About Me
As Live as it Gets!!!!
www.milesofsmilesforever.comJust your normal everyday guy traveling this country on my bad motor scooter taking care of the three L's. Living + Laughing + Loving = Life
I share it all with all, fore I would give you the shirt off my back if it does you better. My shirt may keep you warm right now, but it will wear out and fade with time. If I had a dollar, I'd give it to you as well, but even if you would save it till tomorrow, you will need another dollar. I have done many wrong in my past, and I apologize profusely for my sorry actions that I have learned from. Giving thanks for I am still alive working for a future to do right for everyone. Please forgive me, and I especially thank those who have shaped me into hating my wrongs that I did and loving right what I do now. Please forgive me, fore all can change to the glorious light if given the opportunity. Give me three minutes of your ear, to hear what everyone here sees that will never change through and too the end of time.
I hope I know your personality before I ever know your name, if you ever remember anything again tomorrow. In 20 yrs you will never remember a name, but a personality will shine through again, and again, to the same time, too the first time, that you ever met someone. If you think about it, every friend that you can call friend, you knew their personality before you ever you their name. Questionable I admit, but back it up farther to where no one can ever argue with it, is too our mothers. Not everybody had a mother after their birth mother, but everyone did have a first true caregiver. Bringing the everlasting point, everybody recognized their first caregivers' personality, before they could ever say a word. That right there is a "just" higher quality recognition that all were born with, regardless of color, creed, or origin. A higher quality only named fore where each restively reside. See man gave you a name, and it is a great one, but a higher quality gave you a personality that is distinguishable all in it's own right, can not be genetically defined, and is even different among twins. All which is exactly the same recognition of why you will watch a sunset again, and again, but for some reason, not your house in the same light. Understand; you never knew until someone told you. Technically, you never knew anything until someone told you, and the persons who told you, was told by somebody else. Who gave whom the right to ever charge anybody for knowledge? Just by reading this, you have proved to yourself, you can learn anything by what you know now. You could be a "rocket scientist", right here, right now, if someone would explain it to you just in a language you could understand. Not weeks, months, nor years. Right Here! Right Now! If only someone would explain just in a language you could understand. The greatest thinkers of all time, never rose to the top just for signs of a dollar. Or do you have a piece of paper, only to make more pieces of paper? Short changed we are, as well the rest of the world, fooled into wasting our energy on figuring out how to lighten our neighbor's neighbor's pocket. All for the quickest way too pay for that what should have always been free. So take this for free. There are two simple equalizing given facts, all for all that can never be argued against. Hence forth, the best part of a given fact. The first; At one time you never knew anyone. The second; Black, Red, Purple, Pink, Orange, White, or Yellow, ignorance is ignorance sparing no race, nor walk of life, and even the dog knows ignorance. It does not matter how much money, education, or lack of all; every man and every woman will set themselves above a dog, every given day. Fore each in their own right, believe they recognize ignorance every given second. Consider everything above as an infinite circle supporting itself hand and hand. So let us set the record straight. We all know ignorance. At one time we never knew anyone, and we already admitted to knowing a personality before we ever knew a name. So why don't more people talk to a complete stranger for only the sake of spreading knowledge? Out of the infinite possibilities when we pass a complete stranger on the street, the chance meetings all fall into 3 categories. The first; the majority of us stare intently at the ground acting like we never passed a soul. Which is only a lie to ourselves, because each witnessed 4 soles passing. The second; we scoff at each other, making others trip over their mishaps out of our own insecurities seeking self-validation for a 20 minute smile. The third; we don't even have to waste a breathe for a certain confirmation smile that says, "I see you, you see me, and I'm going through it too, but it could be worse.". Which is just a enough to help someone over a mishap. The first, is a lack of all ingredients making one think they are full, yet never understand why they are always stewing in hunger. The second, will leave you a sort of fried snack that never quite fills with satisfaction, leaving us to repeat to keep up the smiles. That is not a smile but a chagirn. The third, will bake you a cake rising so light and sweet feeding you in smiles for a lifetime the same diet angels dine holy upon. You've sat through the rest, now hear the best. The secret to life is; if you are not smiling, you are not doing it right. It is so simple that you will look right past it, even though you were just told tonight