Conan Neutron profile picture

Conan Neutron

Outlive your enemies, or die trying.

About Me

Conan (noun: ko'nihn): 30 year old, recovering music obsessive, vocals/guitar/frontman/bandleader for:
Former guitarist and vocalist for Replicator , keyboard player, vocalist and all around sideman to Eric and his Everything Goes Cold , sometimes DJ, reads a lot, tenacity, questions things, astigmatism.
Respects integrity, honor, lust for life and all of that other happy horsecrap.
I drink a lot of water, and I don't eat seafood, yes even (insert your favorite type of seafood that you are shocked and amazed I will not eat), large crowds of slow moving consumers send me into a berzerker rage, i've never broken a bone or been hospitalized, I used to be photoallergenic (yes uncontrollable sneezing in situations with bright light!). I've been told I have a damn fine quick wit, but i'm absolutely awful at "telling jokes", as I always seem to find a way to blow the punchline or forget key pieces of information.
An adjectives used to describe me frequently is "intense". Apparently I am an eXXXtreme energy drink?!!I've been told I generally walk as if I'm going to go kick somebodies ass, I call this walking with purpose or: not wandering aimlessly.I've also been told I am the King of Boom.I like to cook, a lot. I enjoy the act of it, and i've been told i'm pretty damn good at it too. The main problem is I have a tendency to not go to all the effort when it's just for me. Alas, alack, that sound you hear is the world's smallest violin playing for me. I don't particularly care for doing the dishes afterwards, i'm interested in building a robot that will do this for me.
I can sweat in a snowstorm, not because I have some nervous affliction, I just sweat a lot. It's not especially wonderful, but it is notable. My theory is that it's because I drink so much water. In possibly related news, I rarely am ever sick, I mean VERY rarely, i've regularly gone 2 years without even so much as a cold before.
I like seeing bands play, a lot... this is probably partially because I play in one, and mostly because music is important to me, i've seen a hell of a lot of shows, and still find the experience a great thing. See the key is to like things that don't suck!
that nugget of wisdom is free... you're welcome.
You'll often find me on the corner of sanguine st and sardonicism way. It's a nice corner, and you can see for miles and miles from it.I have a ridiculously good memory for the strangest details and banal minutia, but it seems like I have premature Alzheimer's about really obvious things.
I have a tendency to flip my keys up in the air and catch them, whenever I take them off my belt to use them.
I also sometimes swing my jacket around over my back when putting it on like Martin Sheen. Martin Sheen does this because he his left arm is 3" shorter than his right... I do this because it is a neat way to put on a jacket.
I've been called "one of the toughest people I know" by more people then I care to mention, I don't know about all that, but I do know that anybody going into life expecting everything to go their way is bound for a lifetime of disappointment.
I strive for a life of action and not reaction.
I probably don't need to be taken down a notch as much as you think I do.
I try to bring the awexome, and not the bummer as much as I can.
I fully intend to leave this world a better place then it was when I came into it.
BTW: There is only this moment, make plans for sure, but also make the most of life as it happens, as it will never, ever come again.
"There is no reason why good cannot triumph as often as evil. The triumph of anything is a matter of organization. If there are such things as angels, I hope that they are organized along the lines of the Mafia." -Winston Niles Rumfoord
"Being an artist doesn't take much, just everything you got. Which means, of course, that as the process is giving you life, it is also bringing you closer to death. But it's no big deal. They are one and the same and cannot be avoided or denied. So when I totally embrace this process, this life/death, and abandon myself to it, I transcend all this meaningless gibberish and hang out with the gods. It seems to me that that is worth the price of admission." -Hubert "Cubby" Selby Jr.
"The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side." -Hunter S. Thompson
Someday, I will own my own home with a beautiful backyard with a lamp post in the back. And when I do, I will sit down and survey it and see that it is good.
Life is beautiful.

My Interests

overthrowing oppressive culture, making out, any events that somehow manages to include both of those events, perhaps with a pizza afterwards, music, books, going to rock shows, quantum physics, parapsychology, politics, weathering the storm of constant advertising, video editing, computers, activism, movies, not watching sports, bowling, green cine, cooking, barney's hamburgers, smoothies, calzones, chicken tikka masala and garlic naan, opining about increasingly fantastical and unlikely scenarios and allegories, running gags, SIRIUS, exploring, awexome making, the onion, the internets, gta, ratchet and clank, mortal kombat, shouting out MORRRTAAAAAL KAAAHHHMMMMBAAAAAT! and then making techno noises, bill hicks, patton oswalt, chris rock, david cross, godzilla, king ghidorha, noir, cats, tv on dvd, the dvds on my tv, ddd, the bbc, etc. eric joyner , frank lloyd wright, frank lloyd wrong, diesel sweeties, noir, portable tape decks, found sound, righteous indignation, righteously indignant found sound, secular humanism, my cat, the invisible handjob of the free market, owning my own T.A.R.D.I.S., leaving the world a better place then I came into it.

