www.drunkingham.com, bicycles, Demonika, my cat Buddy, coffee, Drawing socially, and/ or physically and/or sexually challenged individuals, alcolumbia.com, Budweiser in cans, Budweiser in bottles, collecting vinyl records, bicycles, Rocket from the Crypt (R.I.P), Austrian and German expressionists, respecting the rock, burning bridges, alcohol, bb guns, and bicycles. All my shits mine. Dont use without my ok, ok?
Yummykisses, Hurl Everstone, and you.
You have been marked on my profile map!
anything that gets my rump shaking, and Crass.
teen wolf 2, grease 2, revenge of the nerd 2, rocky 2, terminator 2, vacation 2, halloween 2...the list goes on and on....basically i always love to see what happens when the story is over, because for me when the story ends...it really just begins...im blowing your mind arent i....its ok...i do that alot.
The Christmas fire place channel
The monkeywrench gang, jim Goads 'shit magnet', books about serial killers, zines, and books about books. Oh yeah, and I like really expensive art books that I cant afford. Which are like, all of them.
Rom Pom Polivitch Militinski Slanaslov, freedom fighter for all calf headed, jumper wearing, spiced rum drinkers, and Mick Collins.