playing "rock" music, Riding my bicycle, travelling far away from my homeland of NYC with my buddy Nick, sock-monkey tea-parties & cutting myself
Nick Phillips, Brandon Possible, Boyd (my 3 dead best-friends). Assata Shakur, Jessie's girl, Arundahti Roy, the land o lakes girl (the one with the knee-breasts'), Ol'Dirty Bastard (again)
N.C.V., Choking V., L.o.C., Tu-Pac, Beatles, real political punk (Crass, old Chumba, nausea, conflict, subhumans/citizen fish, original (real) Dead Kennedys & all that loud fast shit that promotes true & positive political change), lots of hip-hop & now I am becoming, como se dice? un indie-rock geek: Postal Service, Joanna Newsome, Pavement, pretty girls make graves. They might be giants (up until the last several records), 80's POP! & really, really sad songs that make me want to lay down on the floor unless I can find a nice isolated spot to watch glorious sunsets especially over large bodies of water to the west where I can stare at the colorful light reflecting off of the rippling water & close my eyes for the setting suns' glow on the insides of my eyelids. A feeling as close to sober peace as I can find anywhere in this cruel & lonely world...
Jacobs Ladder, Raising Arizona, all the George Romero zombie movies, anything by Wes Anderson, Magnolia & the Shawshank Redemption
No Fucking Commercials!!! some HBO shit like Carnivale & maybe Aqua-Teen & Metalacolypse. I try to steal cable, but I just get the food network & TBS which are both extremely boring & full of commercials. Spaced, Extras & the league of extraordinary gentlemen (all U.K.)
99% of everything by John Steinbeck & Kurt Vonnegut, most recently Haruki Marikami & then an assortment of things I have read over the past 20 years including several George Orwells, Farenheight 451 & Dandelion Wine by Bradbury, Arandahti Roy's "the god of small things" & her political non-fiction essays, "you can't win" by Jack Black (the train-hoppin' thief & jail-breakin' reformed hop-fiend fugitive from the turn of the next to last century, not the fucker from the movies during the turn of this last century). Lots of political non-fiction like: Assata Shakur's auto-biography, Lockdown America:police & prisons in the age crisis by Christian Parenti (Michael Pareti's son:the spoken word guy from "No Gods/No Managers") & "attention M.O.V.E.:this is America" which is a book about the history of the unjust harassment, murder & imprisonment of the Afrika family. I travel & read a lot and I don't think I can include all the fuckin' books I been done read.
Assata Shakur, Dick Lucas, Brandon Chevalier-Kolling, the Zapatistas, the Tupac Ammaru, the folks that held off the Romans at Massada, Ramona Afrika (sole adult surviver of the 1985 Philadelphia M.O.V.E. bombing/incineration & firing squad executions), all the rock-throwers & cop-killa's around the world