Norman Bates profile picture

Norman Bates

so cal oi warlord

About Me

You Are 100% Evil
You're the most evil person you know.
The devil is even a little scared of you! How Evil Are You?I am a fucking burnt out hasbeen drunk you probably hate me,im a mean evil personif you know me. Well...not much to say other then that, I used to play in a few bands, had some fun taking a brake from all that for a while. I might go back to school and shit...basically, my name is Matt. I am the former front man of with the fuckin girl of my dreams and shes probly the only one who can put up with my antics and bullshit and still love me when the days over . I'm in too low riders, hot rods, music, girls. Not in that order. I love my dog more then any person, . I am a history geek. I am quite good at boxing, or so I'm told. I used to do it locally and still do a few one off matches. I am also a massive ghost geek. I own more books on ghosts and war then anyone i know.

My Interests

pin ups
old cars
millatry surplus
doing random insane crap



I'd like to meet:

Hooligans, greasers, pin ups, anyone pretty much
"Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. i can assure them it is much more serious than that"
up the headhuntersmy partner im crime the love of my life the bitch who keeps me up all night my little mexicunt roni3 the girl ima marry and grow old with even if i have to live in texas to do it


I like a lot of different music the muisc i grew up on was X us bombs soical d fear and tons of local oc shit tons of the la bands lots o brit oi some of the new york bands lots of rockabilly and psychobilly lots of old surf and roots/ blues shithers some of the bands i play mostly everyday the offspring fuck off im from hb some dkm cash jerry lee lewis del shanon ramones some pistols sham 69 mad sin smut peddlers circle jerks some black flag the business beerzone the queers buddy knox toy dolls some old rancid i suppose depress mode new order lots of other faggy new wave stuff demanted are go cock sparrer combat 84 dick dale condemed 84 skrewdriver get the fuck over it zombie ghost train mad sin a.b.h g.b.h eddie cochren gean vincent carl perkins macc lads the last resort the clash us bombs or really anything dp ever did some older misfits soical disortion the meat men klingonz manic hispanic X fear and many many more...


Old westerns old war movies horror movies and i liked crank, i don't care what you think.


Ghost Hunters Pimp My Ride Anything on the History Channel AMC TMC Beavis and Butthead The Simpsons Family Guy Old cartoons Glenn Beck The news


Paranormal History Ian Flemming


can kick your asslee ving micky fitz tesco vee p paul fenech sparky mexican jesus for all the discounts at burgerking joe strummer and all the fuckers out there who went and saw me play thaanks for all yer money weenbags

My Blog

pleese do this

DO THIS! for me :) am i...- am i cute?- am i pretty?- am i crazy?- am i lovable?- am i funny?- am i annoying?- am i psycho?- am i daring?- am i a good person?would you...- would you hug me?- would y...
Posted by Norman Bates on Mon, 23 Jan 2006 11:26:00 PST