
About Me

Welcome To Our Revolution.... Our Mission...
We are an activist group created to help authors, small press publishers, independent bookstores and other industry related groups start a revolution that will break the ties that bind us - create respect for the evolution that needs's time... "Every generation needs a new revolution." Thomas Jefferson. Now is our time, now is the season for change . . . Self-Published & Small Press Published Authors are the future. They deserve the same respect as the mainstream published authors and we will strive to make that happen. It's our goals as a group to offer assistance and guidance to the self-published author. As well as, improve the quality of work being produced by self-published and small presses through education and editing processes. Some Small Press Publishers use Print on Demand technology, some print short runs of their titles. They generally print anywhere from 500 to 2K copies. Small Presses who use Print on Demand or print short runs of their titles are being resourceful with their small budgets. In order to meet the publics demand. POD is today's modern technology that already has created an influx of published books and with the proper processes being adhered to will be the future of the industry. Small Press authors could easily be mainstream, top sellers if they were not shunned by an industry that doesn't want to accept that indeed some of these SPP's and SPA's do utilize the proper pathways to put out a book. I.e., editing, review processes etc. We strive to open the eyes of the fans, the stores, and the events to see the potential best sellers they are overlooking. Independent bookstores are closing by the handfuls day after day as the public turns toward the major chain stores for their books. Independents strive to help the small press publishers and the self-published authors, there are treasures on their shelves you won't find in the major chains, yet no one sees their need for existence. We promote the independents and impress upon the importance of the need for the public to help keep these small stores thriving....we impress upon our authors to hold their signings at these stores, and upon our fans to shop these stores because they change with the times, they give back to the next generation of writers by giving them a chance. We are a group that consists of and is aided by established authors, new authors, aspiring authors, editors, small press publishers, and other industry related venues who will help change the stigma created by the beginnings of a change - we strive to reverse the damage as seen in the eyes of many and can only do so with your help. We are looking for members who will work as mentors, qualifying editors who will offer their services at prices accessible to the smaller wallets, established publicist who will work for the author in gaining their recognition. We are looking for non-bias reviewers who are willing to read and offer valid reviews of books published by small authors - we do ask that you are an established reviewer for another venue of recognition. We are looking for fans who want a say in what they read, have the desire to have the opportunity to meet the over 70K Small Press Books that you never see on shelves because an industry is not quite up to par on the changing times. We are looking for Small Press Members who want to grow into midstream or even large press publishers because they can if given the tools to succeed. OUR PLANSWe will be putting together a catalog of books by our members who have had their books edited and reviewed. This catalog will be for both SPP's and SPA's. This will be distributed to bookstores everywhere. We hope to put together an anthology for the new authors who show great potential. We plan to sponsor and hold the NGW 2008 Awards and the NGW 2008 Readers Awards in 2009. We plan to incorporate as many tools for the SPP's and the SPA's. We plan to make more books readily available to the public which in turn gives readers more choices of books to read. We will have a quarterly magazine published to incorporate new authors works, interviews and reviews, articles by established authors with helpful advice, articles from small press publishers with helpful advice and much more. More to come... Say It Loud & Proud! Become A Member Today & Help Us Start the Chain of Change...
Please note our little-big man is flipping off the stigma not the world. We are not a mafia of writers trying to escape the time old ritual of publishing but moving ahead with the times. Author Membership/Year: $35.00
YOUR MYSPACE PLACE & WEBSITE Small Press Publisher/Year: $45.00
YOUR MYSPACE PLACE & WEBSITE Fan Membership/Year: $25.00
YOUR MYSPACE PLACE & WEBSITE Sponsor Membership - Businesses & Bookstores $50.00/Year
Convention/Event Sponsorship $50.00/year
What We Do With Your Membership Dues & How Becoming A Member Helps You: *We use this money to create literature which will be given access to and passed out at conventions and book events. *Thanks to your membership our website is almost ready! *We will use this money towards advertising in magazines and on websites. *We will use this money to assist in the programs we intend to offer. *We will be hosting the NGW Book Awards 2008 in 2009 - This will also include our readers choice awards. *We will pay to have a full page ad run in the New York Times & USA Today our award winners. *Our Business Sponsors & Convention Sponsors will show support to our authors and fans. Already they are offering discounts on services & helping with projects we have underway. *We will have a booth this year at DragonCon For Sure with hopefully more large events to follow where we will offering discount pricing for our authors to attend and we will be passing out our literature. *We will be holding auctions from author donations & we will be merchandising to help raise funds. *We will be working with independent bookstores to join forces in allowing you in for signings and stocking your books while at the same time pressing our fan members to shop only the independents or press the chains to recognize and give respect to our authors and small press publishers. *We do not pocket your money - hell with all we have in store for NGW we will be lucky to have the money to accomplish all the things we want to. Support Your Local Independent Bookstores! We Support....
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T-Shirts Now Available...(More designs to follow).... Lil' Man Revolution Tee - $20.00


