Karina Del Carmen Velasco profile picture

Karina Del Carmen Velasco

Currently in Zarzuela Las Leandras Sept. 26 - Oct. 26, 2008 Tickets: 323 225-4044

About Me

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment" Emerson
Cuatro Caminos Arts & Flamenco
Dedicated to multi-cultural unification and understanding through the arts
Dedicada a la comprensión y unificación multicultural por medio de las artes
Official website/sitio web: www.caminoskarina.com
Karina Del Carmen Velasco and Cuatro Caminos Arts & Flamenco are currently based in Los Angeles. Born in Madrid of both Cuban and Spanish heritage, raised in Puerto Rico before moving to the US. Spending time as an adult in Europe, including Spain, Greece and Cyprus. Has worked as a professional artist for many years, currently working under the company name of Cuatro Caminos Arts & Flamenco dedicated to the four mediums I utilize for expression: dance, music, writing, acting.
For details of current projects, theatrical performances and show information please visit: www.caminoskarina.com for more information.
Represented by: DDO Artist Agency Los Angeles, New York. Jim Keith, Agent.
You may see some clips of recent performances on this page.
Puede ver porciones de espectaculos en los videos en esta pagina.
Interested in culture, arts, literature, human rights, animal protection, positive thinking, science, joy, travel, cuisine and the amazing power of the emotions we call love and empathy.

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

People with positive hearts and minds, open to all wonderful life experiences and interested in dealing with the negative issues of our world with strength, peace, creativity and productivity vs. destructiveness. Also interested in connecting with other artists interested in possible collaborations.

Quiero conocer a personas con almas y mentes abiertas, interesados en la habilidad de lidiar con los problemas y conflictos de nuestro mundo con energia positiva, paz, creatividad y sin utilizar metodos destructivos. Me gusta conocer a otros artistas interesados en posibles colaboraciones.

Tientos Tangos Luz Alma Pasión FLAMENCO

Guajira Luz Alma Pasión FLAMENCO


All good music from any where in the world, but especially with a lot of soul. Me gusta toda la musica, de donde sea, alrededor del mundo, pero con mucha alma.
Sevilla Luz Alma Pasión FLAMENCO


Across the Universe!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you have not seen it try to see it before it leaves the big screen. Brilliant!


So many books so little time, but one very special one is: The Art of Happiness and recently I read El Amante Turco, a beautiful and truthful book I recomend it to all, but women would love to read this one!

My Blog

Luz Alma Pasión FLAMENCO

Internationally renowned guitarist and composer Alfredo Cáceres will make his Los Angeles debut with 2008 recipient of a Durfee Grant for the arts, artistic director, flamenco dancer and choreographer...
Posted by Karina Del Carmen Velasco on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 09:20:00 PST

The Beauty of Positivity, Talent & Hard Work

As many of you know earlier this year I had a great deal of loss. Yet life the wonderful process that it is proves itself once again to be filled with the all too familiar positive and negative and al...
Posted by Karina Del Carmen Velasco on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 07:55:00 PST

Viaje Mediterráneo por Flamenco

By Karina Del Carmen VelascoFlamenco and World Music take you along a journey of passionate dance, a musical and cultural merging, a voyage along the lands that share the Mediterranean Sea of Spain, M...
Posted by Karina Del Carmen Velasco on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 01:34:00 PST