them. This is the only planet we have, and we only have one soul, don't let them both rot away while you kill the planet, the animals & YOURSELF. PLEASE, if you love animals too, don't support any animal industry! If an animal is involved, I SWEAR they SUFFER! This includes, beauty, & houshold products, meat, dairy, leather, wool, fur, silk, honey (yes even insects count). Loving animals brings me overwhelming peace. Come on, recycling is SO easy, (if you're not a lazy idiot). I LOVE Junko Mizuno, & Mark Ryden. I♥making jewlery! I collect Living Dead Dolls, & little vintage porcelain animal statue thingys. (donations welcome) Colors in hair are necessary for survival I think, if your hair is brown watch out, you could die that way. Special Effects is the best, & it's cruelty free! I will paint anything & everything, & not feel ashamed. Reupholstering is swell too. I have this absolutely insane desire to make and create everything under the sun! I♥sewing,& I bought a teach yourself to knit kit, so maybe some curtains & a scarf by next christmas? I love makin' me some crafty shit, if only I had some power tools! (Donations welcome) Do you really care about me? Go fix your hair.

I'd like to meet:

Vegans & zombies


NOFX, The Dead Milkmen, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Teenage Bottlerocket, The Lillingtons, Screeching Weasel, Riverdales, Groovie Ghoulies, The Mopes, Ramones, Propaghandi, Pinhead Gunpowder, JChurch, Diesel Boy, The Queers, Green Day, Boss Hog, Blatz, The Bubble Boys, The Paper Chase, Me 1st & the Gimme Gimmes, Weezer, White Stripes, The Strokes, Cibo Matto, 80s, Nirvana, Guns N Roses, Pixies, Breeders, Kelly/Kim Deal, Violent Femmes, Blondie, The Cars, The Cure, Poison, Cinderella, ME in the shower, & of course those one hit wonders...If I think of more i'll fill you in fer sure like totally.


Oh my GOD....HOT ROD!!!!! I've seen it twice, and I want to see it again! I ♥ it!!!! Year of the Dog is SO GOOD!!!! Anything with Will Ferrell, Jack Black, Patricia Arquette, Johnny Depp, Jeremy Sisto. Any Tim Burton. Ed Wood, Edward Scissorhands, Sleepy Hollow, Beetlejuice, Nightmare b4 x~mas, Corpse Bride, Fear & Loathing in LV, CryBaby, Dead Man, Benny & Joon, Once upon a time in Mexico, Pee-Wee's Big Adventure, True Romance, Lost Highway, Nightwatch, MAY, Anchorman, Blades Of Glory, ELF, Stranger Than Fiction, Zoolander, Pecker, Serial Mom, Flirting With Disaster, High Tension, Secretary, The Royal Tenenbaums, Kill Bill, Nacho Libre, Wet Hot American Summer, FUR, One Missed Call, Shaun of the Dead,Hot Fuzz, Donnie Darko, Trainspotting, Dawn of the Dead, Resident Evil, Pulp Fiction, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Groundhog day, A Nightmare On Elm Street, Evil Dead, ARMY OF DARKNESS, April Fool's Day, Twilight Zone, Valley Girl, Real Genius, Raising Arizona, Breakfast Club, 16 candles, Better Off Dead, Heathers, That one I saw with your Mom in it. msprm name="movie" value


Just because I am fond of these clever little shows, does NOT mean I have time to watch them...SNL, DEAD LIKE ME, 6 Feet Under, The Office, 30ROCK, Medium, The Colbert Report, The Daily Show, Strangers with Candy, Forensic Files (any show about dead people). I'm also a geek for any show about revamping someones shit. msprm name="movie" value="ht mspobj allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJSURL="false" enableHREF="false" saveEmbedTags="true"


Right now i'm reading:Skinny Bitch It's EXCELLENT!, The China Study & Awakening the Buddha Within, and I just read Awakening the Buddhist ♥ by Lama Surya Das and I ♥ it, I highly recommend it. I just finished Eat To Live, it's the BEST BOOK EVER! READ IT! I'm also reading Vegan Freak. Any book about kindness to animals...Vegan cookbooks, Meat Market, Fast Food nation, Mad Cowboy, Animal Liberation, Eat to Live, Good News for all Creation, above all be kind, Diet for a New America, Veggie Soup for the chicken's soul, Food Revolution, Vegan cupcakes take over the world, Vegan with a Vengance, How it all Vegan, the Garden of Vegan, Viva La Vegan, the Volumptuous Vegan, Living Cuisine. I still love all my favorite books from my childhood...All those Shel Silverstein books, Fox in Sox, Leo the Lop, and ALL Serendipity books. Mama Genas guide to operating & owning men, Monsters in My Tummy, Gris Grimly, Junko Mizuno. Astrological books like Born on a Rotten Day.


My Grandma & Grandpa, Ghandi, Judy Carman, Howard Lyman, Patricia Arquette, Stella McCartney, Junko Mizuno, Erik Marcus

My Blog

Festival of Trees tree.

For the past 20 years, ew I hate saying that! I have helped my Mom with the Festival of Trees, which is a tree auction for charity. This year I did the tree, because she's on crack. I stayed the night...
Posted by I ♥ vegan zombies on Tue, 06 Dec 2005 11:06:00 PST


Need I elaborate? Okay if you insist...Level: Easy as hell.Time: like zero almost.Overall taste: You will die!Cascadian Farms tots (however many yer hungry 4)Amy's low sodium can chili (I like to add ...
Posted by I ♥ vegan zombies on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 12:07:00 PST

Poem I just wrote for my Bro.

Timetime drips bylike magnetsattracting pieces of our soulsIt gets stronger and fasterfeeding on our memoriesour birthdaysour sorrowsIts force is too strongto be swayedto stay I miss or time together....
Posted by I ♥ vegan zombies on Thu, 13 Oct 2005 11:21:00 PST


Hello! We are so late getting our page up, that we hoped if anyone who still needed to make a donation, could through us? I feel terrible not having ANY money! I know my family will donate, but maybe ...
Posted by I ♥ vegan zombies on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 09:42:00 PST

Vegan philosopy.

The term philosophy is often used to mean a set of basic values and attitudes toward life, nature and society. In this sense, Veganism is a "Philosophy of Life," guided by what I envision as an essent...
Posted by I ♥ vegan zombies on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 11:54:00 PST

Does this give too much away?

..> Your Five Factor Personality Profile  Extroversion: You have medium extroversion.You're not the life of the party, but you do show up for the party.Sometimes you are full of energy and ...
Posted by I ♥ vegan zombies on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 12:00:00 PST

Be Ethical.....

Make Your Dollars Count: Avoid Animal Testers  To be an ethical V means to strip your life clean of all those products and practices that exploit animals, be them chickens or chimps, beagles or b...
Posted by I ♥ vegan zombies on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Little diddy 'bout my bro

You eat your feet...ThisThis is what feeds meleads meon this forgettable journeyI can't forgetregretAbandonmy solitudeYet we will misstogethernessI must confessI will not ingestyour shitand you are qu...
Posted by I ♥ vegan zombies on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Yummy veg facts!

http://www.vegsource.com/how_to_win.htm#ethical The Hunger Argument Number of people worldwide who will die as a result of malnutrition this year: 20 million Number of people who could be adequately f...
Posted by I ♥ vegan zombies on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 09:56:00 PST

Reasons you should fake it!

" ...
Posted by I ♥ vegan zombies on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 09:23:00 PST