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Jennifer McMahon

Jennifer McMahon, Author of Promise Not To Tell

About Me

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Upcoming Readings & Signings
Saturday, May 3 at 1pm
Mystery on Main Street
119 Main Street, Brattleboro, VT 802-258-2211
Tuesday, May 20 at 7pm
Bear Pond Books
77 Main Street, Montpelier, VT 802-229-0774
Tuesday, May 27 at 7pm
Galaxy Bookshop
7 Mill Street, Hardwick, VT 802-472-5533
Thursday, June 5 at 7pm
Odyssey Books
9 College Street, South Hadley, MA 413-534-7307
Friday, June 20 at 7pm
Village Square Booksellers
32 The Square, Bellows Falls, VT 802-463-9404

Island of Lost Girls is my new suspense novel, published by HarperCollins on April 22, 2008. It tells the story of a young woman who is the only witness to a bizarre abduction in a small Vermont town -- she's compelled to help with the investigation, and to revisit the disappearance of a childhood friend.
You can order it from Powell's , Amazon , or Barnes & Noble . Or better yet, look for it at your favorite local independent bookstore.
Blurbs and Reviews for Island of Lost Girls
"Island of Lost Girls is an unsettling account of the secret lives of children, told in unexpected twists and turns, as if Alice had fallen down the wrong rabbit hole and lost her childhood. McMahon never flinches, but her readers will at every dark secret." - Keith Donohue, author of The Stolen Child
"Haunting... McMahon expertly shifts between pivotal events in the past and present-day action, building tension to a resolution both poignant and shattering." - Publisher's Weekly
“As in her assured debut novel, McMahon offers a moving if bittersweet portrait of childhood... readers will be hooked on both the mystery element and the coming-of-age aspects of this atmospheric novel.” - Booklist
"Well-crafted... dirty family secrets and sudden plot twists harken back to McMahon's debut." - Kirkus
My debut novel, Promise Not to Tell, was published by HarperCollins in April 2007. It's about a woman who comes home to a decaying commune in Vermont to care for her aging mother, and finds herself in the middle of a murder invstigation that stirs up dark secrets. Wouldn't you just love to buy a copy from a great independent bookstore such as Powell's or another one near you?My Tiki Girl, my first young adult book, is coming out May 2008 from Dutton Juvenile, an imprint of Penguin. It's about two high school girls who bond over their outcast status and accidentally fall in love. Lots more info at My Tiki Girl's very own MySpace . Is it available for pre-order at Powell's ? Indeed it is.Blurbs and Reviews for Promise Not to Tell
"A great, dark, spooky book for the summer." - The Today Show
"McMahon's gift is the deliciously twisty way she subverts all your expectations, keeping you guessing with wry wit and feverish chills. 'The dead can blame,' one character says. And the truth, this whipsmart novel reminds us, can break your heart. 4 out of 4 stars" - People“McMahon unfurls a whirlwind of suspense that alternates between 1971 and 2002…. Combining murder mystery and coming-of-age tale with supernatural elements, this taut novel is above all a reflection on the haunting power of memory. A-” – Entertainment Weekly“This assured, ambitious debut novel offers an unusual mix of mystery novel and ghost story, with particularly well-drawn coming-of-age themes… McMahon deftly juggles a complex narrative, which smoothly interweaves the past and the present, while also credibly introducing supernatural elements by presenting them through Kate’s skeptical viewpoint. But McMahon’s real coup is her touching characterization of the brave and desperate Del. It is through that portrait that McMahon drives home the cruelty of childhood bullying.” – Booklist
“Well-plotted suspenseful fun.” – Kirkus"Deeply disturbing and darkly compelling, Promise Not to Tell will have you looking over your shoulder for the Potato Girl long after you've turned the last page." – Sara Gruen, author of Water for Elephants“I loved this book. I was entertained, terrified, and held captive until it was done. I could not put it down” –Sara Gran, author of Come Closer and Dope
Other Stuff
Promise Not to Tell was released in Germany under the title Das Madchen Im Wald in October 2007; and it will be released in the United Kingdom August 2008. Island of Lost Girls will be published in Germany sometime in 2009. My next suspense novel from HarperCollins is tentatively scheduled for release in May 2009. Be sure to visit for updates, events, contests, and a newsletter. I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

Ghosts, mysteries, curiosities, psychics, amphibians, eating locally, fairies & goblins, charm bracelets, invisible friends, bagpipes, Houdini & escapology, alternative building, masks, mannequins, doppelgangers, good coffee, homemade shrines, libraries, poisons, rabbits, bizzare kidnappings, demons, reincarnation, homegrown tomatoes, collages & found art.