I'd like to meet:

Nobody really, I'm a misanthrope in training. Although I suppose that meeting people that share my interests and such is one of the reasons for being on here eh?

That seems kind of dumb.


I'd also like to meet Bill O'Reilly and punch him in the mouth, ok? Thanks!


Don't you love how myspace has turned the entire internet into some godawful combination of a singles bar, an endless late night tv infomercial, and a trailer park?

May I be Frank here? No? Ok, then I will be Conan, I do not like this site, I don't like that it's become a substitute for e-mail, I don't like it's assy design, I don't like that it's owned by Rupert Murdoch, I don't really like anything about it at all.

Of the many things I don't like, myspace is one of them. I am here under protest and I choose to write, interact and opine about things in other forums. Sorry!

If you know me and think i'm rad, hey... thanks!

But don't expect to see anything interesting here. Except for every few months when I feel sassy and start typing in increasingly belligerent stuff like this to drive people and bad bands away... it never seems to work though.

Every once in awhile i'll make an announcement about something i'm involved with, this is usually lost immediately in the sea of babble that is this godforsaken hell hole of a social networking site.

So let's be clear here:

I will most likely NOT add you as a friend unless I actually know you, this is true for people and even more so of bands!

You may read that and say to yourself: "Well, i'm sure that's not true about my band! He will hear us and add us immediately when he hears our song about _____ or sees that we list ____ as an influence, or that we have...."

No, no, no! I guarantee you that will not happen. Why is that?

Because I don't like listening to music on this site. It sounds really bad, and I do it only when I absolutely have to.

I refuse to do the whole "not accepting requests from bands" things, because I think that's kind of lame.

I do realize the irony of a page of explanation about all of that instead of turning that option on is silly, but I am a riddle, wrapped in an enigma, wrapped in a burrito.

It is part of what makes me both a tastemaker and a desirable target market, deal with it.

I am not a collector card, I am not a Pokemon, I am not a limited edition comic book, I am not a number, I am a person!

I only keep this blasted thing under the flimsiest of justifications, mainly that some people use it unwisely as a primary form of communication and I refuse to get a "facebook" account... come on, it's called "facebook" people... really?

Back in MY DAY, we used e-mail... and we LIKED IT!


ac/dc, sparks, federation x, elvis costello, melvins, big business, neutral milk hotel, andrew wk, replicator , mount vicious , babyland, future of the left, torche, les savy fav, the residents, led zep, unwound, Queen, QOTSA, black sabbath, black heart procession, birthday party, nick cave, the residents, fugazi, minutemen, shellac, tom waits, mogwai, radiohead, james brown, jay reatard, the paperchase, (older) metallica, stooges, the whip, neil young, johnny cash, devo, gang of four, hot snakes, lower forty-eight, boyjazz, black ghost, low, the damned (esp. Machine gun ettiquette!), the mae shi, bruce springsteen, drive like jehu, hayden, cheap trick, deerhoof, guided by voices, slint, sleater-kinney, bikini kill, akimbo, karp, and a metric shitton of other bands that i'm not going to list right now, but you can look at this for what i'm listening to this week:

And most recently:

And this for overall:

or if you prefer, graphically:

ain't technology neat?!


brick, network, the dark knight, little miss sunshine, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, glengarry glen ross, brazil, the big lebowski, me and you and everyone we know, how to get ahead in advertising, freaks, alien, no country for old men, punch drunk love, iron man, seven samurai, 12 angry men, 2001, citizen kane, ghost world, casablanca, being there, big lebowski, clockwatchers, fight club, office space, eraserhead, full metal jacket, goodfellas, the LOTR movies, high fidelity, godfather, 40 year old virgin, anchorman, this is spinal tap, memento, reservoir dogs, the player, vertigo, super troopers, donnie darko, metropolis, the candidate, bob roberts, fear and loathing in las vegas, all the evil deads, dawn of the dead, some kind of monster, in the company of men, it's a wonderful life, children of men, sin city, princess bride, predator, state and main, wild at heart, and probably a whole hell of a lot more that I can't think of right now... holy shit, I just put predator and princess bride together in a sentence didn't I?


battlestar galactica (the new one), the wire, doctor who, dexter, entourage, six feet under, flight of the conchords, 24 (aka the Jack Bauer Power Hour!), heroes, LOST, house m.d., the sopranos, curb your enthusiasm, samurai jack, firefly, dead wood, west wing, dead like me, space ghost, futurama, freaks and geeks, chappelle's show, aqua teen hunger force, twin peaks, the young ones, mr. show, kids in the hall, daily show, colbert report, red dwarf, buffy the vampire slayer, angel, ali g, simpsons, strangers with candy, the twilight zone, oz, burn my eye, stargate sg-1, cowboy bebop, the office (BBC and US), it's always sunny in philadelphia, torchwood what I watch of tv I see on DVD or downloaded... the idea of working your schedule around a television program is utterly foreign to me... I heart my greencine .


