Spiritual Practices-All Paths, MERKABA, Conscious-Intentional Energy Work, Imagination and Thought, My Children, Tattooing, Art-Erotic to Esoteric, The Quantum Field, Sharing and Caring, Experiencing Life and All Its Possibilities...
Enjoy my artwork. I do
Anyone who is interested in the transcendance of the illusions of time and space and seeing beyond the falsehood of necessity this world offers through habitual practices...
Positive Energy!
Occult Knowledge, Sci-Fi, Biographies,
Adventure, Documentaries, Scientific Discoveries, Different Forms of Art...
Don't kill your TV, just don't watch or believe everything They show and tell you! The TV is only a tool-use it wisely! Engage the internet!
Esoteric/Occult Knowledge, Spiritual Practices-All Paths, Conscious-Intentional Energy Work, The Quantum Field, Art...
The Divine Father(Sky)-Mother(Earth) God, All Sentient Beings of Light, The Great White Brotherhood, The Tat Brotherhood, and all Ascended Masters, Thoth, The Buddha, The Lotus-Born Padmasambhava, The Christed, St. Francis Asissi, Leonardo DaVinci, Dr. John Dee, Ghandi, Mother Theresa, Madame Helena Blavatsky, Nikola Tesla, "Uncle Albert" Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, John Lennon, Dalai Lama, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Dr. Fred Wolfe, Gregg Braden, Alex Grey, Frank Frazetta and his wife, Superman and WonderWoman, Yoda, Neo, Geronimo, the Hulk, Spiderman, Ironman, Dr. Strange, Dr. Quantum and the Incredibles, and everyone who has, who is, and will be a part of my life-for without any of you I would not be and because of you all-I AM!