You can find me at the following locations as well as here on myspace.
adopt your own virtual pet!
Outcry .
look in the june and july issues of outcry for shortstories by me L.A.Nantz
postpoems .
evamater .
GothicEnigmacy .
VCMagazine .
The story in VCMagazine is from Nov. of 2005 enjoy!
livejournal .
writerscafe .
Read My Writing at
Read My Writing..
And on yahoo360* under; Blog of Vodalok, L.A. Nantz or thatdeadguy, dig me up and have some fun!
for my web page; (still under construction) go to;
Inccubus/Succubus .
You've been waiting a long time for this, and now here it is. its the first release of Incubus Succubus. tell your friends, and loved ones, here is the book that will change the way you look at the world and everyone in it.
to purchase the book, use this link, it will take you right to my book.
thank you for your time!
Incubus Succubus"
I'd like to meet as many people as possible, but there is one person I would like to meet more than anyone; she has been a model of my idealic woman from the very first time I saw her. Her name is Winona Ryder. if by chance ya read this say hello.
sci fi, fantasy, action, history, some romance... but mostly classic horror! david lynche is a god, and no one will ever be as cool as bella!
channel surffing should be an olympic sport! not really but you get the drift... mostly sci-fi, history, learning, and discovery channels. if nova is on pbs i am there, and adult swim!
put one down i will read it, i love to read, dont have fav. love them all.
heroes;what is a hero? a person, real or fictional that inspires you to greater things, both personal and civic. bear that in mind.heroes for me are rare, there simply arent any left in the world, my only two real hero's are Chris reeve, if you dont understand, cant understand go away. and Ironman the comic book hero.