DaZeD N' CoNfuSeD... =~).. profile picture

DaZeD N' CoNfuSeD... =~)..

ALoHa FRiENdS.. LiVe FRoM DEaDForD, 'TiL We MEeT AGaIN !!!

About Me

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Myspace Backgrounds Hello, My name is Laraine. I don't have an exciting life, but I make the best of what I have. I'm funny in a sick sense of humor sort of way. But I guarantee I can make you laugh with in 5 minutes of meeting me. I have one daughter, Megan. Whom I love beyond words =) We may fight sometimes, but she is still my pride & joy. =) She is turning 16 soon, boy do they grow up fast, LOLOL. I have two cats, who i love to torture. Pumpkin & Puddles (a.k.a. nigga, chico or veruka. Depends on how shes acting that day. :) I also have fish, who i love to talk to =] I like to make things fun and enjoy life as much as I can.

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