Being There, the Lucifer Principle, heartbreaking work of staggering genius, don't think of an elephant, on the road, I am legend, the dark tower series, john fante, charles bukowski, stranger in a strange land, 1984, animal farm, freakanomics, david sedaris, Surely you're Joking Mr. Feynman, Journey to the End of the Night, A Confederacy of Dunces, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, shirley jackson, microserfs, our band could be your life, noam chomsky, no logo, neal stephenson, most things phillip k. dick, catcher in the rye, most things vonnegut, chuck palahniuk, james ellroy, jim hightower, michael moore, books on music culture, I liekk to reed!!111


bill hicks

gore vidal

Russ Feingold

Hank Chinaski

martin luther king jr.

Frank Lloyd Wright

hunter s. thompson

richard feynman

granny d

Johnny Cash

Philip K. Dick

Howard Beale

The Doctor

Ian Mackaye

andrew w.k.

Admiral William Adama, Battlestar Galactica

captain malcolm 'mal' reynolds

Captain Jack Harkness

(huh, that's two dudes in neofuturistic old time west clothes with guns, isn't it?)

and of course like almost all the rest of my generation:

jon stewart


stephen colbert.

My Blog

work laptop got stoled

I just had my work laptop stolen.In the middle of the day, in a crowded commercial area, while I was gone for 15 minutes to get something to know, since I forgot to eat lunch, being as how I w...
Posted by Conan Neutron on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 06:48:00 PST

Mount Vicious

Hi everybody, so yes, I have this awesome new band.We are playing our first show in the bay area coming up:It's at theeeeeeeeeeeeeeee parkside, on the 25th of October with Ex-Boyfriends, it should be ...
Posted by Conan Neutron on Fri, 10 Oct 2008 10:47:00 PST

Last Avenue - live

You can totally see me up front whacking the monitor most of the time, and at one point doing the: "this is so intense, I must make the claw of intensity face".The whole "front row crowd" is...
Posted by Conan Neutron on Fri, 10 Oct 2008 10:44:00 PST

shows with BABYLAND this week and next!

Hi everybody, i'm playing some shows with Everything Goes Cold, which in case you did not know is the industrial coldwave brainchild of EricThe first one is this friday at Gilman, then Sunday in Sacra...
Posted by Conan Neutron on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 01:11:00 PST

Prolix! Prolix! Nothing a pair of scissors cant fix.

Just got back from the (very excellent) show by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds.It was damn fine, although I have been a long time fan, I actually have never seen them play, and I was not disappointed at ...
Posted by Conan Neutron on Sun, 21 Sep 2008 01:51:00 PST

Awexome Q - 2008 pictures!

Hey everybody!  Let's take a picture.From inauspicious beginnings...Scott and Erika.mmmm... stuff in bags!Scott, framed by papertowels.Leader of the Neutron-x Awexome-QLet the good times roll!Alt...
Posted by Conan Neutron on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 05:03:00 PST

I loathe myspace with the intensity of a thousand white hot suns/Monterey pictures

Well there are about a million more awesome Monterey pictures, but myspace, which is a shit site, coded by lackadaisial fools refuses to post the raw HTML in anything remotely legible, and I refuse to...
Posted by Conan Neutron on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 04:26:00 PST

Monterey Bay Aquarium - Aug. 2008

I love the Monterey Bay Aquarium, it's super awesome.Erika had never been, and I figured it would be a perfect day trip... it ended up working out great because Alli, Sky and her friends came out to t...
Posted by Conan Neutron on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 03:53:00 PST

Final Awexome Hour pics (epic post!)

conan's last awexome hourBilly posted up his pictures from the final Awexome Hour, they are pretty great, Glasses fetishists of the world mourn... this is your final know I was going to try ...
Posted by Conan Neutron on Wed, 10 Sep 2008 11:03:00 PST

new band: Mount Vicious

Hello everybody, I am in a band.   That is to say, I have my own band again.   I am very proud to introduce you to, and this is long awaited by me:   That is the band, ...
Posted by Conan Neutron on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 07:58:00 PST