)O(Emerwolf)O( profile picture


***...and only in darkness we can see the Stars...every woman&every man are a star***

About Me

Caught by the Universal Web
The Fire Dragons arise
Shaking trough space
At their heartbeat pace
Like magnets they are
Swirling in spirals
Their kaleidoscope shines
Freefalling down their minds
New dimensions are born
In a magical bond
- F.R.-
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !
"It is written in the stars, child, that only a king who comes of two royalties, one royalty of the Tribes who follow the Goddess, and one royalty of those who look to Rome, will heal our land of all this strife." (Mistress of Magic, Chapter 2, p. 6, The Mists of Avalon, Marion Zimmer Bradley )"And then, in one great act of Druid magic, to protect the last precious refuge of their school, they had made the last great change in the world; that change which removed the Island of Avalon from the world of mankind. Now it lay hidden in the mist which concealed it, except from those initiates who had been schooled there or those who were shown the secret ways through the Lake." (Mistress of Magic, Chapter 9, p. 14The Mists of Avalon, Marion Zimmer Bradley )
"I am the mother of the universe, the sovereign of all the elements, the origin before the centuries, the totality of the divine powers, the queen of the spirits, the first of the celestial ones; the unique image of all the male and female divinities: I rule with a sign of the head the bright peaks of the celestial vault, the salutary winds of the sea, the desolate silences of the hell.My essence is indivisible, but in the world I am worshipped anywhere under manifold forms, with different rites, under different names.Therefore the Frigis, the first inhabitants of the earth, call me mother of the gods [Great Mother, Cybele], adored in Pessinusthe autochtonous Attics, Minerva Cecropia; the Cypriots bathed by the sea, Venus of Paphos;the Cretesis skilled archers, Diana Dictynna;the trilingual Sicilians , Proserpina Stygia; the inhabitants of the ancient Eleusis, Ceres Actea;some people Juno; others Bellona; the one Hecate; the other Rhamnusia [Nemesis]. But the two stocks of the Ethiopians, the one illuminated by the rising rays of the god Sun at dawn, the others by those dying at sunset, and the Egyptians gifted with the ancient knowledge, they honor me with rites that belong to me alone, and they call me with my true name: Isis Queen.(Prayer to Isis (Apuleius, Metamorphosis XI, 2)

My Interests

)O(Music speaks about what cannot be said but cannot left untold)O(

CORRESPONDENCES - Charles Baudelaire
IN Nature's temple living pillars rise,
And words are murmured none have understood,
And man must wander through a tangled wood
Of symbols watching him with friendly eyes.
As long-drawn echoes heard far-off and dim
Mingle to one deep sound and fade away;
Vast as the night and brilliant as the day,
Colour and sound and perfume speak to him.
Some perfumes are as fragrant as a child,
Sweet as the sound of hautboys, meadow-green;
Others, corrupted, rich, exultant, wild,
Have all the expansion of things infinite:
As amber, incense, musk, and benzoin,
Which sing the sense's and the soul's delight.

Paganism,shamanism,magic,holistic medicine,
yoga,arts,music, painting,drawing,water
colours,horseriding,canoeing, martial arts
(Kung fu & tai chi chuan ), poetry & literature ,
politics & environment,geopolitics,human & animal

rights,nature,travelling, mithology & history,
archeoastronomy,psychology,cats , playing piano &
singing,theatre,Opera,red wine....the Moon and Life!

"Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great,
some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust
upon 'em."
From Twelfth Night (II, v, 156-159)
William Shakespeare

"Perhaps strength doesn't reside in having never been
broken... but in the courage required to grow strong
in the broken places."(author unknown)

I'd like to meet:

***Committed to (((Sunchylde)))***


From classical, medieval,celtic, folk, some neofolk
( no nazi-fascist bands ! ), goth, romantic, ethereal,
darkwave, punk, postpunk, industrial, metal, viking, doom,
stoner,psychedelic, 60s,70s,early be-bop jazz and queen
voices of jazz, alternative...to anything that gives me
deep emotions...and makes me think!

