Michele Pinto profile picture

Michele Pinto

Michele Pinto ( RockLab.it)

About Me

I'm a journalist, a Rockerilla magazine and RockLab.it webzine writer.....

This profile was edited with myspaceeditor.it Editor

This profile was edited with myspaceeditor.it Editor

This profile was edited with myspaceeditor.it Editor

This profile was edited with myspaceeditor.it Editor

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Click here to get Falling Objects ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

My Interests

Jessica My Love,Music,Trains,Art,Cinema,Travels...and more


All keeps my heart warm and my mind awake...expecially country/folk,Indie pop,Soul/r'n'B music......


Giovanni Falcone,Paolo Borsellino and all the people who spent their lives for equality and real justice and still resist in a mislead country like Italy .....