Officially launched Jan 2008
Sign up to the ukhustle newsletter
The UK HUSTLE team, would like to welcome you to the official MySpace artist profile for was created to help promote videos from unsigned and independent artist from the UK.
This profile is open to anyone who is a part of the UK scene from DJs, singers, designers, producers, promoters, magazines, nightclubs radio stations the list goes on.... Basically if you’re not reppin UK, you can’t join this profile.
If you’re not part of the scene but a fan of UK music then please join our fans profile which, is in our top friends. This will ensure you’re kept up to date with the latest movements from the UK music scene.
UK hustle supports genres from Rock to Hip Hop, Desi to Pop, Jungle to Reggae, Grime and everything in between. allows you to promote your OWN music related videos from your YouTube profile to people who have an interest in UK music. All videos submitted by members via the site will go through an approval process, to help build and maintain a website that is 100% UK
Stay locked for further updates, add us to your top friends, copy our banners, subscribe to the blogs and send us your video links.
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