Progressive Gardens strives to be the source of conscious products and information for your gardening endeavors. We peddle Hydroponic systems, Composters, Vortex Brewers, Rain Barrels, Indoor Plant Lighting, Greenhouse Supplies, Chia Pets, Organic Seeds/Soils/Fertilizers, Natural Pest Control Products, Natural Lawn Care Products, Science Projects, Bat Houses, Beneficial Insects, and much much
Rudolph Steiner, Viktor Schauberger, love, Nikola Tesla, Jimi Hendrix, Wilhelm Reich, and anyone else willing to view the world as being different from the way we teach ourselves to see it...CURRENT MOON moon phase info
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I grow towards strings and away from percussion...the wavelengths...
This is a Vortex Brewer. It is designed to produce compost tea, or living solutions, composed of literally trillions of life forms. Microbiology is what accomplishes balance in ecosystems by processing nutrition and protecting plants. It is, in fact, a concentrated form of Nature. It is also what is killed by synthetic matrials, such as budget fertilizers and -cides. Encourage life, not death The Future of Food. PLEASE WATCH! (AND ACT!) The story of how Cooper Mountain Vineyards arrived at biodynamics... Wonderful documentary espousing biodynamics as a mechanism to save the world. TRAILER = The Real Dirt on Farmer John, check your local listings. Home Composting - How & Why Part I: Everyone should have a compost pile. If you don't come see us! Home Composting - How & Why Part II
The Roots How to take clones, thanks Be Well... Commercial Hydroponic Lettuce Operation...
Secrets of the Soil, Vibrational Medicine, Living Energies, Guns Germs and Steel, The End of Food, The Hidden Messages in Water, Bee's, The Universe is a Green Dragon, Eating Fossil Fuels, Teaming with Microbes, Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path, Descent of Man, Origin of Species, An Essay on the Principle of Population,The Body Electric, The Alphabet and the Goddess, Function of the Orgasm, Living Water, The Spell of the Sensuous, The Agriculture Course- Steiner, the Dictionary, the Bible and Gnostic texts, Empty Harvests, The Journeyer, The Secret Life of Plants, Awakening to Zero Point, Natural Capitalism, Cradle to Cradle, Biodynamic Agriculture- Podolinski, The Origin of Satan, Catch-22, all Tom Robbins, Vonnegut, Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged...
Matter taking form on a lower vibratory level. Parlay this into an understanding of ALL form on multiply higher levels of vibration... pest control.