I'd like to meet:

A ghost... but as far as MySpace goes: readers, writers and other people in the book world.


Aimee Mann, Ani DiFranco, Kristin Hersh, Freakwater, The Geraldine Fibbers, Squirrel Nut Zippers, Patsy Cline, Louis Armstrong, Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Miles Davis, Chet Baker


Anything by Hitchcock, Rosemary's Baby, Alien, Dancer in the Dark, Breaking the Waves, Death and the Maiden, The Silence of the Lambs, Chinatown, Donnie Darko, Memento, The Hours, The Sixth Sense, The Blair Witch Project, Frailty, Heavenly Creatures, anything with Philip Seymour Hoffman


Six Feet Under, Dexter.


John Irving, Sarah Waters, Kate Atkinson, Patricia Highsmith, Harper Lee, Kitty Fitzgerald, Jayne Anne Phillips, Katherine Dunn, Shirley Jackson, Alice Sebold, Ruth Rendell, Donna Tartt, Anne-Marie MacDonald, Peter Straub, Kathryn Davis, Stephen Dobyns, Jeffrey Ford, Keith Donohue, Alison Bechdel, Sara Gran, Anne Sexton

My Blog

Island of Lost Girls in stores!

Today's the day! My new suspense novel from Harper, Island of Lost Girls is now officially released into the world! It's in stock and ready to ship at all the online bookstores I've checked and s...
Posted by Jennifer McMahon on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 03:35:00 PST

cover girls, contest, coolness

I seem to like to wait until I have 3 things to post about, before I get around to posting.  This time all 3 things start with the letter "C": Cover girls Both My Tiki Girl and Island of Lost Gir...
Posted by Jennifer McMahon on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 06:42:00 PST

Change is good

Okay, three big changes in my writing life: 1. New title for my young adult book!  Formerly known as My LaSamba Blues, formerly known as A Cure for Your LaSamba Blues, the official title is now M...
Posted by Jennifer McMahon on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 10:17:00 PST

Catching my breath

Okay, so June was crazy.  Crazy in a very fun, exhilirating, amazing way -- but crazy.  I actually didn't do that much gallivanting compared to some authors (I recently heard of a writer who...
Posted by Jennifer McMahon on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 09:48:00 PST

Today Show! & Summer Mystery Reading Challenge!

Hey, Promise Not to Tell was mentioned on NBC's Today Show this morning -- and I missed it!  Apparently they were doing a list of ten "sizzling beach reads" for this summer, and Promise...
Posted by Jennifer McMahon on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 10:57:00 PST

Boston area events w/ Tish Cohen & Patry Francis!

I'm coming to the Boston area in early June, to do a few appearances with my fellow debut novelists Tish Cohen and Patry Francis.  That's right, three writers for the price of one  an especially...
Posted by Jennifer McMahon on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 06:09:00 PST

NYC reading & reception w/ Heather McElhatton & Amy Bryant!

Tonight's the night, people!  Debut authors Amy Bryant (Polly), Heather McElhatton (Pretty Little Mistakes) and I will be at Mo Pitkin's Bar and House of Satisfaction in the East Vilage...
Posted by Jennifer McMahon on Mon, 21 May 2007 04:58:00 PST

Review Round Up

The good reviews for Promise Not to Tell keep rolling in -- yay!  Here are links to the ones that are available online, if you are inclined to read 'em yourself: Entertainme...
Posted by Jennifer McMahon on Sun, 13 May 2007 05:39:00 PST

Town House hits the stores!

Tish Cohen's debut novel, Town House is on sale today!  (If you live in the states -- in Canada apparently you have to wait til May 12 -- patience, Canadians!)  You really need to get y...
Posted by Jennifer McMahon on Tue, 08 May 2007 05:01:00 PST

Promise hits the USA Today Bestseller list!

To say that Promise Not to Tell's success is exceeding my expectations is putting it mildly.  It has been in the top 200 consistently for the past couple of weeks.  At barnesandno...
Posted by Jennifer McMahon on Fri, 04 May 2007 10:54:00 PST