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About Me

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I'm a wife, mother, daughter, sister, auntie, cousin and friend. I like to stay busy all the time. I have many hobbies and I'm always finding new ones.I Seek Allah's ForgivenessMy Lord, I seek Your forgiveness, From every error and each sin, Allow this slave into Your Presence, To see Your Shining Face within.Permit me to approach You, Leave nothing in the way, So I can see You in full view, Behind this veil don't stay.Clean this poor heart of mine, Bestow upon it blessed sight, Let me see Your Face Divine, Witnessing its shining light.

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My Interests

Music,singing, fashion design,photography, cooking, reading, midwifery, crochet, languages (especially Turkish and Indonesian) and many more.Here are some of my designs. I would like hear what you think about them.
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I'd like to meet:

Others around the world with similar interests.Any anyone who can help me learn more about playing the Riq (Egyptian Tambourine) and the Kanun. I would also like to have the chance to practice Turkish and Indonesian.

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I love middle eastern music. My all time favorite is Turkish music. I have recently discovered two singers that i am enjoying a lot both are from Turkey. Sabahat Akkiraz and Zara (my favorite song is called Beni Unutma which means don't forget me).



'Happy Feet' and on a more serious note 'An Inconvenient Truth' and 'Smile' a very touching story.Una Piuma nel Vento (korektd 26-03-07, sd 2 ms, i, ns, sa)Mi tengo continuamente impegnato, Con questo vino puro sempre, Colla luce il cuore è pieno, Ma questo è la mia religione.Il vino puro è la luce brillante, Che mi rende intossicato, Il cuore è come un calice, E con questo sta traboccando.Nella mano del mio Amato, Sono protetto eternamente, Il cuore è con questo debordato, Mentre è sommerso nel mar d’amore.Come la piuma si solleva col vento, Sono trasportato da qui a là, Dove io atterrerò non lo so, E’ solamente Dio che lo sa.Sono straniero in questo mondo, Stupefatto dovunque vado, Ma quando sono nella sua mano, Sempre sono protetto e riparato.Anche se la luce solare, Sarebbe luminosa nel mondo, Ma quello che vede l'occhio del cuore, E’ chiaramente più luminoso.Il tuo volto sta brillando, Nel cuore è tutto quel che vedo, Sulle guance le lacrime scendono, Come un fiume dal cuore fluendo.


I don't have a television at the moment. I find that I just don't have time for it. If I want to watch something I watch a dvd on my computer.


'Lord of the Rings' and my all time favorite from childhood 'Anne of Green Gables'Ask Mezhebi Ask bir vasita degildir, Yahut sadece bir oyun, Ask sarayda ahlâkidir, Âsik olun gayet coskun. Ask mezhebi acayiptir, Birdir onda kral ve kulu, Ikisi de hiç bir sey degil, Onlar sevdada yok oldu. Ise de kül olursam ben, Sevda atesi içinde, Ismim vücut defterinden, Yok edilsin o vakitte. "Mutu kable en temutu", Ölünüz ask atesinde, Kastetti bu sözle bunu, Bunu dedigi vakitte. Âsik ise ölüp geçer, Hayatini ödünç aldi, Masuk kalip devam eder, Aslidir onun hayati.


The Prophet Muhammad SAW and my Shaykh, Shaykh Fattaah.

My Blog

Cantate un Altra Canzone!...

Cantate un' Altra Canzone!Cantate un'altra canzone! Dell'Amato e dell'amore, Versate il puro vino, Nel calice del cuore!   Suona bene la chitarra, Cantiamo con fervore, Continuando fino al...
Posted by naseem on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 04:12:00 PST

The Soul and Love

1. The Soul and Love   The soul and love became united, Then into this realm they both came, Together they're always undivided, Joined forever their source the same.   After the two ...
Posted by naseem on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 04:05:00 PST

The Ship of Mustafa

The Ship of Mustafa   On board this ship of Mustafa, We are sailing here together, Across this sea hearts filled with awe, We're sailing through all kinds of weather.   Sometimes thro...
Posted by naseem on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 04:00:00 PST

A Sufi pirate story by Shaykh Fattaah part 6

The Sixth Door A Journey .. close poem_title_header --> IWe all embraced there on the block and cried,This joy we knew could never be defined,Returning to the ship by eventide,There with ...
Posted by naseem on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 05:44:00 PST

New fashions come to you soon.

Thanks for all the wonderful and encouraging comments about my family photos and my clothing. I have been designing costumes and clothing for the band DEBU for several years. But now we are actively...
Posted by naseem on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 08:20:00 PST

Prisoner of Joy

Prisoner of Joy .. close poem_title_header --> O Allah, this poor heart of mine it overflows,I know I owe such gratitude for this to You,You know my heart it always sings, such joy it kn...
Posted by naseem on Mon, 28 May 2007 11:21:00 PST

A Sufi pirate story by Shaykh Fattaah part 7

The Seventh Door I The month's end came, we headed out to sea, The feast of Ramadan there we regaled, We set out in the morning after tea, This day we celebrated as we sailed, The feast completed up ...
Posted by naseem on Mon, 28 May 2007 05:30:00 PST

MEANING BURSTS FORTH- A poem by Shaykh Fattaah

MEANING BURSTS FORTH   Within each night there is the promise of the morning's light, Darkness is overcome by dawn, Along the horizon the white thread of light appears, As it pours forth ni...
Posted by naseem on Sun, 27 May 2007 07:59:00 PST

A Sufi pirate story by Shaykh Fattaah part 5

A Journey The Fifth Door .. close poem_title_header --> IOne month and twenty days they quickly passed,'Twas then we spied and island with a port,The first of Ramadan, the blessed fast,I...
Posted by naseem on Tue, 22 May 2007 11:48:00 PST

A Sufi pirate story by Shaykh Fattaah part 4

A Journey The Forth Door .. close poem_title_header --> I We sailed along for days without event, This gave me time to contemplate it all, To think about these things and what they meant,...
Posted by naseem on Tue, 22 May 2007 11:47:00 PST