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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

you can see more of my art (mostly photographs) on my deviantART profile
Anarchy is Order.
think about it.

the end is near (the end of the age of pisces that is)
happy days
"gravity is a habit that is hard to shake off."
-Terry Pratchett

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

interesting people, punks, squatters, hobbits, train hoppers, farmers, terry pratchett, and... umm... more interesting people?

My Blog

greetings from a northern land

to whom it may concerncanadia is growing on meor im growing in iti miss the good ol' evt e towneverettthe promised landof cheep beer and cigarettshere i enjoythe frendly reminderon every pack of de ma...
Posted by on Thu, 07 May 2009 22:23:00 GMT