Cesar Benito is a Los Angeles-based composer hailing from Marbella, Spain. His film credits include the critically-acclaimed MIA SARAH for which he won the Best Orchestral Composition Award at the Garden State Film Festival, and in Spain he was nominated for Best New Composer at the Spanish Film Music Critics Awards and for Best Score at the Spanish Cinema Writers Circle Awards–alongside Alberto Iglesias for VOLVER and Javier Navarrete for PAN'S LABYRINTH (EL LABERINTO DEL FAUNO). Cesar is currently writing the music for LA CHICA DE AYER , the official Spanish remake of the BBC hit LIFE ON MARS.As a producer, arranger, orchestrator, conductor, performer and music director, Benito has created a wide variety of shows ranging from musical plays to big band performances, including the Opening Gala & Unveiling of the Ricardo Montalban Theater in Hollywood– where he also accompanied on the piano to the late Grammy, Tony and Emmy Award winner Robert Goulet, as well as live shows with The Emperor's Jazz Orchestra, International Folk Festivals featuring Symphonic Flamenco and Choral Ensembles, the American Society of Music Arrangers & Composers Big Band and the Boston Conservatory Orchestra.Cesar began his music studies at an early age with his mother, continued with private teachers and at the Conservatories of Malaga and Madrid, where he graduated in Piano and Composition, respectively. He then went on to attend Boston’s Berklee College of Music, graduating magna cum laude with a dual major in Film Scoring and Contemporary Writing & Production. He also won three composition contests and was granted the prestigious Arif Mardin Award for excellence in music arranging & production. Benito is a member of the San Diego Filmmakers Advisory Council.
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INTERVIEW (en Español)
"MIA SARAH" Original Soundtrack