LEFTOVER CRACK profile picture


The OFFICIAL Leftover Crack Page

About Me

This is the band page run by the band themselves. We are ANTI-RACIST,ANTI-SEXIST,ANTI-HOMOPHOBIC, and ANTI-BREEDING but PRO-CHOICE. We are not P.C., but share similar interests...we are simply against ALL forms of Fascism and against the petty infighting that can result in an exclusive scene where the true, terrifying enemies can be put on the back-burner because of our petty differences. I just wish we could unite to fight for the important things in life like freedom and equality and our polluted dying eco-system that we depend on to live. Yes, I mean these wicked corporations & their collusion with our government to feed you lies through the media they control. Wake the fuck up!!! And if you ARE awake or claim to be, please heed my warning that this infighting can result in nothing but the smallest, smug sense of self-righteousness and the alienation of people that truly want to help (most of the time, a few bad apples aren't even usually that bad). Well, I can dream, can't I or is thought-crime being enforced finally!!! Throw away the key.For a finely detailed explanation about our views on police, prisons, border police/immigration policies and the greed and corruption that fuel these loathsome enterprises, I can't recommend the following book highly enough: 'Lockdown America: Police and Prisons in the Age of Crisis' by Christian Parenti (the son of Michael Parenti [the man whose spoken word quotes we used in the record:'No GODS/NO MANAGERS' by Choking Victim] whom also has written many books that have greatly informed our politics).Check back here for shows,recording updates, and other info. Mail will be answered maybe,depending on who checks the site. If you wanna' buy an L.o.C./C.V. T-shirt, patch or record these links should take take you to the buying places:
For LOC, MORNING GLORY,F-minus, Music,T-Shirts and patches go here:
We've soiled our profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests


Member Since: 12/23/2005
Band Website: For merch: jsrdirect.com/bands/leftover_crack/
Band Members: Stza:Vox, Alec:Bass, Ezra:Guitar/Vox, Brad:Guitar/Vox, Ara:Drums

Happy Time Party Guys.

Seattle 04'

Citizen Crack, Milwaukee 06'

JP,Nick and Stampy

Influences: The Beatles, 2Pac, The Tupac Amuru, Las Zapatistas, early chumbawamba, subhumans, dawn of the dead, dead prez, dead kennedys, dead milkmen, dead people that we love/forget/remember too often, Crass, Nausea, neurosis, mobb deep, deathmold, Cage, old reagan youth, Joanna Newsom,...um..the postal service, bright eyes, modest mouse, sergio leone- films, Citizen Fish, culture shock, Jawbreaker, star fucking hipsters, They used to be Giants, The Victims Wrath, Ol'Dirty and Wu-Tang forever mother fuckers!!!!
Sounds Like: Choking Victim
Record Label: FatWrecks/Alternative Tentacles/Household Name UK
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

tip of the u.s./mexican border politics iceburg. help us do a benefit in nogales,mexico.

Be forewarned, if you don't care about politics or people from other countries trying to make better lives for themselves, then feel free to skip this blog, it's a long one...    We are...
Posted by LEFTOVER CRACK on Mon, 19 May 2008 03:06:00 PST

things fall together. hawaii subjugation/best spring break everrrr!!!

    So, we didn't get as wasted on this last tour and I think it went pretty good. I didn't forget song lyrics (well, maybe once). We'd like to thank all the folks that played with us, ...
Posted by LEFTOVER CRACK on Sun, 11 May 2008 05:46:00 PST

Things Fall Apart.

Yo, I was pretty drunk the other night when I called you and your loved ones stupid & boring. I apologize for getting so drunk and then writing mean things, I just hear alot of complaining but not...
Posted by LEFTOVER CRACK on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 11:52:00 PST

Do we suck live and hate our fans? the haters have spoken. plus a decent interview.

     Entonces, I've read a lot of fairly negative things concerning our live shows since we've posted these new ones.      Am I drunk at most of our shows? the...
Posted by LEFTOVER CRACK on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 03:32:00 PST

Spring-Break Revisited!!!

..TR> Spring-Break Revisited!!! Here it is two years later & I’m sitting in the same chair at the same computer in the same internet cafe in FUCKing Cancun, Mexico!!! Actually I’m a...
Posted by LEFTOVER CRACK on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 08:50:00 PST

Actual Leftover Crack & Star Fucking Hipsters news!

So this is what I know right now. At the begining of April myself and Nico de Gaillo (the other Star Fucking Hipsters singer) will be spending ten more days at Fat Mike's Motor Studios in S.F. to fini...
Posted by LEFTOVER CRACK on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 11:48:00 PST

When are YOU gonna’ go on tour?

 That's right, from now on you have to come to us. We might be playing a few shows this year & you are all invited to drop`the bag of chips & get off of your parents couches. You don't lo...
Posted by LEFTOVER CRACK on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 01:12:00 PST

My Brain Hurts Vol. 1 by Liz Baillie Available Now!

Hi Y'all,My baby sister Liz just published a graphic novel called My Brain Hurts Volume 1. It's available for sale at http://interpunk.com/item.cfm?Item=68356& . See description below:A group of teena...
Posted by LEFTOVER CRACK on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 01:23:00 PST

November M.R.R. Located!!!

I got to see the MRR and was not dissapointed. Alot of topics were discussed over the several hours of talking with Issac from Indiana/Missouri and I'm not sure how much was edited out by Issac o...
Posted by LEFTOVER CRACK on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 10:58:00 PST

Dear Canada

Yet another tour shut down by Canadian Immigration. I really don't know what to say...I'm sure there'll be a million opinions of what happened and how we could have planned it better. I've already hea...
Posted by LEFTOVER CRACK on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 11:45:00 PST