Who Am I?
I'm Psychological Thriller/Horror Author Kristy Tallman - I'm on a mission and I need your help. I've founded the Next Generation Writers with one thing in mind; change. What needs changing you might ask? Pull up a chair and let’s chat. The publishing industry over the last decade has seen some remarkable technology based movements that have allowed the common Joe to escape the long drawn out processes of waiting on a mainstream publishing company to publish their books. Meanwhile, in the burst of change a surge of books have hit the market from Small Press Publishers to Self Published Authors, but with a cost. With change comes flaws, flaws that have tarnished what could be a very positive feat for the publishing industry. Many will digress and state that everyone should stand in line and wait to be published like the rest of the authors – pay their dues so to say. Well, I assure you the SPP’s and the SPA’s are paying high dues to be considered “acceptable” to the industry standards. Many SPP’s set out with a great plan and soon learn the industry itself is a harsh and brutal force to reckon with. They make mistakes that oftentimes cause their authors to suffer right along beside them. Why? There are several reasons; lack of knowledge, lack of money and of course the awareness of the vicious force of power the mainstream publishers hold in the industry. To the SPA, it seems like a dream when they finish that first book and set out to get it published and the first one that jumps on them is a Vanity Press. They start by telling them how wonderful their work is and of course they will publish them. Sadly, they will publish anyone for a cost. Your 2 year old daughter could become a published author if you pay what they tell you. That’s mistake number one. But it gets worse, some SPA’s get smart and they work toward doing their own publishing. That’s cool; however, what ends up happening is in the mad dash rush to get their books out they forget or can’t afford the most vital aspect needed to make their books work for them. What’s that? Editing. Good old professional editing. Now mind you when I post on my pages I don’t have an editor standing over my shoulder to check my work, no they are tucked away snuggly in their beds of dollar bills and enjoying life with their red pens in hand. No, by no means am I disrespecting what they do, I am stating they are too expensive for many SPP’s and SPA’s to even come close to affording. Why, you might wonder do they charge so much? Because they can for what they deem their talents they learned through attendance to this or that University and their years of experience etc. Well, many authors went to the same schools as these editors have and many of them possess the same talents that the editors have, except when they write. This is due to the fact they are inside the box and are suffering tunnel vision. I can’t edit my own work but I have enough sense to be able to read a book and find mistakes and edit the hell out of it with my red pen so long as I’m perusing another’s work. I learned how to do that when I was teaching and when I was an Associate Editor at our local News Paper. No – it wasn’t a big paper – the budget was small but what mattered was the quality of the print to the readers so I don’t try to pretend I was working for the NY Times or anything near its capacity. When we look at what has happened across the decade of change we find a stigma has grown like a cancer towards the SPP and the SPA simply because they haven’t leaped into the business correctly. That is why I have founded the NGW – it’s time to kill the cancer and change the way books are presented so that when they are presented they are taken seriously and without malice. If we can join together our talents and our efforts we can create change. We can help SPP’s and SPA’s be taken seriously and acknowledged as something more than “smut work”. Yes that’s one of the many names our work is called. My goals for the NGW are to create a large web of industry related businesses and authors who work together to make the evolution of the changing times grow with a positive light. There’s repair that needs to be done but if enough books go out there breaking down the stigma one book at a time we can become a highly competitive force against the mainstream publishers and a highly respected force at that. People who read – how can you help? Well first, let me ask you, do you like the fact that your selection of reading is chosen by the mainstream industry which leaves out the over 70K SPP’s that exist and the genre’s they don’t see as “hot” based on a bias selling trend? Do you like the fact that when you stumble upon an SPP or SP author whose work you like you can never go into a store and buy their books? Do you ever wonder why they aren’t on the shelves? Well I promise you this is another aspect of the industry we seek to find change in and your membership shows a voice of reason to the industry more than any of our voices. Why because you are the consumer and what you want – well you know the slogan, “The consumer is always right.” It is my belief that with the NGW we can join together and unscramble the mess that was made by the forerunners of this newly emergent world of books. Just as with any nation, any era in time, be it the technology era or another, there has been flaws; flaws that are ironed out by the ones who come behind the fathers of invention and revolutionize the changes. They press on until the transformation becomes accepted and embraced because they forgot about the days when the flaws existed. I am ready to press on; banish the stigma one book at a time through the help of an organization that seeks to work toward the future of reading and writing. WHO AM I?
