My name is Lady Advocate. I am dedicated to the need for change in the Socio-Economic structure of the African American Community. I am also committed to the unification of the African American People and communities in an organism that shall function as an effective political and social force in the fortification of African American people, to the end that the rights of African American people shall be regarded as more sacred than animal and/or property interests. Therefore, I seek to devote some of my time and skills to community, governmental and other activities that promote Justice, Change, and the common good. I shall strive to improve the law and our legal system and to make the law and our legal system impartial to all. So that everyone will have a right to Life, Liberty and most of all....The Pursuit of Happiness.
MyHotComments :: HotFreeLayouts
What part of New Orleans are you from?
The East
Stunting is the name of the game. You may not really know what it is to live in the hood, because you come from a pretty wealthy family. You know all about money and what to do with it and if you waste it then you will just go get you some more. Money ain't a thing with you because you are a East Beast.
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