"How can you come to know yourself? Never by thinking,
always by doing. Try to do your duty, and you'll know right
away what you amount to."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Many..uhm..Godard,Wim Wenders,Zeffirelli,Woody Allen,Terry
Gilliam,Eisenstein,Ken Loach,Lars Von Trier,
Truffaut,Bertolucci,Takeshi Kitano,Brian de Palma,
Hitchcock,Herzog,Murnau,Peter Wier,Guillermo Del Toro,
Oliver Stone,Milos Forman, Peter Brook,Mel Brooks,
Tim Burton,..all Monty Python's!!!! & more...




Classic ancient greek & roman writers,especially
Plato,Catullo,Ovidio,Apuleio,Socrate,Saffo ; br Shakespeare,Holderlin,Keats,Shelly,E.Bronte,Byron,
Baudelaire,Tagore,Verlaine,Leopardi,Neruda,Prevért,Evtusenk o,Leopardi, Jimenez,Blake,Goethe,Borges,Brecht,
Beat Generation Writers,Milan Kundera,Anais Nin,Luther Blisset,
J.R.R.Tolkien,M.Z.Bradley,Lovecraft,Hermann Hesse,
Pirandello,Poe,Rushdie,Anne Rice, G.Orwell,
Jeanette Winterson,Somerset Maughan,Isabel Allende,Garcia Lorca, G.Marquez...
Robert Graves,D.J.Conway,Starhawk,the Farrars,
Dion Fortune,Brian Bates,Graham Hancock,Kenneth Meadows,
Giordano Bruno,Erdred Thorsson,Freya Aswynn,
Alice Bailey,Margareth Murray,C.Rainsville,Vicky Noble,Anodea Judith,Crowley,
Cunningham ,Scott,S.Arroyo,Townley,Pauwells&Bergier,
Fritjof Capra,Paul Davies,Nigel Pennick & more...
"The moon shines, the stars come out, a soft breeze caresses my meditation. On the right, one still sees the setting sun showing itself humbly behind the moon, which now rules the heavens. Finally the sun disappears altogether and then the moon, shining still more brightly, proudly ascends the throne of the sun. I greet you, Madam, the stars seem to say."Anais Nin
"To laugh is to risk appearing a fool.To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.To reach out for another is to risk involvement.To expose feelings is to risk revealing your true self.To place your ideas, your dreams, before a crowd is to risk rejection.To love is to risk not being loved in return.To live is to risk dying.To hope is to risk disappointment.To try is to risk failure.But risks must be taken, because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing." William Arthur Ward


The Goddess,The Gods,Elementals,Dragons,pure hearts
and enlightened minds
You scored as II - The High Priestess. The High Priestess is a card of intuition, instinct and hidden knowledge. She knows all your secrets, you can hide nothing from her. Yet you will never know the secrets she herself protects.If well aspected in a Tarot spread, this card can indicate the use of intuition to solve problems; trust to your instincts. If badly aspected, it can mean suppression and ignoring of such instincts - following your head at the expense of your heart.

