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About Me


My name is Emily. Ruby is my nickname. I like both names! I love my boyfriend Wade he means so much to me xxooxoxox i <3 u. I love my beautiful friends. I love my family & pets :)
~I am Australian but I have english and Scottish Descent and also some French Descent~
I always look really young like I'm 16 or something
~ I love animals (and friendly people)
~ I am creative
~thoughtful & caring
~empathetic ~imaginative
~open minded & curious
~ strong hearted & individual
~ loves to be silly
~loves humor
~ is not perfect
~ I have an egotistical side that loves to dress up, look stylish & cute & beautiful, shop, buy new clothes, just cause it's so much fun. I don't want to be better than anyone else. I want to be myself!~
~To me, the self, the other, and the world are equally important. I believe in sharing atleast 10 percent, 50 percent is my aim~
I'm not sure weither to have any children or not. I'll feel more comfortable having children if there's other planets to habitate, or people are better able to live in harmony and sustainably with nature and animals. otherwise I want the earth to be balanced in its health and populations & I would either have no children or adopt. Yes, if I hadn't of been born then that may have been better for the world. It's not important to me to pass my genes on cause there will always be good people that pop up. Also there is the issue of not wanting a kid to ruin my life hahaha
~I am a very very big radical thinker~
~ I'm into how our beliefs are very powerful and affect reality, how our brain filters reality, most importantly I always believe that anything is possible. I've practiced IM and attracted things and at the moment my best definition of what shows up in our life is "We attract what we are most comfortable with, what we feel will be normal for us" Note that by "comfort" I meant "used to" not a positive feeling.~
~ I'm a Survivor of Social Anxiety Disorder, Avoidant Personality Disorder, Depression, panic attacks with the worst occurring from age 13 till recently~
~The social anxiety can be described as emotional torture, terror and trauma, though mainly just fear, and feeling inferior, like you are an ugly lesser person~
~ It's ok though because basically to be "normal" again you just need to change your beliefs about yourself and the world or learn how to change your attitude ~
~ I'm passionate for helping others with social anxiety because it is really like a person is trapped inside their body, the torturous part is people react to how the social anxiety makes them act and the trapped person inside, they can't expose them self to others or be them self takes it personally, there is so much trauma and dread in their world yet I believe they are such kind intelligent people and I want them to be free cause if they were, so much more could be added to the world by these people, about 3 percent of the population~
~I believe social anxiety is caused by something that went wrong in childhood. The child received awful messages about them self as well as being taught to worry about what other people think of them. So when you're repeatedly told you're a very naughty girl and a spoiled bitch, in an aggressive tone of voice even though it might be a good child, but hearing something repeatedly makes you believe it.~
I've studied and am studying many things including self esteem, personal development, success, social anxiety disorder, depression, happyness, confidence, weight loss, internet business, internet marketing, affiliate marketing, stock photography
A turning point in my life was watching the movie The Secret. before that I believed my life had no hope I just couldn't see a life for myself the way i was. but after I believed that anything was possible for me and certain books and information I'd never imagined were attracted to me. I still had mental/emotional problems and depression at that point but after awhile much of this has healed and is still healing
StevePavlina.com has helped me alot. I don't know what I would have done without this site!!!
"Sometimes I just feel for people out there you know, people who have never been told they are beautiful, they are probably living way below their potential because they believe they aren't attractive. Wish they could realize to not get fooled by what people say about beauty, what magazines and TV say about beauty and realize they are just as gorgeous as the next person, every part of them, You can't compare two people, they are unique, and have their own unique beauty that is just as worthy as the other, and to not be affected by other peoples definition of beauty"

"No matter who you are and what you do, there will always be critics so just say what you want, do what you love and screw the rest."
"Forgiveness is a priceless gift---given to you....by you!"
"In 3 Areas of Your Life: Love, Friendship and Career: Never Settle For Less Than You Deserve Because the Minute You do That, You Get Even Less Than You Settled For."
"Be Proud of Who You Are. There's at least one person out there who's secretly admiring or caring about you! You just don't know it."
"Don't be hesistant to do a good deed every once in a while because just like a candle, you will not lose anything by lighting another."
"try to be Kind & Gracious to Everyone. And if people aren't nice to you, They're Just JEALOUS!"
"In the hope of reaching the moon men fail to see the flowers that blossom at their feet" -Albert Schweirzer
"It is a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it." -Somerset Maugham
"The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection." -Thomas Paine
We think, we feel, we love. Animals think, animals feel, animals love. We get depression, we get traumatised. Animals get depression, animals get traumatised.
* There is 2 sides to every story *
*Taking 100% responsibility for your own life*
***~EqUaL ReSpEcT~***
*Male, female [equal respect]
* Atheist, Christian, Agnostic, Muslim, New Age, Catholic, Hindu, Buddhist etc, and the MILLIONS of VARYING belief systems [equal respect]
* Babies, Children, Teenagers, Adults, All ages [equal respect]
* African, Caucasian, Asian, European, Aboriginal, Indian, Islander, Middle Eastern, South American, ALL Varrying Appearances of People [equal respect]
* Lesbian, Straight, Gay, Bi, Transexual [equal respect] * Polyandry (Women have multiple husbands) Polygyny (Men have Multiple Wives) Polygamy (One person has relationship with multiple partners) [equal respect]
* Underweight, Overweight, ALL billions varying body shapes, skin tone, & appearances [equal respect]
"The greatest illusion is that mankind has limitations" Robert A. Monroe 1915


~YOU dream as big as you want to dream. Those People that say that's stupid, wrong, or impossible for you are just jealous that you are dreaming bigger than they are.~


*Bringing other people down just for fun or to make yourself look better does not impress me
*use ur head no matter how old you are or who you are, you can achieve more than you think in this world and you are stronger than whatever trys to pull you down along the way
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    ppl from all over the world, ppl with different background and cultures...everyones beautiful in the way that their life is unique..everyone on here sounds pretty good 2 me :)

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