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I am here for Networking

About Me

my primary interests involve industrial music; playing, listening to, and studying. i spend most of my time these days working on my pseudo-solo vaguely-coldwave project, everything goes cold . you should go listen to it.

i have been (and occasionally still am) a member of several other bands of some note, including psyclon nine , ayria , deathline int'l , and see colin slash . i've made guest appearances in like a zillion more- i was literally on stage with 10 bands in 2007 because that is how i roll. that's right.

by day, i'm a systems administrator at a smallish san francisco company that was recently acquired by the real-life equivalent of cyberdyne systems from the terminator movies. or maybe OCP from robocop, or weyland-yutani from the alien franchise. something like that. not the tyrell corporation though, the comparison kinda breaks down at that point.

i also enjoy cheese, small dogs, and cartoons. i aspire to become some combination of those things at some point in my life.

the UI, performance, and reliability of this site are dubious at best, and if you need to get ahold of me i would strongly encourage you to contact me through other means if possible, although i do my best to respond to messages sent to this profile in a timely fashion. my livejournal is a good place to start if you're looking to get ahold of me quickly.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

i cannot emphasize this strongly enough:
i appreciate the support, i really do, but this is my personal account, and i maintain it for communication with people i know. if you are a psyclon nine fan, and would like to talk to the band, please use their profile , or nero's . i'm happy to discuss technical and musical issues via messaging, but i have no information about psyclon's future tour dates, lyrical content, etc. these are not the droids you're looking for. seriously. if you have questions about something else i work on, you can message me at this account, but you should just add the account for the appropriate project.

if you would like to talk to me, and you don't know me, please, message me! i'm always happy to talk about music, linux, bolivia, rabbits, whatever. if you add me, i will presume you are somebody i know personally, and will get pissed off when i've had to go to your profile, wait for it to load, and spend five minutes clicking around trying to figure out if you're that dude i met while i was drunk at some show in utah three years ago that i should really talk to about some boring logistical matter, or just some asshole who didn't bother to read this section.

i dislike this website. i maintain this page for the purposes of maintaining business contacts, and communicating with friends. not for meeting new people, not for dating, not for making friends. i like making friends in real life. not through loud and poorly designed webpages that automatically play music and crash my browser.

My Blog

things that are happening.

firstly, in the event that you are not already aware of my band's impending minotaur mini-tour with my all-time favorite band, babyland, be so advised at this juncture:if you haven't already, please b...
Posted by on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 00:06:00 GMT

the state of industrial music, or

if you're at all interested in or involved with industrial music, i'll bet that at some point in the past year, one of the following statements, or an approximation thereof, has escaped your mouth:"th...
Posted by on Fri, 23 May 2008 20:33:00 GMT

paul raven

paul raven died this week. he was a huge influence on me. i was looking forward to seeing him perform's been a pretty bad couple of band (as in my band, as opposed to "somebody else...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 01:16:00 GMT


as most of you who follow industrial music have probably heard, the grendel tour is cancelled. jos' recounting of events is here. i am sure that some of you are going to read that and think "that's ...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 18:57:00 GMT

completely stupid

is it just me, or is there no way to get an RSS feed in or out of here?jesus, is it 1995 in here or something?
Posted by on Thu, 23 Dec 2004 16:41:00 GMT