when you find yourself on the down and out of "bad luck" wishing for "good luck". Forget the double negative here in print, but let this imprint your eye forever, fore I ask, how can so many let numerous negatives slide on everyday in their own life? There is no such thing as luck, only your personal perception of the events before you on the path of your life. It is an uphill climb, but you have yet to be stopped, so don't turn around now. Too carry you through, believe it could always be worse. A bum in Tennessee told me in the middle of the night as we left each other in passing smiles, "If you complain about the holes in your shoes, you will come around the corner, and see a man with no feet." That right there, is a continual perpetual energy of smiles. No matter how bad it is, was, or will be, because it might get even worse than now, it could always be worse, which you can see if you would pick your head up and look around. One and all can find a smile forever in understanding that. Capping off this second infinite circle with continuity to the first; It is not what you can buy, fore the only thing worth it's weight in wait, is what all were born with, Time and Stories. Limited time to make unlimited stories. What you do today, will be the story you tell tomorrow. If you don't take time to smile today, what story will you repeat tomorrow? All true for you, one and all, here and there, encompassing everywhere, never faltering, nor changing till the end of time. The same things we have all known about humanity, only stated in an infinite point that can never be denied. Amazing how things work fore I have only found them when I went crazy from a car wreck that cancelled my college football career two weeks before my Senior year. They told me I was losing my arm in five years so I bought a motorcycle with limited time to ride. Now it has been eight years and I still have my arm, but you never live like you lost it until someone gaurantees you that you will. I have personally told some portion of these words above as they came to me in parts, to 5,000+ plus across Texas to the Grand Canyon, Florida to Maine through the Dakotas in my journey of now 59,204 thousand miles of smiles. I never understood where they were coming from until they all came together in this supporting format while I was in Jamaica. I went down with my girlfriend for a four day company trip that she paid the difference for me to go as hers was free and I thank her from the depths of my heart for a trip that changed my life. On the last day about two hours before the flight home around 5 AM, I informed her that I was staying. If you ever want to break up with someone that is the way to do it. Not much arguing can be done when the bus is coming to go to the airport in a few minutes. haha No, I'm kidding. I told her this was not about breaking up, it was just something that I had to do. If you ever get to do something that you know is so right in your heart of hearts, then you have to do it, otherwise you will deny your own existence. I didn't know then what was pulling me to stay, but I do now and I'll tell you someday about the true signs of Christ that I witnessed down there as well as the ones still happening back here in the states. Some will choose not to believe what I have seen and that is fine for that is their free will choice. As I was down there I realized I can ride my bike all over North America, but I can't ride to Australia, Germany, Switzerland, Ireland, England, or Japan. Too see the same interest from people all over this world for these same exact words, I felt something was going on and with glorious joy it was. Now that I knew where these words were coming from, to be able to tell a hundred as it was my basic training or so across the world in the three weeks I stayed for free in Jamaica, well that is priceless. It cost an arm for everything to get down there, but once there I stayed for free above the caretaker Moses in a loft in his cabin beside the boat bar. It was only a 10 X 15 foot lean too loft, but I could see the ocean roll onto the 7 mile white sandy beaches of Negril. Language barriers are only mere hurdles to understand a belief in some things are universally translated the same regardless of orgin or what book you were given to read from, from your ancestors. They say in Jamaica, one blood, one love. Just as here, fore there is only one God, our heaveley Father Lord of Lords, Alpha Omega. Don't let a name stop you from believing though, fore the highest quality that has created everything and is still creating, needs not a name that has been made for this land from this land. Fore words are mere words that not all understand, but all do see a personality before a name. This here is only a part of a part of a journey that has already started long ago. They say every journey starts with a first step, and I am up and running now, and telling all I come across, but it is still not enough to change the face of the world throughout. All in time, all will hear. Whether it be here or someday on the television networks around the world reaching the masses, or whether I have to do it personally. All will hear about this book that is now seventy nine thousand words strong and not even half done. This is my job, and this calling career has found me. All I ask of you, is to tell someone new and I thank you. Fore this is the greatest of great numbers game that will bring all sanctity, not fame.