Horror Author Andrea Dean Van Scoyoc
I am a best selling, two time award winning author of Horror Sinisteria. A maverick and outlaw author who has forged her own way in the world of the published, she unapologetically is proud of how she got her a self published author via the contracts with small presses and fame she has received because of it.
Visit her at Andrea Dean Van Scoyoc's Official Website.
Who Are We? Authors on the Rise is a proud member and sponsor for The Next Generation Writers. For authors and small press publisher members we offer discounts on all of our pricing to assist you in gaining the recognition you need. We know the importance of marketing and having a publicist on your side when you already are fighting a very political industry and we want to pass this on to you as a part of your membership with The Next Generation Writers.
Stop by and visit our websites:
Authors on the Rise
Authors on the Rise Book Reviews Who Am I?
A Fan Member - Dave Dunbar
I had a very real wake up call today when I walked into a B&N store. I went looking for your books along with a few others who have contacted me recently. I could not believe they had never heard of you or the other authors. I talked with a few friends about the situation. It truly is sad for the world that this is occurring. Your latest blog literally took the words right out of my mouth! How many other authors are there who are getting the same treatment and possibly do not know this movement exists? How many have given up? That's a very scary thought. I have a friend who owns a small, very small, publishing company. I sent him the info for this site and I truly hope he joins the movement. Thank you again for the fans of novels as a whole. This is truly a service to everyone, not just the authors. The fans have a right to know what is written and walk into any bookstore to find them. Things need to change and this is definitely the beginning. Again I offer my support in whatever way I can help. I've joined/donated money to the cause and am getting others involved. Well, at least trying to do so. Thanks again.~Wolfie/Dave Dunbar
Some Interesting Quotes/Facts....Are you ready to break the stigmas and start a revolution?
New York agent Lucienne Diver, of Spectrum Literary Agency: "I know that some people turn to POD for instant gratification because they don't have to go through the long, involved process. If you're writing for your own satisfaction and seeing a bound book is enough, it's one thing. But if you're a writer who wants to have your voice heard, then the best way to do that is through a publishing house that has distribution, a publicity department and people who can create a buzz for your work." One challenge is to get reviewers to look at your book. Jeff Zaleski, Forecasts editor at Publishers Weekly, says, "We're open to reviewing POD books with one very serious proviso. It's simply that there's got to be a compelling reason for us to review any book that comes into our office. If some new writer writes a novel as a POD book and sends it to us, we're not going to review it. We don't have room in the magazine or the facilities to review every book that comes to us. So we need some kind of filter on the book-maybe a reputable agent sends it or the writer has serious previous credits. Given that, we've reviewed two or three POD books in the last few months. We're not closing the door on POD, but we do have stringent requirements." There are an estimated 70,000 publishers in the country today publishing books in a wide range of genres, many of these are considered to be small press publishers. Lightning is owned by Ingram. Inclusion in the Ingram database makes your book available in many wholesale and retail outlets like Amazon and You can tell if a book has been printed by Lightning by the oddly placed barcode on the last page of the book. Ingram has now closed it's back door for Small Publishing houses to get their titles listed. Without going through their sister company Lightning Source or other contracted POD companies the once open door has closed to Small Publishers...Now you could pay nearly 1K per title for your books to be listed or warehoused but there are grand stipulations that will inevitably leave you feeling like it's useless... Booksellers don't like dealing with POD services. In order to sell books in significant numbers, you need bricks-and-mortar bookstore placement. Don't believe the hype about the power of the Internet: only around 10% of all new books are bought online. Bookstores are still where most people do their bookbuying.
If stores won't stock the books, they should at least be willing to order them. But booksellers' policies on this vary. Some will order any book you ask for. Others are selective--Barnes & Noble, for instance, which owns a minority stake in fee-based POD iUniverse, at one point would only order iUniverse books--and some booksellers refuse to carry books from POD services in their computer systems at all. To make things worse, complicated ordering protocols from wholesalers like Ingram means that books may show up as out-of-stock. Some POD services have taken steps to deal with this, but others have not.
Nonmainstream presses generated $14 billion in 2005 -- more than half of all book sales!!!
Without the marketing muscle or resources of the large houses, small publishers have innovated in order to successfully bring their authors to market. For one, they have created alliances with like-minded independent bookstores with fiercely loyal customers. Small houses also defray costs by publishing their book catalogs online and publicizing new releases and author events through e-mail blasts and blogs.
More coming soon...

