BISMILLAH AR-RAHMAN AR-RAHIM"VERILY, MY PRAYERS, MY SACRIFICE, MY LIVING, AND MY DYING ARE FOR ALLAAH (GOD), THE LORD OF ALL THAT EXISTS.""Wa Ittaqulla Wa Yu'allimukumullah, Wa Allahu Bikulli Shay'in 'Alim"HAVE TAQWA OF ALLAAH AND ALLAAH WILL TEACH YOU (WILL GIVE YOU KNOWLEDGE). SO THIS MEAN THE TAQWA (WHICH IS FAITH IN ALLAAH S.W.T HELPS YOU TO LEARN MORE) AND ALLAAH IS THE ALL-KNOWER OF EACH AND EVERYTHING.Dhalika Min 'Ayati Allahi, MayYahdi Allahu Fahuwa Al-Muhtadi Wa Man Yuđlil Falan Tajida Lahu Waliyaan MurshidaanTHAT IS (ONE) OF THE AYAT (PROOFS, EVIDENCES, SIGNS) OF ALLAH. HE WHOM ALLAH GUIDES, IS RIGHTLY GUIDED; BUT HE WHOM HE SENDS ASTRAY, FOR HIM YOU WILL FIND NO WALI (GUIDING FRIEND) TO LEAD HIM (TO THE RIGHT PATH)."Allahuma Arenal Haqqa Haqqan War Zuqna Ittiba'u, Wa Arenal Batila Batilaan War Zuqna Ijtinaba"O ALLAH, PLEASE GIVE US THE ABILITY TO OBSERVE TRUTH AS IT TRULY IS AND MAKE US FOLLOW IT; AND GIVE US THE ABILITY TO OBSERVE FALSEHOOD AS IT TRULY IS AND HELP US REJECT AND STEER CLEAR FROM IT. Ameen.AM I BACKBITING...?The Muslim Ummah has reached a point of weakness that, one may argue, it never saw before. The weakness of the Ummah is multi-dimensional: i.e. militarily, economically, politically, and technologically weak. However, this multi-faceted problem stems from one central problem: that is the Ummah is ignorant "to a large degree" about its religion.
Constructive critique is being confused with backbiting. Kindly request the visitor of this website and all others, to bear in mind the following:
1. It is an established Islamic practice that an evil (or a mistake) that is done in public must be renounced publicly.
2. There is a fundamental difference between backbiting and clarifying public errors of people especially those who have followers.
3. This type of critique is healthy for the person whose work is being criticized because it gives a chance to review it. It is also beneficial to his followers so they have the opportunity to hear other people take on the work of their sheikh.
4. The early scholars had practiced this sort of critique with each other. In fact, they went the extra step into criticizing other people’s private life and personal characteristics. Take for example the books of Imam Al-Bukhari, Imam Al-Oqaily, Imam Ibn Hibban, Imam Adh-Dhabi, ibn Hajar, and others regarding the narrators of hadith.Assalamualaikum. My name is Muhammad Rashid, from Malaysia. Studied graphic design, and then went 2 overseas and work as a detective. Later on resign because want 2 research more about ISLAMIC KNOWLEDGE. I AM A STUDENT OF "KNOWLEDGE" AND "THE BEST OF WORDS OR THE BEST SPEECH ARE THE WORDS OF ALLAH (MAGNIFICIENT GLORIOUS QURAN) AND THE BEST OF GUIDANCE IS THE GUIDANCE OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD S.A.W. PROPHET'S MISSION S.A.W, IT IS TO EXPLAIN THE QURAN TO US AND TO TEACH US HOW TO PRACTICE IT, HOW TO LIVE BY IT. HIS MANNER, HIS CHARACTER WAS BASICALLY THE QURAN. SO HE IS ADVICING HIS COMPANIONS THAT AFTER ME BECAREFUL, DONT FIGHT FOR POWER, KEEP THE WORLD OF UMMAH TOGETHER. The more deeper i dive in the ISLAMIC wide ocean of knowledge, the more attached myself to the Deen and I am so THIRSTY to DRINK from the FOUNTAIN of KNOWLEDGE. Gain a lot of knowledge because it is the essential core. Without knowledge, we cannot be success in life, we cant able to understood what is TRUTH and what is FALSEHOOD. Each and every single individuals are responsible towards Allah s.w.t. All of you need to convey the message of ISLAM which is TAUHEED.