only add me if you're actually gonna talk to me.
otherwise, don't waste my time.
My name is Kendra! I've lived in Oregon all my life. Starting out in Eugene and currently living in Canby. If you want to know anything about me, don't hesitate to ask! I'm beginning to sound like a robot...
I like: Thrifting! Sewing. Longboarding. Everything DIY. Hair Dye. Body Mods. Art. Music. MOVIES! Outdoors. Flowers. Being creative. Stealing quotes from others. Watching football. Reading books and articles. Golfing!
The myth that in order to be successful, one must follow the path paved by society has become so programmed into our minds that making alternative life decisions seems ridiculous and unfathomable. The standards have been set: we are to graduate high school, go to college, get married, breed, and if you're lucky end up working behind a desk punching insignificant numbers into a computer (It sounds nice, but, on paper so does communism). I do believe that knowledge is power and that education is the key but, I don't call memorizing formulas for problems that you and I both know will never arise any type of powerful knowledge, and i certainly don't feel being force fed white man lies by white men is an education. Whether you like to admit it or not, we are pawns, in a sense the mindless gears of an evil machine that wil rob you blind, rape you dry, and in the end leave you so miserable that death will seem like a blessing.
Since I was young I had a hard time believing everything i was told and an even harder time understanding how everyone else could. People eat the shit off their plates without even taking time to chew. You buy a sweatshop made American flag to hang from your window and a plastic cross to mount above your bed to feel secure but, outside your perfect cubicle of "normality", delerious politicians are exploiting the weak, crooked cops are killing the innocent civilians and pernicious corporate leaders are turning the world into a prefabriacted market place with little children pulling the reigns.
You can hide behind a television and make everything seem alright but, I hope you understand that whoever becomes the next "American Idol" won't seem all that important in the end.
This world is fucked up and as the history of human nature shows, it will be fucked up until we meet our demise. This doesn't neccesarily mean that we have to accept this as our fate. Live your own life and don't settle for the norm just because it's easy. Hey "without money is true happiness unattainable?" Figure it out for yourself. Hell. You're the one with the degree. I'm just a high school dropout, so what the hell would i know anyway?---No Ca$h.
Perhaps the whole root of our trouble, the human trouble, is that we will sacrifice all the beauty of our lives, will imprison ourselves in totems, taboos, crosses, blood sacrifices, steeples, mosques, races, armies, flags, nations, in order to deny the fact of death, which is the only fact we have.
(James Baldwin)
The days blow by in agile moments of clarity and blind despair. With rage so thick it's bittersweet to see a smile come through here and there. You put your faith in living, but youthful idealism is no longer welcome here. I'm not dead yet. Hopes not dead yet. A hero's march down scorn filled halls defeats the charity of last years hell. Your vain eyes show no respect, just loss of recognition broken spirit burnt out will. Sing a song of cynicism a foul smell of shit decay and degradation in the midst of celebration. I'm not dead yet. Hopes not dead yet.
I saw you burn down every bridge. Turn your back on everything, leave all illusions behind. Leave the chains of childhood in the past. Destroying the ideas the imprison the mind. Burning Bridges never to indulge in self-deceit again. Who's kidding who when you're lying to yourself? Having fun burning bridges never to look back on the past that made you what you are.