eyesøcketangie profile picture


There are more plastic Flemingos in the U.S. then there are real ones....

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Besides being a smartass extraodinaire...I'm a single mommy...My hair has seen better days and I'm overly exhausted all the time, but my lil' pistol is soooooooo worth it! Art & Design has been my true love and passion for as long as I can remember, but I'd have to say, lil' miss Gabriella Rose Rivera (a.k.a. GRR!!! haha) is my best creation by far! Yah, I'm mushy...whatever! Shut up!
So besides my mini-me, I LOVE SHOES....haha but HATE FEET....yes, those are all my choos...

You touch me with your foot, I will break it off and throw it. Also, I'm pretty sure I have the worst A.D.D. ever-it literally takes me an hour to tell you a story and I get easily distracted by shiny things."SPARKPLUG"....hmmm just ask.
Family and friends are very important to me and besides art, I enjoy Bright Red Lipstick, cardboard-box racing,PHOTOGRAPHY...not professionally, I just take pictures of everything...umm let's see...Oh yah, I like Cantelope, my beach cruiser, Travling, HORCHATA, Lime Green, Snail Flicking, putting costumes on animals, haha, my big fluffy Dharma (she's a good sport), Pumpkin Spice Latte's (Yah I said Latte...FUCK YOU!), Velvet Paintings(the sleezier/cheesier the better), hair bows, robot dancing and I have my eye on this beast of a car...someday she will be mine!!!!

and why do I want an IMPALA,because its the...

in me!
I also love being under the sun; kayaking,skateboarding(transportaion only...no tricks) and especially SURFING-Been doing it for about 9 years or so, I lived in Maui for a year just to surf, but I'm not your typical lookin' surfer girl though. I am a partial tree-hugger, more like ocean hugger; I'm an active member to the "Surfrider Foundation" and the "Friends of the Foothills" nonprofit organizations. All in all...I laugh at things, I support rowdy mexicanism, act my shoe size, which is a thunderous 4.5 in chucks...Haha and I can literally fit in over-head compartments and as far as athletics, ehhhhhh...I don't care if there's beer involved, I can't sit and watch dumb sports on tv. American sports are lame! FOOTBALL ESPECIALLY! The only time a helmet should be required, should be on a motorbike. I do love Futbol though, Oh yah, and I LOVE Lucha Libre...

My Interests

Concider me a Kreative Kitten... I'm very versatile; I've done Tattoo Flash, Corperate Logos, Commercial Layouts(i.e. Album artwork, Book covers, some Package Design, posters, etc.) I've even painted large murals in childrens' rooms. I also do the artwork on the PottyMouthPatsy's page (top friends' list).

Painting FOR SALE at Calacas in Santa Ana. Check out their link

Need designwork email me at [email protected]

I'd like to meet:


Lucha Va Voom Reel

ORSON WELLS....If you don't know who he is, I'm not going to esplain.


All types of creatives, bands, subcultire socialites, and anyone who wants to have fun!
Free Cursors


Basically anything that keeps your ass moving; more-so along the lines of any type of Billy, Creepy, Rockin', Surfy(haha), Skankin, 80's, Swingin, Twangy, Sleazy, Irish Pub, Oi, Rock en Espanol & definately ol'school is my taste in music- Oingo Biongo Farewell Tour on Halloween was one of my first shows (I was 12).....All in all, I go to a shitload of shows...just ask....oh yah, I think emo should not exist!


Quentin Tarantino


HAHAHA...I'm a sucker for HGTV, FUEL tv...ROB & BIG!!!


Anything with alot of visual aid....


DAD & MOM....

Todd Oldham, Gris Grimly, Tim Burton, Danny Elfman, Shepard Fairey, Edgar Pigor, Frida Kahlo, Lalo Alcaraz, Josh Agle (SHAG),Jeral Tidwell, Johnny Crap and of course Dali.

My Blog

Horror Pinup Contest...Please Vote for me oxox

HOLY MONSTER HAIRBOWS BATMAN!!!!! be a peach...and please GO VOTE FOR ME!!! click on this link and go into the pics and leave a comment/vote in the "pinup contest" album! the most votes/comments wins...
Posted by eyesøcketangie on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 09:27:00 PST

Bored with art school....

I think after spending all this time studying graphics and photography at a Jr. college then going to an art school as a graphic design major/advertising minor...I'm thinkin I'm going to use my very e...
Posted by eyesøcketangie on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 10:07:00 PST


HAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA......She thinks it's funny to make this noise....The joys of lil' girls.... ...
Posted by eyesøcketangie on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 02:21:00 PST