Shane Bywaters
"An Oxford, UK, based Songwriter with a desire to write professionally"
Like many musicians, songwriters and artists, I too love music, playing, writing, recording, listening and watching. Fast songs, slow songs, happy songs, angry songs, sad songs, rock, pop, country, classical, guitar based, electronica, female singers, male singers, bands, that’s just the greatest thing about music, it's all good and there's always something new to discover, a new melody, a new riff and new way of saying what you want to say, the creative possibilities are endless, and that, is simply an amazing thing.
Are there too many other things in life as enjoyable and rewarding as picking up a guitar or sitting at the piano, picking up a pen and blank piece of paper and putting those thoughts, feelings and experiences running around your head to music?, to me, this is what it's all about.
Also, like many musicians, songwriters and artists, I too aspire to make my living from music. Having played and written for over 15 years, on both solo projects and in bands, with mixed levels of success, my focus and ambition is now firmly on writing professionally.
The years of playing, writing and an exposure to a huge range of music and artists has influenced an ability to write strong rock/pop songs with full-bodied tunes, powerful melodies and strong lyrical meaning.
To general music listeners, I hope you enjoy the songs, to other musicians and artists, I hope you too enjoy the music and I'd love to collaborate with other songwriters or singers, and to publishing and record company representatives, if you're seeking new songwriting talent I would love to hear from you!
Best Wishes, Shane