Proud Sponsors of The Next Generation Writers!

My Blog

News & Updates

Hi Everyone, I know it's been kind of dormant over here but I assure you we are working behind the scenes to get things moving along. I have changed our forum to a new host as I'm not sure what exactl...
Posted by THE NEXT GENERATION WRITERS on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 07:54:00 PST

Repost of blog from Kristy Tallman - Bikers Against Hunger Info

Hi Everyone!I have been getting a lot of emails regarding helping out the goal we have to fill the 18-wheeler full of food. Many of you can't be at Myrtle Beach Bike Week So I have set up a donation b...
Posted by THE NEXT GENERATION WRITERS on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 08:52:00 PST

Signing For Hunger - NGW Founder Heads to MBBW

We will also have plenty of NGW Info and Membership Forms for those interested! May 9 - May 17 I will be at Myrtle Beach Bike Week in Myrtle Beach, SC.My location will be near the Hardrock Cafe at th...
Posted by THE NEXT GENERATION WRITERS on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 10:42:00 PST

Views From Eagle Peak...Interesting Take on Amazon....

Vertical Integration Whoa, now there’s a term you don’t see much anymore. It refers to a manufacturer or business concentrating production of parts, supplies, etc., into wholly o...
Posted by THE NEXT GENERATION WRITERS on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 03:31:00 PST

PMA, The Independent Book Publishers Association Speaking Out Against Amazon’s Recent Policy

Many of you may have been following the recent news regarding’s new policy aimed at publishers who use print-on-demand technology to sell directly on A statement of their ...
Posted by THE NEXT GENERATION WRITERS on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 02:10:00 PST

Authors Guild Looking at Antitrust Issue of Amazons POD Plan

Authors Guild Looking at Antitrust Issue of Amazon’s POD Plan By Jim Milliot -- Publishers Weekly, 4/6/2008 10:03:00 AM   Saying it is reviewing the antitrust and other legal implications o...
Posted by THE NEXT GENERATION WRITERS on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 01:56:00 PST

Welcom to Dalton Publishing

Hope everyone will stop by and welcome our newest small press member Dalton Publishing. So glad they could join us! Kristy Dalton Publishing...
Posted by THE NEXT GENERATION WRITERS on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 06:37:00 PST

Is Amazon Closing Doors?

Originally found: 4597_03272008.html March 27, 2008 Telling POD Publishers - Let BookSurge Print Your Books, or Else...printable ...
Posted by THE NEXT GENERATION WRITERS on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 06:34:00 PST

New Policy on Book Reviews for NGW Mag.

If you wish to have your book reviewed by the NGW Magazine you should send your books to Authors on the Rise Book Reviews. They have committed to sending in all their review to us for publication in t...
Posted by THE NEXT GENERATION WRITERS on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 07:24:00 PST

Updates & News

Hey Everyone, Just wanted to pop in for an update and to let you know of some of the goings on. We are gaining many friends as you can tell through our myspace page but we need more members to accompl...
Posted by THE NEXT GENERATION WRITERS on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 07:16:00 PST