Swobo Clothing Co. profile picture

Swobo Clothing Co.


About Me

I like long meals, and even longer rides. When Im wet, I like to be warm. I confuse the easily confused, Im still sewn, late at night, in the seedy part of town. I can be found from atop Mount Tam, or the San Francisco Peaks, to the dark, dank alley ways of Minneapolis, and Oakland.. I like baby sheep, little kitties, fuzzy puppies, riding my bike with friends, and watching Big Dave dance.

My Interests

Clothing the world. Or at least the ones who need it. SKIN IS IN! www.howtoavoidthebummerlife.com.Let us help you, help yourself.

I'd like to meet:

Bike racers, bike messengers, bike commuters, bike mechanics, bike fabricators, people who are tired of wearing plastic bags, those who love the smell of wet wool, those about to rock, and you, my friend... you.
My World Visitor Map!


The ass shaking kind.


The one where the guy is wronged.. you know poisoned, or sent to prison, or whatever, and then he has only a limited amount of time to figure out who wronged him. And cartoons.


The kind with pictures on it, but very little sound.


"Saying no to negativity". I keep trying, but it always comes out as, 'yes... please.'


People who tenderly hug me.

My Blog

How would one avoid the bummer life?

All you have to do is go to How to Avoid The Bummer Life(dot)com.Its really just that simple.
Posted by Swobo Clothing Co. on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 04:00:00 PST