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The Alpha Heather


About Me

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My Interests

Frantic Dancing, Urban Hiking, Flash Free Photography, Knitting Endless Scarves, Formal Tea, Cosmetology, Corsetry, Vegetarianism, 1930's Fashion, Drunk Croquet, NPR, This American Life, Stinky Cheese, Bakelite, Aurora Borealis Crystal, Fancy Goldfish, Heirloom Produce and Flowers, Top Shelf Tequila, Old Man Bars, Sushi, Depression Glass, Office Living, Absinthe, Foghorns, Russian Accents, Silent Movies, Pirates, Orange Cats, Voluntary Simplicity

I'd like to meet:

My current favorite music video:


I usually like only the first album or two that bands record. I like music that is raw and dirty; anything overproduced and slick bores me. Any music to which I can dance like crazy is allright with me.


Pretty in Pink, Dancer in the Dark, East is East, The Secret Garden, Bride and Prejudice, The Big Tease, Permanent Record, My First Mister, Head, Before Sunrise, C'est Arrive Pres de Chez Vous, Gypsey 83, 1984, Thomas in Love, Jezebel, Steel Magnolias, My Neighbor Totoro, Castles in the Sky


The Office (BBC version,) Freaks and Geeks, Angel, Carnivale, Pride and Prejudice (BBC Miniseries), The L Word, The Daily Show, The Monkees, The Idiot Box, Liquid Television, Six Feet Under, Weeds, Tales of the City


old cookbooks with lots of weird meat dishes and savory jello mold recipes, most history books, novels that allow me to escape my life, vintage fashion and photography books, diy magazines, any book in which the heroine or her close friend dies of consumption

My Blog

Dyke March

How come no one ever told me how fun the Dyke March is? Despite the fact that I quite literally got trapped in a MUNI car and missed meeting my friends, I really enjoyed it. I made some new friends, a...
Posted by The Alpha Heather on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 08:43:00 PST

I'm Exhausted

I had a full and overwhelming weekend. My brain has turned to mush, and therefore I provide you with yet another link to my photographs, instead of an actual update. Enjoy. Carnivale, Back Alleys, Do...
Posted by The Alpha Heather on Mon, 29 May 2006 03:47:00 PST

Holy Shit, Yes!!! (Plus, Kitty!)

I just got the new lens for my camera. I think I am in love! Expect to see me and my camera at a club/show/gallery near you. You can see the rest of my kitty pics (plus a few old ones) here: http://...
Posted by The Alpha Heather on Wed, 17 May 2006 05:49:00 PST

My Kingdom for a Decent Memory

Yesterday was an experience in interesting interactions with strangers. It started out* with me having my head pet by a urine soaked homeless person and ended with a middle aged, Japanese business ma...
Posted by The Alpha Heather on Sat, 13 May 2006 10:21:00 PST


This fucking sucks. I know it will be ok, but I'm not ok right now. I'm fucking depressed, so get used to me feeling like shit for a while. I don't need advice, I just need friends. If anyone had gr...
Posted by The Alpha Heather on Sun, 07 May 2006 01:48:00 PST

Local vs. Organic

Now there is scientific data backing up what my friend Suzanne has been telling me for years- buying local is far more important than buying organic. From Adbusters ( "Iowan researche...
Posted by The Alpha Heather on Fri, 14 Apr 2006 09:51:00 PST