III - The Empress


IV - The Emperor


II - The High Priestess


XVI: The Tower


XIII: Death


VIII - Strength


XIX: The Sun


I - Magician


XI: Justice


X - Wheel of Fortune


0 - The Fool


VI: The Lovers


XV: The Devil

Which Major Arcana Tarot Card Are You?
created with QuizFarm.com
Three passions have governed my life:
The longings for love, the search for knowledge,
And unbearable pity for the suffering of humankind.
Love brings ecstasy and relieves loneliness.
In the union of love I have seen
In a mystic miniature the prefiguring vision
Of the heavens that saints and poets have imagined.
With equal passion I have sought knowledge.
I have wished to understand the hearts of people.
I have wished to know why the stars shine.
Love and knowledge led upwards to the heavens,
But always pity brought me back to earth;
Cries of pain reverberated in my heart
Of children in famine, of victims tortured
And of old people left helpless.
I long to alleviate the evil, but I cannot,
And I too suffer.
This has been my life;
I found it worth living.
*Bertrand Russell*
"Hear me, O queen, Zeus? daughter of many names, Titanic and Bacchic, reverend, renowned archer, torch-bearing goddess bringing light to all, Diktynna, helper at childbirth.You aid women in labor, though you know not what labor is. O frenzy-loving huntress, you loosen girdles and drive cares away; swift, arrow-pouring, you love the outdoors and you roam in the night.Fame-bringing, affable, redeeming, mannish, Orthia, goddess of swift birth, nurturer of mortal youths. Immortal and yet of this earth, you slay wild beasts, O blessed one, and your realm is in the mountain forests. You hunt deer, O august and might queen of all, fair blossoms, eternal, sylvan, dog-loving, many-shaped lady of Kydonia. Come, dear goddess, as savior, accessible to all the initiates and bring earth?s fair fruits and lovely Peace and well-tressed Health; and do banish disease and pain to mountain peaks" Orphic Hymn to Artemis

My Blog

Valentine's Day  The History of a Holiday

It's a day devoted to love, winged babies, hearts, candy, flowers and romance. This modern version of an ancient holiday actually has a very controversial and dark history.   The roots of th...
Posted by )O(Emerwolf)O( on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 02:23:00 PST

La Morale Sessuofobica del cattolicesimo

La morale sessuofobica del cattolicesimo e il suo disprezzo per la donna sono vistose espressioni di quella negazione dei valori umani insita in molte dottrine della Chiesa e che rende del tutto info...
Posted by )O(Emerwolf)O( on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 12:35:00 PST

"We think too much and feel too little..."

Hope... I'm sorry but I don't want to be an Emperor - that's not my business - I don't want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone if possible, Jew, gentile, black man, wh...
Posted by )O(Emerwolf)O( on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 12:55:00 PST

Incredibile ma vero, purtroppo!

Dal libro di Piergiorgio Odifreddi, Perchè Non Possiamo Essere Cristiani: (...) La contesa si protrasse per mezzo secolo e si concluse con un accordo fra Enrico V e Callisto II, che separava i pote...
Posted by )O(Emerwolf)O( on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 03:55:00 PST


The Wheel turns. The Sun is in the heart of the lion (or at least it's where Regulus, the heart of the lion, was a couple of thousand years ago!) The lion calls to mind two images: the King of beasts,...
Posted by )O(Emerwolf)O( on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 03:05:00 PST


"Turn your face to the Sun and the shadows fall behind you." -- Maori proverbLitha is also known as the summer solstice, Midsummer, All Couples Day, and Saint John's Day.  Summer Solst...
Posted by )O(Emerwolf)O( on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 04:09:00 PST

The Inner Child, Child of Wonder

The Inner Child refers to your emotional body. Carl Jung called it the 'Divine Child'. Emmet Fox called it the 'Wonder Child'. Charles Whitfield called it the 'Child Within'. Some psychotherapists ca...
Posted by )O(Emerwolf)O( on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 08:48:00 PST

The Deepest Bond

The Deepest Bond   ( by Basha Kaplan & Gail Prince " Soul Dating to Soul Mating",1999)       The spiritual junction is an everlasting relationship everyone can aspi...
Posted by )O(Emerwolf)O( on Tue, 22 May 2007 07:50:00 PST

Kamadeva & Rati

(Sanskrit) (from kama desire + deva god, divinity), Kamadeva or Kama.  The Hindu god of love, one of the Visve-devas in the Hindu pantheon. He's one of the Universal Princes ( Vishva-deva). In t...
Posted by )O(Emerwolf)O( on Mon, 14 May 2007 04:02:00 PST

Make a question to the Ogham...it does answers

Check this out :http://www.pixelations.com/ogham/content/query.html
Posted by )O(Emerwolf)O( on Thu, 10 May 2007 06:59:00 PST