This is my newest short film . On Halloween, the world of spirits interrupts a couple's evening. Shot on location in Honolulu, Hawaii. 8 mins. 2007.
This is my first short film , well more of a music video I suppose. Shot on location in Hawaii. Starring artist and musician Andy Lee. Though much goes on around him, a young man is haunted by something just over his shoulder.
These are a few of my indie folk songs. make me the host , zaireeka , this much , whatever happens
This is a description of my novel. In New Orleans, a handicapped woman cannot have children. She visits a fortune teller who promises to help her, if the woman will first find the fortune teller's missing daughter.
This is an excerpt: At the party Snoz found himself drawing Emily away from the group, and he found she wanted to be drawn. The absent owner was an artist employed by the university, one rather well known, but who had the misfortune of sharing a name with one of the world's great trumpet players. The house was a delight, filled with hand-crafted objets d'art from nations the world over, all arranged by the eye of an artistic eccentric: a mobile suspended from the ceiling caught the light of a candle chandelier in its butterfly-wing apertures, clay-colored wooden blocks guarded a Viennese curio cabinet, and a papier mache green dragon snaked from the sitting room up the short steps to the landing with the baby grand. It was the type of home that could have changed admission in the East Village. And Snoz, fueled by amphetamines, danced through the rooms like a beatnik Fred Astaire. When the evening gave into night fireworks lit the sky with the deliberate anticlimax of a postmodern thriller, and they sat out on the deck in a semi-circle around the beer keg in a reverie expectant of a thrill the day failed to provide. But this was the prevailing attitude of the group, not that of the couple at the heart of our story who, soon after the explosions ceased, excused themselves from the party, this time together.
This novel is 196 pages in 27 short chapters for $10 US. Click the cover to order or to read a longer excerpt.