Terraplane profile picture


2000 - 2007

About Me

To our lovely fans...

This profile is made in memory of Terraplane
"A Kraut origin (a guarantee for great psych), the right influences (from 70’s space to current cosmic rock), the appropriate retro sound, their heads in the right place. What else is there? Wait, there is something else, an element that seperates a great band from the mold. An identity. Sure their music will remind you of a lot of other things, from Hawkwind to Thumlock and from 35007 to Hendrix. But once you heard the record, you can’t help but recognize the talent and the uniqueness that surrounds this camp. From the emotional (not fuckin’ emo) vocals to that sweet tone that the two Christians ooze with their guitars, from the tantric rhythm section to the mind-blowing solos, from the infectious lyrics to the addictive choruses, everything screams Terraplane." (RegularPaul, Monolith.gr)

TERRAPLANE..s story in our simple words
Two Led Zeppelin-fans Christian Oelke and Christian Peters met somewhen back in 2000 and made up the plan of founding a Blues Rock band.
In the middle of 2002 we had a first take off with Frank Pfeiffer on drums, riffing out the "Forlorn"-ep in two days. Two mounths later Frank had to leave us and after recording an acoustic four track CD called "Can..t Always Get What You Want" we found new buddies with René Mente (bass) and psych-head Andreas Herbst (drums). René had to leave shortly after the first gig and the band should go on as a three-piece with Oelke on bass and vocals, Herbst on drums and Peters on guitar. This should become the most creative line-up, the "real" TERRAPLANE for many reasons. A bunch of lo-fi records had been banned on tape and a set of local gigs have been played in 2003. The year was ending in a furious forecast of a real psych-rock-madness to come in a night of november, sharing the stage with the stoned monsters of The Great Escape (D) and House Of Aquarius (SWE).
2004 should became a great year in the history of TERRAPLANE, playing along with bands as Dozer (SWE), Gas Giant (DK), Ostinato (US), Darediablo (US) and The Hidden Hand (US), there also was a live-experience on the Stoned From The Underground festival and a live appeareance in front of thousands of people at the "Young Part" open-air in our hometown Wernigerode.
2005 should become a much quieter year compared to 2004. Basically we..ve been working on our first full-length record "Psychedelic Wonderland". Sadly this one didn..t become what it should be and very soon it ended as a curiosity in the collections of some very few fans. The sound was awful and due to the coldness in the studio and some other complications the whole thing became so bad that it was the best decision to hide the mastertapes in a dark room. We..ve been playing some gigs and a mini-tour with Magnified Eye (DK), till Andreas left us by moving to the Baltic Sea, 500 kms away.
After a short desparate episode we found Jens Vogel to play drums and later also bass player Florian Furtner (a buddy from our Garage Psych-side project IANs EXPERIENCE) to start a new TERRAPLANE with Oelke on a second rhythm-guitar. We played at last three gigs only with Vogel on drums, trying to fix the hole that Herbst had left behind, but in a way the spirit seemed to be gone. Nonetheless we decided to record a second album in the first days of January 2006, called "Into The Unknown". It was supposed to become the farewell of TERRAPLANE. Vogel left after the recording sessions and Oelke, Peters and Furtner started a new band, called GREEN MONKEY - in a way the same style of music we did with TERRAPLANE... So to confuse everybody, and after a great success of "Into The Unknown", including a labelcontract with Nasoni Records, we renamed the band to TERRAPLANE in late 2006. The last line-up was Christian Oelke (vocals), Christian Peters (guitar), Florian Furtner (bass) and Edward Bernatek (drums). Then after some last gigs the band finally left all stages in July 2007!

My Interests


Member Since: 5/17/2006
Band Website: terraplane.de.vu
Band Members: Everyone who once has been a part of Terraplane:

Christian Oelke (a.k.a. The Living Blues - Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Blues Harp)

Christian Peters (a.k.a. The Riffmaster - Guitars, Sitar, Organ & Effects)

Andreas Herbst (a.k.a. The Butterfly - Drums & Percussions)

Jens Vogel (Drums)

Florian Furtner (Bass)

Frank Pfeiffer (a.k.a. Grynder - Drums)

Edward Bernatek (Drums)

Alexander Hey (a.k.a. Matrix - first "Drummer")

René Mente (a.k.a. Mo - Bass)
Influences: Most of all Led Zeppelin, but also early Black Sabbath, Jimi Hendrix, The Rolling Stones, The Doors, Iron Butterfly, early Monster Magnet, Fu Manchu, Nebula, Cathedral, Kyuss, Acrimony, Big Bill Broonzy and many more.
Sounds Like: We have been compared to Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, The Doors, Hawkwind, Blue Cheer, Pink Floyd, Hendrix, Josefus, Mammatus, Hypnos 69, Sun Dial, 35007, Monster Magnet, Soundgarden and some others.
Record Label: Nasoni Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

READ THIS in case you´re still in doubt...

the following review is very, very fresh... written by Klaus Kleinowski of cosmiclava.com, maybe the oldest of the existing stoner-zines ;-)... quite a late honour:TERRAPLANE (Into The Unknown) 2LP/CD...
Posted by Terraplane on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 10:41:00 PST

odd stuff...

The prices for "into the unknown" went up to the sky...BC81380 TERRAPLANE - INTO THE UNKNOWN 2 LP 54.99 $ (NASONI) BC81381 TERRAPLANE - INTO THE UN...
Posted by Terraplane on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 03:38:00 PST

mehr reviews...

ein paar "neue" sachen aus dem netz..."Die drei Burschen aus Wernigerode sehen so jung aus, das ihre Eltern zu Black Sabbath Zeiten wahrscheinlich noch im Kindergarten waren und trotzdem machen die Ju...
Posted by Terraplane on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 03:35:00 PST

hails from bad acid...

Well, nearly one year after the split here´s another stunning review on the last album:"I´m going to tell you why you want this album because you do want it. You know you do. Trust me. When you listen...
Posted by Terraplane on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 03:56:00 PST

every place we roamed...

just to remember, every concert we ever played with terraplane... 50% sucked - 50 % rocked.200716/06/07 High Ace Festival/Halsbrücke12/05/07 Holzschuppen/Groß Liebitz + Monokel28/04/07 Linse/Berlin + ...
Posted by Terraplane on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 11:55:00 PST

A whole lotta reviews...

About "Low Tide And Shockwave"Ein schönes Abschiedsgeschenk machen TERRAPLANE ihren Fans. Die Band aus dem Harz hat sich im Juli dieses Jahres aufgelöst. In erster Linie für die treuen Fans, welche di...
Posted by Terraplane on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 11:07:00 PST

Interviews with Eclipsed & Bad Acid

Interview with Bad Acid (Kelly Lee)1) Hello Terraplane, how are you all feeling today? Introduce the band please and what you play.Peters: Hey Kelly, yeah we´re fine thanks. We´re glad to have this el...
Posted by Terraplane on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 11:03:00 PST


what the hell, you may ask yourself... ca. 100 old pics from a seven years terraplane have been uploaded today, including livepics and a lot of sketchy art-stuff... the regular website has been delete...
Posted by Terraplane on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 06:48:00 PST

Terraplane are history!

Just to those who still didn´t realize! Please don´t send mails to this profil! If you want to have a cd or lp write to Sunchylde at www.myspace.com/generatedx! See the bands Samsara Blues Experiment ...
Posted by Terraplane on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 01:57:00 PST

Contacting this band

To those who still didn´t realise Terraplane don´t exist anymore as a band!If you want to contact us still, please write a mail to [email protected], not to this profile!
Posted by Terraplane on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 02:27:00 PST