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Everything happens 4 A Reason........DUB (Do yoU Believe)

About Me

Posted By:Scott & Molly

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Hola, I'm a single parent father of my 5yr old son. My heart & soul, & why I put "Everything happens 4 a Reason" as my headline. Plenty of negative things/situations have come across my/our path in the last few years. Lost my house, car etc., My Son's mother was the root cause of the path I'm now on (the Good & the bad) In the end, She has not seen, spoken or even sent him a birthday gift N over a year & half now.... But, believe it or not, I have no hard feeling or negative attitude towards her. This is her loss, not our. She gave me something wonderful....thats bigger than any material thing in the universe. Negativity was one of the reason we split-up. I'm not a negative person....don't like to argue (especially with the person u luv (thats suppose 2 have your back) & thats what she wanted to do all the time ...fight & argue. Thats a whole lot of wasted energy...Negativity! I have a beautiful, smart little child that I get 2 watch grow! And would go thru it all again, not to miss a day in his life.

He (GOD), put us all on a path (whether we like them or not)their there 4 a reason. If U really pay attention, Ur see that whenever there is something bad/negative.......Good comes out of it. (Now, u may have 2 look DEEP @ times to really see the Good. But, generally speaking U can look back & SHOULD able 2 say, that incident made me stronger, a better person or help me deal with another situation differently. Think about it!!! I use to believe that she was the gift(faith), when we first met, But, all along, It was my Son. Things happen for a reason.....
Now, as I come out of the struggle (seeing light at end of the tunnel) Starting over is always hard, that life. But, I'm a stronger person going through this. I hope to get back into music production... I use to DJ and produce beats/music/ remix (small time) That was my art. But I'm NOW in a spiritual & financial pursuit. I am running an online marketing biz (in order 2 B N my sons life as much as I can)
Seems like everybody is online (buying, selling) and this thing is continuously growing. I might as while get MY SPACE,(ha,ha, I made a funny) but seriously, the real reason is my Son, It's just us against the we have 2 make the best of whats out here.
********UPDATE OCTOBER 2006******** Some of U who know me(personally or from myspace) known of my situation with my Sons Mothers, well as it turns out (As I told some of U) that the door is always open (Jenna, the ball is in her court)4 her 2 reestablish the relationship with her Son. Well, faith has step-up for my Son, because since His 5th Birthday (a few weeks ago) she has talked 2 him several times, sent him some gifts (which he loved) & even sent some $$$ for him. Everything happens 4 a reason: I never talked bad about his Mother to Him, I never gave the impression that his Mother didn't care about him. He's only 5 & so far its just how things are. But He says things now when mentioning is Mother with what i can only describe as proud. He even said that he was happy that he had talked 2 his Mommy one day. She lives in another state so he hasn't seen her but this is a step forward for him. and thats what counts.
On another note: 4 those that may be in a similar situation. Think about the children first. Don't let the situation between the parents be instill on 2 your kids. If one fails to step up 2 the plate. Then the other has 2 B the BIGGER person & accept the responsiblity 2 do what is best for the Child, & negetivity in any form should not B protrayed 2 the children, Hate/negativity IS TAUGHT & easily pick up by the younger one. With all the BS going on in this world, our children SHOULD & CAN find PEACE within their own families at least. Maybe, just maybe some of these children will learn 2 RESPECT themselve & other human beings and not turn into monsters as they grow-up. Think about it.
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My Interests

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Raising my child, Music, Music production, Movies, Flight sims Reaggaetons has really got my blood flowin...... "lovin it"---- My boy, is all into it,too. Wild animals Lions, Tigers, Panthers, wolves also those endangered species(most animals)Dolphines,eagles...ect., Educating people about working on-line.....creating wealth, good health

I'd like to meet:

Positive, Spiritual people, those who been thru the hard times, negativity. & come out knowing that it was an just obstacle, life deals us many things, how we handle them, prepares us for the next one.............U've heard it before..."What doesn't break U , only makes U STRONGER!" Funny people are great, they alway can find humor in any situation. Successful Entrepreneurs, (Financial Mentors) Spiritual & Positive Motivators Those that want to help give others a better in life. Smart, witty, good natured humans.

blog Layouts

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All---- R&B, Hip/Hop & classic rock, old school is my heart. There is good & bad in all style of music. So i can & do listen to it all...old, new, country, jazz even foreign music. I will say that "Reaggeaton" is the sshh......Don Omar, Tego, Luny tunes R SWEEEET! Sade can move your soul, thats my girl! Lets not forget, Mariah & Mary J

My Playlist
Music Video Codes By Music


Kung-fu flix, Action, sci-fi, comedy---------------


24 (when I get a chance) CSI, NEWS(like to keep up with this crazy world) Law& order


The Bible..................... Second Son (Is great) by charles sailor, Secrets of the Millionaire mindset by T.Harv Eker,


GOD & Jesus, Teachers that go the extra mile 2 teach! (Knowledge is POWER) "HAMP"

My Blog

Follow up to R U a Good person..........

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Are you a Good Person? Not as good as you might think!

OK, I have to step away from business for a bit. This is important for my friends so hopefully at least  one will see the big picture. What would you think about the person that if you had commit...
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Networking is understanding personalities that builds relationships

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Posted by PeaceMaker on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 08:08:00 PST


"Success is the sum of learning from ones failures, picking ones self up & implementing that what was learned , to achieve ones desired goal." --Andrew "PeaceMaker" Hayes 2007-- Definition: * ENTR...
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Posted by PeaceMaker on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 10:47:00 PST

Understanding Network Marketing & what it takes 2 work it

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Posted by PeaceMaker on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 07:37:00 PST

Home based Internet Business Pt.2

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Binary compensation pay plan

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Home based Internet Business: Pt.1 The basic

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